154: pit Luffy a wave of automatic subscriptions]

Xiao Yan was stunned, then reacted, Luffy no Nami, intelligence equivalent to a three-year-old child ah!

Then his hands behind his back, pretending to be profound and inexplicable.

“You need an inside code?”

“Whahahahahahahahahaha, yeah, I need the internal test code. ” Luffy said, laughing and rubbing his head.

滿 mouth a smile: “inside test code but very precious, give me a month of work, I give you five.

Luffy: “But I have adventures to go, Ace has already conquered the ocean, I can’t be left behind!

Xiao Yan: “Ten days, I give you three internal test code! Can not be less.

Luffy mouth to the side, the eyes drifting uncertainly said: “Then you first give me the internal test code, after I will work for you.”


Xiao Yan saw Luffy lying famous scene, immediately shouted: “You can not lie a little professional, so I will feel very stupid.

Luffy: “Whahahahahahahahahahaha, how do you know I’m lying?”

Xiao Yan thought to himself, I have watched you pretend to be a few hundred levels, still can not understand you this fool?

Personality are to you through, I used to be to become the king of pirates of the man!

Xiao Yan finally helpless, Luffy are lying, it seems that he is determined to go to the sea adventure.

“Here’s the deal, Luffy, I’ll give you the beta code, and then you can do me a favor later.”

Luffy was stunned, and then laughed: “Whahahahahahahahaha, really? Thank you very much, when I become the king of pirates, I will definitely help you.”

Xiao Yan thought to himself, how many partners does Luffy have now?

Chat interface.

Ace: ” Luffy, welcome to the world of natural disasters! (with big smiley picture)

Looking at the interface that popped up, and the words Ace said to himself, Luffy screamed with excitement.

Ace”! How did you get in? Can you teach me?”

There was no response for a long time, and the Ace on the picture seemed to be frozen, motionless.

Ace”? Ace!” Luffy shouted, fearing that something had happened to Ace.

Xiao Yan was about to buy the internal test code when he was pulled back by Luffy’s shout.

Xiao Yan:” Luffy, what’s wrong?”

Luffy:” Ace is locked in here, can’t get out, save Ace!”

Xiao Yan is full of black lines, Luffy is really a fool, even Kaido Jack will look at the chat interface, Luffy even made such a funny thing.

Xiao Yan quickly explained and taught Luffy how to play this chat interface.

“Wow ha ha ha ha ha ha, Xiao Yan, you’re great! This can be!”

The first time I saw you, I missed you so much! (with Luffy laughing picture)”

Ace: “When you come into this world, you need to fight and get stronger! Luffy, are you ready? This is a time when beasts and aliens coexist, and all we have to do is to kill the beasts and aliens, make ourselves strong, and buy the beta code to get our friends and family to come to the world of natural disasters and become strong together! (With the picture of the fierce beast alien)

Luffy:” Ace, I will become strong, I am the man who wants to become the king of pirates!”

Ace: “Come on Luffy! Get stronger together, next, you need to work on yourself!”

Closing the chat screen, Luffy’s eyes glowed with determination.

You must become stronger! Buy the internal test code to let partners in together to become stronger, and finally become the king of pirates!

Xiaoyan looked at the ambitious Luffy, also stirred up the childhood fist clenched, and classmates together shouted, I am to become the king of the pirates man.

But he still has to make a deal with Luffy ah, his potential is unimaginable, in case one day they encounter unpredictable calamity, completely can find Luffy Pirates to help ah.

Hey, hey, hey, the thought of this, Xiao Yan mouth corner of the indisputable outflow of saliva.

For a long time, Xiao Yan woke up under the pat of a passerby, then wiped the corner of his mouth, looking for Luffy.

“Huh? Where’s Luffy? Was just here.”

Then, Xiao Yan immediately looked around, in case this big profit of the sale ran a big loss.


It was a long time before Xiao Yan saw Luffy in the west side of the village.

Immediately ran forward:” Luffy, you do not want the internal test code?”

Luffy: “I want to rely on myself to become stronger, to defeat all the fierce beasts alien, and then earn gold, buy the internal test code, so that my partners together to become stronger!”

Xiao Yan: “Fierce beasts and foreigners who told you about these?”

Luffy: “Whahahahahahahahaha, of course Ace, we’re the best of brothers!”

Looking at Luffy’s bright and sunny smile, Mangan has no self-condemnation at all.

I was cursing myself for being an idiot! Why do you have time to teach Luffy to play with the chat interface!

…… is asking for flowers…

Isn’t this a case of moving a stone to hit your own feet?

But still a smile: ” Luffy, really do not want to partner here now, together with strong?”

Luffy: “As Ace said, here everything has to rely on themselves, I want to become strong and become the king of pirates!”

After that, hands wrapped around a large tree, pulled and flew out.

“Xiao what’s up, anyway, thanks for teaching me the chatting skills!!!

In situ, Xiao Yan blearily watched a big piece of fat meat fly away, they can do nothing about it.


Xiao Yan a slap on the next big tree, and then the tree should be broken.

huffing and puffing as they headed out of the village.

At this time, an aborigine of the Ye family village hugged Xiao Yan’s sleeve.

Yelling for him not to run, soon, a group of people gathered around.

Xiao Yan is confused, but he did not do anything ah! It is impossible to hurt the aborigines, this is not looking for death?

Village chief a sword cut three big foreign bosses of the glorious moment but deeply imprinted in their minds.

He didn’t want to be parted like a dog killed by the village chief.

He quickly shouted: “Wrong, wrong ah! I did not do anything, the village chief can not kill me!”

The crowd was shocked, Xiao Yan even randomly hit the villagers, this is not looking for death?

At this point Xiao Yan also do not know what happened, is the villagers held on to not let go, want to explain, in addition to injustice and I did not do anything, there is nothing else.

on the chat screen.

Tony: “Xiao Yan this fool even scolded the villagers of Ye family village, this Fuck is idle themselves tired of living ah!”

Kaido: “Hahahahahahahaha, I told you that Xiao boy wants to fight, you see, this is not come to retribution? The death of their own, or have to die.”

The first deadly order I set was not to harm a single hair of the villagers in Ye’s village, but I didn’t expect little brother Xiao to hit someone, which is really unbelievable.

Whitebeard: “Ye family village but the village head grew up since childhood place, every villager are deeply affectionate, Xiao boy seems to be unable to avoid this disaster.”

The surrounding area was soon surrounded by water, according to this development, soon the village chief will be attracted to the ah!

Xiao Yan wanted to cry at this time.

It is really dumb to have a bitterness to say ah! Thousand.

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