117: hard-core persuasion [automatic subscription]

In the chat channel:

Han ran: “selling things, anyone want?”

Tony: “Selling something? What is it, send it to me.”

Kaido: “Is there true dragon blood?”

Han ran: “No.”

Kaido: “Is there an ancient fae essence blood?”

Han ran: “No.

Kaido: “Why do you have nothing? There are ancient beasts, forget it, there are king beast blood? ”

Han ran: “No.”

Kaido: “There is nothing, you sell a hammer thing.”

Han Run Run:”. ….

Is this about me?

Isn’t this too difficult for you to ask?

Fuck that thing is the labor now get to be able to hand? If I fucking now get to be able to those things, on your attitude to talk the first shoot you dead.

The corners of Han’s mouth twitched, a face with a painful expression.

Whitebeard: “Sand sculpture Kaido, don’t make trouble, Han brothers sell what, send to see.”

Han ran: “get just (heavenly robbery attached cannon picture), (attached mixed refining method picture), (attached fire spirit fruit), (attached geng Jin grass)

Han ran to send a large number of things of information, just click on it to see.

A series of, at least dozens of kinds of, look at the other players is a dumbfounded.

Tony: “Damn, so much? You’re looting an alien treasure trove?”

Xiao Yan: “That traitorous family?”

Han ran: “Well, just ransacked part of it, any need? Wanted private.”

Many of these things are useless for Han Run Run itself, even if it is useful, but he does not mind selling it, because he is too short of gold, if there is enough gold, he can buy more useful things for himself in the trade fair.

The big mountain.

Tony looked at the chat channel Han ran the information of the items sent, one by one, clicked open, when saw the skyjack cannon, immediately froze, followed by dumbfounded.

“Damn, isn’t this thing a Fuck sniper rifle? How come there is one in this world?”

“What the hell? A sniper rifle?”

Xiao Yan heard this, also looked over, under Tony’s guidance, clicked on the information of the skyjack cannon to look at, the same is dumbfounded.

“The sniper gun is a hammer, my ass, the skyjacking cannon is not more than that sniper gun fierce? tm a shot a child, call not, is a shot a transcendent realm ah.”

Tony rolled his eyes: “Is that the point? The point is clearly why there is a sniper rifle in this world.”

Xiao Yan shook his head: “This is a hammer sniper rifle, can only say similar, should be the person who created this thing forged this weapon in this way, similar to the sniper rifle, but the power than the sniper rifle fierce, you are not originally good at developing technology? I think this thing you can learn from ah.”

Xiao Yan looked to Tony proposed.

At that, Tony nodded. “You don’t say, I am having this idea, the power of the skyjacker is very strong, ah, if you can understand the principle and technology, to be honest, I am confident to build a more powerful weapon than this thing to.

Xiao Yan nodded. “Then you might have to buy a forger transfer book to go.”

Tony bristled. “A forger transfer book only, this thing I can still afford to buy, but before that buy a skyjack cannon, I’m curious about this thing.”

To be honest.

Tony had begun to feel that in this world, their technology may not be of much use.

Because those ferocious beasts, and the strength of the strong people in this world is too terrifying, in front of the real strong people, his so-called technology to bring the power, simply not a grade, not a subgenre.

But now, Tony is seeing hope.

He loves technology.

And now, he saw another new path in this heavenly robbery cannon.

There is no hesitation, Tony directly find Han running private chat, want to buy a skyjack gun.

Not long after, through the trade fair function, Tony bought a skyjack cannon, spent five thousand gold coins.

The Skyjack Cannon arrived instantly.

The cold touch, emitting a dull sheen, the dark muzzle of the gun, emitting a palpitating sensation.

Xiao Yan just took a glance at it, and could not help but feel emotion. “This weapon, it looks like it’s made specifically for killing people.”

“Nonsense, this is a sniper rifle, even if it is not an authentic sniper rifle, but the power of Teresa sniper rifle is more horrible, okay?”

Tony rolled a white eye spit up, then is full of interest said. “Go go go, hurry to find a place, find a target to try the power of this thing, according to Han Run Run said, the power of this thing a gun, can instantly kill a transcendent realm ah, fierce yuppie.

“After trying the power, I’ll take this thing apart to understand the principle.”


Xiao Yan is fine with this.

Other than that, if Tony can really eat through this technology, it is also good for him.

After all, don’t look at him and Tony cursing each other, but the relationship is still very good, when Tony built what good things to, he can also use ah.

The four men set off quickly.

It didn’t take long to find the target.

Two beasts of the Transcendental Realm are killing each other.

It seems to be a fight over territory.

The picture is very brutal and bloody.

The four people stood at a distance, Tony directly set up the Skyjacker to, grinning a smile. “The fight is so fierce, let me persuade a wave of the fight well.”

End of story.

Tony aimed up, locking the head of a ferocious beast, looking for an opportunity.

The next moment, Tony fired.


A straight beam of light erupted.


A fierce beast’s head instantly exploded.

At the same time, the dead beast opposite that originally killed with the beast also stunned (well) in place.

Looking at the corpse in front of the lost head, and the ground full of blood, the beast is full of questions.


What about an opponent as big as me?

How, how could it be gone in an instant?

I just waved a claw?

Am I awesome?

I just didn’t notice it myself?

This beast is now a bit confused, a time even did not react.

But the next moment.


Another lightning-like sound rang out.

This beast’s head also instantly exploded, blood splattered all over the ground.

Xiao Yan mouth corner twitched, skimmed the mouth. “You this persuasion persuasion, really tm hardcore.”

“Hahahaha, that is. “Tony smiled, laughed. “But you don’t say, turtle, this skyjacking gun really fucking strong.

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