152: early to bed and early to rise good health (for automatic subscription)

Looking at the old man like a god, the five realm, the hearts of the people in addition to surprise or surprise.

A foot flattened a forest, a spit made the land explode out of a huge crater.

This is if the use of gongfu, the destructive power must destroy the sky and earth ah!

Looking at the only remaining video taken by the mini reconnaissance aircraft, everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, it was too strong.

Ying Zheng: When “I break through the four elephants, it is not impossible for me to fight with him!”

Whitebeard: “I have the title of the strongest man in the world of pirates! In the world of natural disaster! I will become the second!”

Kaido:” Whitebeard, I can now rub you on the ground with one hand, and second! It seems you have no ambition!”

Whitebeard: “What I want is to have a family that loves and cares for each other! The first position is the village chief, I only want the second!”

Sengoku: “This second position, is not so good when, the tree invites the wind this saying you all right! Pirates want to second, is simply a dream!

Medusa: “This world is a myriad of races, just a foreign race on the force of the human race, and there are the rest of the remaining major races of pride, you think about these, or too early.”

Tsunade: “Yes, those heavenly pride, not to be underestimated!”

Bennett: “This morning, I met a mysterious person, Transcendent Mortal realm a punch to kill the peak of the four elephant realm ferocious beast, save me, I also shook hands with him, hehehe.”

Tony: “Bennett! What did you say? You shook hands with someone! So he’s going to hug you to death when he reacts?”

Bennett: “I used a scroll to teleport back, I don’t think he did?”

Xiao Yan: “I’ll fucking tell you! Waiting for him to end a day of poison luck, the first time will find you to fight for your life, or directly did not last, this is even if you are lucky.”

Bennett; just a handshake, no?”


Tony: “As far as! I’m telling you, fucking hell! Your bad luck, the gods touched the door will have to fall a dog shit!”

Black Widow: “Indeed, that day just touched you, all the fucking disfigurement of the mother!”

Bennett: “I’m sorry everyone, I’ll be careful from now on and never come in contact with people.

After that, Bennett went offline, lying on a tree, looking at the stars in the sky, and slowly fell asleep.

Uchiha Itachi: “Aren’t you all going to bed at this late hour? I’m looking forward to calling new people tomorrow.

Uchiha Sasuke: “Sleep Fuck! Only guys who are useless to society know how to sleep!”


Uchiha Itachi: “My stupid brother, you have an itchy fucking face, don’t you?”

Uchiha Sasuke instantly went offline and fled without a trace, leaving him nowhere to be found.

Aso: “the village chief midnight sword practice into the gods, I practice wild draw natural gods!”

Orochimaru: “Yes, the village headman holds the sword in the middle of the night to practice, we also need to have such a spirit of forgetting to eat and sleep!”

Might Guy: “As soon as I heard the village chief midnight practice, I decided to 100,000 push-ups as a preparation activity before practice!”

Kaido: “A group of sons of bitches, not sleeping in the middle of the night, idle egg pain ah! I’m going to sleep.”

The crowd:?????

Yes, in the middle of the night to watch a fireworks, it is time to go back to bed ah, tomorrow morning also have to go to the strong man it!

Down down down.

See you tomorrow.

The following day.

Ye Xuan got up, took a look at the wooden man sitting on the floor, and then opened the Host Mall.

“Let’s see what goodies we can brush up on today.”

When you see the products that are swiped out today, Ye Xuan’s eyes lit up, and the trace of laziness in his eyes instantly disappeared.

“Trial field? Simulate all the physical attributes of the player, the soul into the trial field, you can fight with the rest of the players, as a way to get ranked, the first one hundred have a lot of rewards! Note, the player returns to the body will suffer ten percent pain.”

This new gameplay can motivate players to become stronger, another ability, good good good.

[Spirit Mother’s Nest – can accelerate the hatching degree of beast eggs]

My God, the nest of the spirit bird, this is really God’s help me! The first activity to get the ten ferocious eggs still have no response, until it hatches successfully, do not know how many years, it is God’s help me!

The last one is a gong method, or basic gong method.

But with these two treasures, Ye Xuan’s face is constantly smiling.

Next, it’s time to summon new players.

Along the way, Ye Xuan saw a lot of players practicing, but many of them were wearing a pair of panda eyes.

What’s going on here, staying up all night to brush the bosses?

Are all players so active now? I see basically 9 to 5, huh?

Never dragged, how strange today?

Bennett came to the village chief’s residence early in the morning, thinking about several nights, he still decided to personally look for the village chief.

As soon as I arrived at the residence, I saw a wooden man sitting on a plank, and the village chief had already gone out.

With a trace of regret in his heart, he then went out of the village to fight monsters.

Bennett decided that he would get up early tomorrow, as he slept too late yesterday and got up a little late in the morning.

The chat interface, early in the morning, someone began to water group.

Han Jumper: “Last night slept a little late, feeling out of shape today.”

Uchiha Sasuke: “”~I went to bed early yesterday, and now I’m in great spirits!””

Uchiha Itachi: “My stupid brother, it seems you are useless to society, I have to send you back to the original world.”

Kaido: “No way? How can someone stay up in the middle of the night and practice? Only a loser would train in the middle of the night to surpass a genius like me, hahaha!”

Jack: “Early to bed, early to rise, good health, this is the boss comprehend the rules of the world said.

Han Run Run: “100 steps after meals, live to ninety-nine. Early to bed, early to rise, good health, late to bed, late to rise, good mood.”

Jack: “You Han Run Run, specializing in stealing my boss’s quotes and sayings!”

Han ran: “These are not three years old children know?

Whitebeard: “The village chief is practicing in the middle of the night, nt Guy even questioned the village chief! Should be killed! Bug head sacrifice to heaven!”

Orochimaru: “I saw with my own eyes the village headman practicing with his sword in the middle of the night, so we have to work hard too!”

At that moment, Orochimaru said with a panda eye and a sigh of relief.

Last night in the middle of the night, Isshin thought of the village chief all night cultivation, (to Wang good) himself also change early to bed this bad habit, began to cultivate, but several times sleepy led to repair turn off, almost vomiting old blood.

But still, against all odds, we went against the grain!

When Ye Xuan saw these news, he was also confused, this year, there are still people who do not sleep in the middle of the night, thinking to secretly cultivate, and then amaze everyone?

Ye Xuan: “Sleep is still necessary, as Kaido said, early to bed, early to rise, good health, a good body, is the capital of the revolution.

Orochimaru: “Mayor, I saw you practicing with your sword last night!”

Ye Xuan: “I went to bed early yesterday, and what you saw should be the wooden man I put outside.”

Orochimaru with a face as ugly as ate the Xiang, yesterday’s cultivation not only did not improve, but also a trace of retreat.

These are surprisingly the consequences of not going to bed early.

Orochimaru: “Early to bed, early to rise, starts with each of us.”

Ye Xuan: “A friendly reminder that everyone should go to bed early and stay up late.”

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