124: eat another punch [for automatic subscription]


The Tooth Lion was furious.

Thoroughly enraged.

Jozy’s blow, even the full force of a blow, for the tooth lion can not cause the slightest damage, its defense is too terrifying, and Jozy’s combat power is not powerful, the real powerful is the defense.

But for the Tooth and Lion, it’s a shame.

Because the position that Jozy hit, almost made it ashamed.

It is not yet a female.

It’s a male!!!

That’s even more humiliating.

With a roar, a horrible killing intent instantly diffused out, directly enveloped Jozy.

Under the cold killing intent, let Jozi a moment feel all stiff, can not move, forehead is cold sweat dripping.

Jozy: “Damn, it’s just a bump you, is it necessary?”

Ace: “Joz, you, you tell the truth, who did you learn this trick from?”

Bista: “I told you that some times when you have a party Joz you obviously have a girl with you, but you are still not interested at all

Blackbeard: “Ugh~ I get it!!!”

You know, Fuck.

The corners of Jozi’s eyes twitched, and he hurriedly said. “I learned it from that Kakashi guy, said it can surprise, just now is not a good time to surprise?”

“Anyway, can Fuck just cut the crap? Help me!!!


The words just fell.

The tooth lion roared, instantly rushed out, came in the blink of an eye between the front of the Jozi, scarlet gaze with a cold bone-chilling killing intent, a slap out.


This blow, Jozy is hard to bear down, even if the body is covered with Armament Haki, and even transformed into a diamond, and even covered with spiritual power.

But Jozy was still smashed hard on the ground far away, the ground were smashed out of a deep pit, mouth blood spurting, face became pale to the extreme.

Just one hit.

Joz was almost down to his last breath.

Lying in the pit can not move, only feel the internal organs are shattered, like pain.

But even so, the tooth lion still rushed towards Jozi’s position.

It wants a slap, fierce slap this mole.

Crush them to death and send them to the nine ghosts!

“Stop it.”

Whitebeard roared, naturally, he would not stand by and watch his son get killed, even if it wasn’t really death.

A step out, quickly rushed to the tooth lion, a fist blast out.



Tooth lion roar, a turn back a palm shot out.


The collision erupted, and the wave of air swept.

Whitebeard gritted his teeth, his face was pale, and he was nearly blown away by a slap, but he gritted his teeth and held on.

Seeing this, Blackbeard instantly lit up. “Good opportunity.”

Without any hesitation, Teach took a step out, directly to the side of the tooth lion, his right hand presented a shaped sweeping past, landing on the body of the tooth lion, the tooth lion eyes flashed a disdainful look.


The fire is splattered.

Blackbeard’s heart went straight to sleep.

” Fuck this beast is a what the hell? How come I can’t even leave a trace with a full force strike?”

Marco: “Are you stupid? What realm you what realm this beast, and look at their names, shield mountain ah, shield mountain tooth lion, where do you get the courage to think you can break the defense?”

Bista: “Good point, Teach, attack the wound!!!

“Fire Fist.”

Ace roared, also took the opportunity to blast out a fist, without reservation in the tooth lion’s wound.

Hot rolling flames erupted.

At this moment, the hair at the neck of the tooth lion were burned away, and the hot flame constantly burning the wound, even if Ace’s realm is not high, but the explosive power of the fire spirit body itself, plus is constantly burning the wound, so the tooth lion can not help but burst out in pain.

Whitebeard has seized the opportunity to explode with power again.


The Tooth Lion was blown away for the first time.

The huge body smashed on the ground in the distance.


Whitebeard hissed, his eyes like a god, with killing intent. “I don’t believe I can’t kill you a beast!!!”

A step out, such as a cannonball projectile start, the ground like a spider web crack.

“Stay with Pops, don’t attack anywhere else, just attack his wounds!!!”

Marco shouted, while transforming into his undead form, and attacked with Whitebeard.

Others nodded at the words.

In particular, Blackbeard.

Mentally spit.

You TM now is to let me attack other places Laofei also do not go ah.

…begging for flowers ……

If this again, even a defense can not break, when I do not fucking face?


With a roar, the lion rose to his feet and slapped Whitebeard hard in the face.


The air waves rolled, the momentum erupted again, and the forces were evenly matched.

Marco fell, blue flames swept, rushed to kill.


Get out!!!

Tooth lion heart roar, you fucking come again? When this beast is nt?

-Tail sweep, want to Marco to directly sweep down from the sky, but also burst out a divine light flying out.

But Marko is extremely sensitive and dodges them all.

The corners of Ace’s mouth hooked up, and the look in his eyes brightened. “Didn’t expect that, did you? Here I go again! FIST OF FIRE!!!”



The hot flame formed a huge fist, and once again exploded towards the location of the tooth lion’s wound.

The hot temperature kept burning, so that the pain at the wound deepened.


The toothed lion made a painful sound.

Fuck, again!!!

Get out!!!

The tooth lion roared in anger, almost shaking Whitebeard back hard, and turned to slap Ace with a paw.


Ace cursed, just feel the death envelope, without any hesitation turned and ran, dodging the blow.

Whitebeard also stabilized his mind, seizing the time when the lion attacked Ace, aimed at the lion’s wound, and grinned with a cold smile. “Bastard, eat your father my punch!”



A punch explodes.

Shock Fruit’s power exploded, and with the fusion of Haki, the air vibrated and emitted a roaring sound.

A punch falls.


The figure of the tooth lion was once again blown away, the wound almost constantly with fresh blood gushing out, the ground stained red.

“Seize the opportunity and kill directly!!!”

Whitebeard grinned broadly.

As long as the kill, then he is also killed the transcendent realm beast existence.

And in the Transcendental Realm, there’s always something good, right?

“Hahahaha, take another punch from Laozi, Wolfquake!

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