147: door-to-door son-in-law Xiao Yan (for automatic subscription)

Roar! The bear growled.

Then four claws on the ground, so that the surrounding land into lava, the intense heat makes the air are distorted.

On the ground, lava rampant, soon spread to the bottom of Xiao Yan’s feet.

“I go, than my blowing fire palm cow hide big hair!”

Then hastily raised his feet and ran away, jumped aside, and waited to be able to complete the great evolution.


The huge basalt ice that wrapped around Bear II cracked open a gap.

Immediately after, the kind of ice that pierces into the marrow of the bone makes Tony almost become ice sculpture.

After a few snorts, he moved away from there.

Squatting shoulder-to-shoulder with Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan and Neng Da exist in contact, so that his body temperature soared.

And Tony’s body is very cold, the two feel each other’s body temperature.

swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then slowly turned his head to look at each other.

The four eyes are facing each other, the eyes with a small girl only shy.

Tony said in a gentle tone, “Xiao Yan, can I hold you?”

Xiao Yan instantly kicked him to the bear lava range, and then cursed: “Laofei is a man, not gay!”

Tony’s cold heart melted instantly, is this love? Even in the poles, can also feel the hot that love?

Then looked at Xiao Yan with affection, looking at the Xiao Yan almost did not a blow fire hall shot up.

“Misty grass! Feet are cooked!”

Tony hurriedly jumped at the lava range, hands directly on the soles of the feet.

Looked at Xiao Yan a burst of nausea, nt a, can not go on the ice stand for a while ah? Also rubbed with hands..

For a while, Tony smiled and tried to catch Xiao Yan, but he was knocked away with a punch.

“Xiao Yan you son of a bitch, playing black boxing you!” Tony braced himself to fight with him.

” Fuck picking up a foot with your hand and trying to jam it into me? You’re not a fucking nt and you’re a ha!”

Tony scratched his head and grinned widely, making Xiao Yan sick for a while.

What the hell are all the crooked people so nt?


Bears growl one after another.

At once the magma eruption, Xuan ice four, a huge temperature difference between the formation of ice and fire.

Xiao Yan: “Alas, 200,000 to buy drops of blood, this strength, playing Kaido is not hanging to fight? (With the two days of ice and fire ~)

Kaido: “Two low-level transcendent realm stinky bears? Xiao Yan brat, you are not joking with me?”

Jack: “I don’t even need the boss to do it, I’ll do all of you!”

Whitebeard: “nt Jack is back, so miss the good old days when they were!”

Sengoku: “Little brother Xiao, send those two bears into the Holy Land and kill Kaido that nt.”

Kaido:” Sengoku old man, believe it or not, I will blow up your broken golden body! And Whitebeard, when I go back, I’ll rub you on the ground!

Whitebeard: “Goo-la-la-la-la! nt Kaido, I’ll go back and beat you up!”

Xiao Yan: “slipped slipped, evolved well.”

Bear two breakthrough completed, the surrounding magma Xuan ice all inhaled into the body, so they breath more horrible.

Bear back a piece of fur became fiery red, four paws showing burnt black, like being lava burning general.

Pupils dark red, around a few lava in the slow flow, looks unusually horrible.

Bear two body is blue-white, around the ice crystals flashing, each step makes the ground frozen.

Especially the eyes without the slightest emotion, just one look, it is like falling into the ice, the body’s blood flow is not smooth.

Good man, really fucking good man!

Strength are super mortal middle rank, plus the power of the bloodline, the challenge of the four elephant realm is no longer a problem!

This is the horror of taking the imperial beast stream, as long as the resources are more, you can pile up a powerful imperial beast.

In the village chief.

Ye Xuan, who was holding a three-foot sword, opened his eyes instantly, and two sword auras shot out from his eyes, exploding not far away.

[Can player Xiao Yan Tony robbed countless foreign elixir elixir, resulting in foreign tribe unrest, will be massacred on the village, can use this to open the second game activity, whether to open? Do you want to start?

For this news, Ye Xuan was still a little surprised, and with the Seed of Death Thorn, he also guessed how powerful the enemy he was going to face was.

The powerful bosses of the kingdom, even if they are not much chance to win, and now the players are scattered in the five lakes and four seas, want to gather or need a lot of time.

It seems to have to catch a break, they want to find here, or take a while.

On the other hand, the Black Widow and Hulk saw Xiao Yan and Tony, stopped in their tracks, crazy breathing, simply too horrible, if found, a sound can shatter themselves.

But is also very envious, that countless pills and elixirs, no matter who will be red, no wonder that the foreign boss so angry, despite the thorns entangled also want to hunt them down.


A huge-sized giant ape teeth grin towards the two.


Hulk transformed into the Hulk, the giant ape threw a big tree and rushed over.

Knock, knock, knock!

Fist to flesh, but no intention of retreat, is completely in the fight for life.

The Black Widow immediately took the cannon out of her backpack.

“Hulk! Get out of the way!”


A boom, followed by a cannonball shot towards the giant ape’s open bloody mouth.


Hit the target, the head directly shattered, thanks to Hulk flashed away in advance, otherwise splashed with fishy blood are good.

[You have killed the giant ape and gained 10,000 experience points)

[Your Level +1,Full Attribute +1]

With that, Hulk grabbed a golden ball of light.

【Magicization: skill book, use to understand the magic skill】

There was also a golden ball of light caught by the black widow.

“Thirty gold coins, it’s still good.

It did not take long, the dense jungle came to the sound of the snooping.

The Black Widow hurriedly set up her cannon and aimed it at the forest.


The black widow was surprised, these people are obviously not from the village.

Both teams were sizing each other up.

It didn’t take long for one of the men at the early stage of the Mortal Transformation Realm to take the lead: “May I ask if you know Xiao Yan? He is the son-in-law of my Cao family, (to Wang Hao) in the wilderness encountered a powerful beast, only had time to leave a mark, and disappeared.”

Looking at them three with a dead son like a poor look, Black Widow and Hulk are holding back not laugh.

A sad face said: “We do not know Xiao Yan, just in the jungle to experience some.

The three saw the situation and invited them to go to the Cao family tribe, but the black widow refused, several people can do nothing, and left in a hurry.

Black widow quickly Aite Xiao Yan: “Cao family son-in-law Xiao Yan, not bad, have become traitors (with Cao family photos)

Tony:????? Did Xiao Yan mutiny cited?”

Tsunade: “Xiao Yan, the traitor, killed me before he was exposed, unforgivable!”

Kaido: “I see Xiao Yan is not a good bird, so it is a traitor ah!”

Xiao Yan: “How can you be a traitor, I’ve been with Tony these days, he can testify!”

Xiao Yan is directly confused, how to be buckled on a traitor son-in-law’s hat.

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