The early morning sun quietly flooded the earth, and a naughty light got into the window on the third floor of the villa and fell on the little loli's eyelids, feeling the dazzling light Jessica slightly wrinkled her nose, but it couldn't dispel it. Bunch of naughty elves.

Slowly opening his eyes, he was instantly stimulated by the dazzling sunlight and burst into tears.

Reaching out to cover her eyes, Little Loli sat up with her eyes closed. She opened her eyes again to finally see the situation in the room. A mattress was lying on the ground not far from her. The mattress was empty, only one bed was left. The quilts were piled up there.

What about the old man?

Little Lolita didn't see Moore for the first time, and she panicked in her heart. She hurriedly got up and looked around the house for a while, and finally her eyes fell on the car in the yard.

The car is still there, the person should have not left, where did he go?


A crisp sound came from outside the window, which startled the little Loli. She looked again and saw that a broom was lying in the yard, and then there was the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground from upstairs.

Jessica hurried up to check, and it was Moore who came down.

"Go and see if there is electricity."

He patted the dust on his body and said without raising his head. At this time, the light from the window came in, and the dust rising from his body made the little loli from a few meters away wrinkle his nose, and quickly ran to the room where the radio station was placed. .



After some attempts, Moore was disappointed to find that the radio still couldn't be turned on. He was so angry that he kicked on the chair and was about to knock down the radio but was stopped.

"Don't worry, it takes time to charge the battery, why are you in such a hurry?"

Moore's mouth twitched, and he walked downstairs with his weapon.

"I'm going to pack up yesterday's supplies, and call me when the power is turned on."

Little Lolita sat in front of the table and waited boredly, unconsciously thinking of the base that Moore talked about last night.

[Recommendation, Mimi reading and chasing books is really easy to use, download it here and you can try it. 】

A base with a large number of people, abundant materials, and most importantly, a very safe base. It should be a force that all survivors want to join now, but is there really such a beautiful place now?

She didn't believe that in this world, who could gather so many people, and she had lived in the end times for so long, except her parents and a few neighbors, she had never seen other survivors at all.

"I don't know how the base is now, whether it has fallen, or there are more people? If it is really like what the old man said, there should be children like me there. Are their parents still alive? Woolen cloth?"

A lot of thoughts popped up in my mind, and time passed unknowingly. Little Loli fiddled with the radio switch unconsciously, but did not notice that the indicator light of the battery was on.

The slender fingers swiped the switch again, and with a crisp click, the display light of the radio instrument came on, and the white noise of the rustling sounded, making the girl in thought abruptly wake up.

Surprisingly glanced at the various buttons on the instrument and found that all the indicator lights were on.

beep, beep~

"Old man, there is electricity!"


"Shasha... Base, base, this is Mor, please answer when you receive it, it's over."


"Base, base..."

After a few calls, Moore put down the microphone and quietly waited for a reply, without letting him wait any longer, a man's voice soon came out of the speaker.

"This is the base, confirm your identity, please state your code name, over."

Mole's face suddenly darkened, he glanced at the little loli beside him, shook his head slightly, motioned for the other party to go out, and then pressed the call button again.

"This is the old hooligan, here is the old hooligan, please answer when you receive it, it's over."

Pooh~ giggling.

Just as More said the code name, Jessica's laughter sounded outside the door, and More's face became darker, and he shouted at the door angrily.

"Close the door, do you want to be fed a walking corpse?"


the one on the radio

"Received, the code name old hooligan has been confirmed, it's a pleasure to hear your voice, Mole."

"Fark oil."

"Haha, you are still so enthusiastic."

"Doug, wait for me, boy. When I go back, the day your **** blooms."

"Then you have to come back alive, so I won't be joking with you. I called the commander over, you two can talk."


"It's Lu, hey, a lot has happened in the base after you left. Let's talk about it when you come back. Well, the commander is here."

After a little silence, the sound rang again, and it was Lu Jiayi's voice inside.

"Moll, how can you contact the base? What happened to Catherine and the others?"

After some conversation, Moore explained in detail what happened over the past month. Lu Jiayi listened to him quietly, and then sighed. More was not able to enter. Fortunately, Catherine and Cass They all went in, and then it would be good to wait for them to develop slowly in the Federation.

"Boss, what should I do next? Back to the base?"

Lu Jiayi pondered for a moment, and just as he was about to speak, he heard a knock on the door, and Lieutenant Wells' voice came from outside the door.

Doug opened the door and exited the room by the way. Wells lowered his head and walked in with a piece of paper in his hand, looking like he was thinking about something.

"Lu, do you want to change this thing?"

"You wait a moment."

"No, no, I'm anxious for your opinion."

Wells just raised his head and looked over. He had just chased him all the way, and he was very anxious. It was only now that he realized that this was the communication room, and Lu Jiayi had just put the microphone down, and he seemed to interrupt something, which was a little embarrassing. said.

"Uh, are you talking to me?"

"No, Moore came to the news and said it was at Oak Ridge in the north. I'll tell him You can talk about it first."

Wells was stunned, as if he had remembered something, put the paper in his hand on the table, and walked straight to the map by the wall.

"Oak Ridge... Oak Ridge... Knoxville!"

Lu Jiayi walked behind him strangely, watching his fingers keep moving on the map, and finally stopped at a place north of Atlanta, and then clicked heavily on the map.

"Lu, you mean Moore is here right now?"

Following his fingers, he could see the name of Oak Ridge, Lu Jiayi nodded uncertainly, and then pressed the call button again.

"Moore, you're staying at Oak Ridge on the west side of Knoxville, right?"

"That's right, we were in a small village on a hill near Oak Ridge, and luckily found a radio station."

"Wait a minute, I'll let Wells talk to you."

As soon as Wells took the microphone, he couldn't wait to press the talk button.

"This is Wells."

"Go ahead, I'm listening."

"Moll, there are two combat readiness warehouses in the place where you are. To be precise, there are a large number of combat readiness warehouses hidden in the entire Appalachian Mountains. Coincidentally, I happen to know that there are two warehouses in Oak Ridge and Noah. Middle of Keswell."

"Are you kidding me? This is for me to find the warehouse myself?"

Only now did Lu Jiayi understand what it meant. He took the microphone and thought for a moment before speaking.

"Do you have enough supplies?"

"no problem."

"Okay, then you wait first, we will have a meeting to discuss it."

"Good boss." Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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