104: Kaido:Ruin him!!! (Request for automatic subscription][Sheep Power-199- Peak of Mortal Transformation Realm]

This is the strength of the goat-horned demon tribe in front of you.

At this moment, seeing Kaido dare to strike at himself, sheep vigorously froze for a moment, but immediately followed by a roar of anger.

“How dare you, a mere peak of the Body Refinement Realm, dare to strike at me? You don’t know what you’re doing!

“If you want to die, I’ll make it happen!!!”

Sheep vigorously rage.

A peak body refinement realm, in his eyes like a wisp of ants, and that’s why it is focused on Kaido.

After all, a full of competition among the Holy Land, it does this kind of thing is extremely common, the Holy Land does not care.

But now, this mole not only does not know how to behave, but also dares to strike at it, really does not know how to behave.


Almost no hesitation, sheep vigorously a fist blast, there is a violent fierce breath out, a fist above the divine light – attached.


A fist intertwined with a wolfsbane.

But the next moment.

Sheep vigorously stared at the eyes, there is an incredulous look in the eyes floating.

“How is this possible?!”

The words just fell.

Kaido laughed. “Nothing is impossible, a piece of trash and you dare to take a swing at me? Get out!!!”

End of story.

Kaido’s body power burst, thunder ravaged, a stick under, the sheep vigorously blown away directly.

You mother if a transcendent realm, Laofei will also fear a few points.

A metamorphosis of the mortal realm, even if the peak of the mortal realm, as long as it is not a super mortal realm, I am not afraid.


Under the terrifying power outbreak, Yang Dali was knocked away, hit hard in the distance, the body blood gushing, a mouthful of blood spit out.

The eyes look to Guy, with a few shocks.

Why does this body refining realm guy have such terrifying power?

It can’t figure it out.

But Kaido’s words made it even angrier.

“Damn guy, don’t be too arrogant, only just underestimated you to get you, now you die the same!!!”

Sheep vigorously get up, angry hissed.

Then it changed its shape into a giant sheep, three or four meters tall, spraying white breath and ramming into Kaido.

“You’re the only one who can transform? I can do it too!!!”

Kaido sneered, roared between the size of the Herculean change, into a huge body size of the green dragon not to mention the thunder clouds wrapped around the body, and then still a fist blast out.


Thunder rages.

“Thundering Eight Trigrams!!!

The intimidating aura is scattered in all directions.


With one punch.

Yang Dali was directly blown away.

Another heavy smash on the ground, blood spurting out of the mouth, pale, this time it is impossible to get up.

Kaido, who had transformed into a blue dragon, looked at Jack and grinned cruelly. ” Jack, kill him!!!”

“Hahahaha, boss, this kind of thing to me, motherfucker, finally there is a thing that the labor is good at, hahahahaha.

Jack heard the words, excited laugh, step by step to the sheep vigorously in front of.

Sheep vigorously have a bad feeling in their hearts, panic up. “You, what do you want to do?”

“What are you doing? Didn’t you hear what the boss said? Scrap you!!!”

Jack fierce, raised his foot a foot fierce outbreak of power, and then stepped down.


The sound of screaming, immediately from the mouth of the sheep vigorously, its face also more miserable up.

This foot Jack is not the slightest bit of mercy, the hard right hand bones of Yang Dali to crush.

A battle that attracted a lot of attention.

At this moment some other outer disciples look this way, the eyes have flashed a shocked look.

“That guy, seems to be Yang Dali, right?”

“It’s really the same as before, trying to steal the resources from the newcomers, but this time this guy kicked the iron plate ah.”

“Break, who are these two guys? Yang vigorously was surprisingly crushed.”

“Normal, Gollum no accident, that guy is a green dragon bloodline, ah, this breath, how horrible?”

“Green Dragon bloodline? This is a lost bloodline, ah, really, Yang Dali guy is really looking for death, to find this kind of monster trouble, this kind of guy once entered the sect, even the outer disciples, are noted by the elders of the existence of ah.

“If you have the opportunity, you can befriend, the outer door inside the super mortal realm is not allowed to fight, and this guy at the peak of the body refining realm is able to suppress the peak of the morphing realm, if the breakthrough to the morphing realm, how terrible it is?

“Oh, do not think, the future will certainly enter the inner door, and even become a true disciple is not impossible, if the green dragon bloodline can be fully awakened…”

“The position of the holy son, is also possible!!!”

Some of the surrounding outer disciples discussed among themselves.

Request flowers…


The screams were heard again.

The other hand of Yang Dali was stepped on by Jack’s foot, and the bones were once again crushed.

The cruel scene, and did not cause Jack’s pity, but lifted his foot directly to the other two feet of the sheep vigorously and violently stepped down.

A harsh voice erupted.

It almost made some of the surrounding outer disciples feel their scalps tingle when they heard it.


These two guys, so ferocious.

It is true that there is no mercy at all.

Just say scrap.

Although the bones crushed this injury, for the cultivators, want to heal is not difficult.

But the pain is still unbearable.

Four consecutive feet stepped down, sheep vigorously almost directly fainted in pain.

Jack then walked up to Kaido and grinned. “How’s the boss? I did a good job, right? Hahahahaha.”

He’s a pirate.

Although after coming to this world to engage in some nt things, but after all is still a pirate, the means can not have to this world of some people gentle how much.

At that, Kaido burst out laughing. “Hahahaha, Jack you kid, really to the appetite of the labor, this nt, go feel in it whether there is a space ring, there will take away, we go to the residence.”

“Okay, boss.

Jack heard the words, the subtlety of running towards the sheep vigorously, not long after the fruit touched a space ring to Kaido.

Kaido was even happier, and turned around with Jack and left.

Watch Kaido’s back as he leaves.

The two figures are also smiling with satisfaction from afar.

“Nice guy.

“Is very good, the blue dragon bloodline, although thin, but if there is a chance in the future, may not not be fully awakened, then, my heavenly demon holy land will appear a demon.”

“Hahahahaha, good point.”

“This time you are considered meritorious, bring back such a disciple, if he enters the inner door, your benefits are not less.”

“It’s also good luck,hahahahaha.

To this.

Kaido naturally does not know.

With the spatial ring, Kaido happily found his place, entered the house, sat on the bed, and turned on the channel.

Don’t ask.

Ask is to start pretending!!!

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