I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 272: training little loli

three days later.

Oak Ridge in the southeastern corner of Kentucky.

A rough-looking Cadillac was driving on the highway in the mountains. There were two people, one big and one small, and a little loli was sitting in the driver's seat. At this time, her eyes were fixed on the road in front of her.

"Shift gears, idiot!"

"Ah, ooh."

Crack, bang.

"Idiot! The wrong gear!"


"Steering wheel right! Do you want to go down the mountain for free? Or do you want to kill me?"

"I'm doing it, stop shouting!"

"Look at the walking dead in front of me, what do I do?"


Moore stared at the little girl's movements with a serious look on his face. If he was close enough, he could see the fine beads of sweat on his face, at least his heart was not as indifferent as it seemed on the surface.

Half an hour later, Moore walked out of the passenger seat with a bad face. Naturally, it was not because he was scared, but because he felt distressed by the deep scratches on the body.

After the little loli got off the car, she became cautious, her big eyes were rolling, and she looked at the buildings in front of her, looking at Moore with a suspicious expression.

"What can you find in so many houses?"

"Cut, you know the shit. The more towns on the mountain, the more likely they are to find communication equipment."

Jessica's suspicious eyes kept glancing. She had never heard of this theory, and after thinking about it for a long time, she didn't know if the old man had lied to her.

At this time, the place where the two stood was an entrance to the town, and Moore didn't rush to go inside, but took out two bags of fast food tacos, and threw a bag to the girl without looking up.

"Hurry up and eat, you're going to work after you finish eating."

Little Loli didn't talk nonsense any more, she just tore open the package and stuffed it into her mouth. She didn't have any image at all. One bite would be enough for her to eat four or five times before the apocalypse.

At this time, her cheeks were bulging, and she was chewing hard, like a hamster.

After the two finished eating, they simply took a sip of water and started to work.

Jessica picked up a bottle of water from the back seat, gulped a few sips, and then her eyes fell on the supplies in the back row.

I couldn't help but secretly sighed that the old man really had two strokes. Several of them were trapped in the town for a long time. They just searched the houses of a few neighbors around, and lost two people because of the supplies. The next few people rushed out, but they didn't expect this to be the fuse that killed their group.

Although this old guy has a bad temper, his ability is really strong. Not only is it easy to collect supplies, but he can easily handle dozens of walking corpses around him, giving people the feeling of chopping melons and vegetables. of.

These are not the old man's greatest strengths. To say that the most admirable things for her should be their choice of campsites every night and the little wild survival skills that the old man occasionally shows.

What a strange old man.

"Hey, what are you thinking?"



Little Loli covered her head, and the intimacy she had just felt for the old man disappeared in an instant.

"Take your weapon, get ready."


Moore took a metal baseball bat to the entrance of the town and tapped on a metal billboard.

When ~ when ~ when ~ when!


The sound soon enveloped the small town, which was not a big one. The reason why he dared to do so was mainly because there were no traces of survivors' activities in the town.

There was a quick response in the town, and the walking corpses hiding in the dark crawled out of the hidden corners one after another.

Ah~ uh uh!

The familiar scene was staged again. Moore just walked around in the corpse group, and when he returned, there were two left behind.

The small axe in Little Lolita's hand stood upright. In three days, thanks to the teaching of Old Man Mo, she could barely deal with two walking corpses. In fact, Little Loli could kill her at the age of 13. A walking corpse, but her thin body has always been protected by her relatives. In addition, she can't eat enough for a long time. She originally had a lot of food when she was long, but she encountered this **** world.

These days, although I have been reprimanded with Moer all day, I can have enough to eat. This alone makes Little Loli very satisfied. Two days ago, Moir found an axe of a suitable size, which is the one she is holding now. on.

Jessica looked serious and walked slowly to the walking corpse with small steps. She was only a little over 1.5 meters in size to face two adult walking corpses, but it was not convenient for her to face two adult walking corpses. Along with the constant observation of Moore's method of killing walking corpses, she naturally made a lot of progress.

The two walking corpses quickly approached Little Loli, and quickly adjusted their position angle, so that the walking corpses were in a state of tandem.

Seeing that Jessica suddenly took a step forward, the walking corpse was attracted by her, and naturally wanted to reach out and grab the food.


One dodged the clumsy walking corpse and put a leg under its feet.


The tripped corpse fell directly on the ground, and then an axe with a cold light smashed it on its head, taking away the life force of the corpse in an instant.

Jessica pulled the handle of the axe hard and found that the axe was a little stuck. She exerted all her strength and strength with her legs, and finally pulled it out.

At this moment, the second walking corpse also stretched out its hand in front of the girl. Jessica raised her left arm and swung the axe to the top of the walking corpse's head with her right hand.

However, before that, the walking corpse had already grabbed Little Loli's arm, and the black, stinky and yellow teeth couldn't wait to bite on the slender arm.

However, there was no painful expression on Little Loli's face at all, and the axe in her right hand slashed fiercely on the corpse's Tianling cover.


The walking corpse, which was still trying to bite, stopped just like that, and its body fell softly to the ground as if its soul had been taken away. When the big mouth was separated from the arm, several teeth fell from the mouth to the ground.

Little Loli shook her hands excitedly, looked at the two walking corpses she had killed and couldn't help but let out a soft cry, and then immediately turned back and glanced at Mole with pride, her eyes full of pride.

Moore indeed curled his lips and pointed to Little Lolita's arm.

"Okay, if I hadn't prepared protective gear for you, would you be able to deal with the second walking corpse? What would you do if there was a third one just now? I said no, don't fight unless you have to! You How did you do it?"

Without the compliments she imagined, Jessica felt a little uncomfortable. Seeing that she had made great progress, this old man always attacked her~www.readwn.com~ never gave a compliment.

Looking at the little loli's pouted mouth, Moore's tone did not change, and he still said coldly.

"Listen to the little girl, what I teach you is how to survive in this world. If you learn it, you will have a chance to live. If you learn, you will be eliminated sooner or later. If you think I will praise you for some things that take it for granted, then Just think more."

"I can tell you very responsibly, I have seen a child who is only seven or eight years old. In order to survive, he is not only good at shooting, but also ruthless. When you are still protected by your parents and breastfeeding, people can already survive in the end times. Live well! Compared with him, you are just a rookie now, understand?"

Of course, these words were just random nonsense from Moer, but Little Lolita obviously took it seriously, and the expression on her face became extremely serious. Looking at Jessica's expression, Moir nodded secretly. Don't be proud in the end times Complacency, must not let this little guy start.

"Okay, let's go in, follow me, and remember the purpose of this time."


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