I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 263: Clementine's news

A few minutes later.

"So, one of your companions was taken away by these people?"

Li smiled helplessly.

"Yeah, so we were looking for them outside, and we didn't mean to hit you. Just now Carrie suddenly saw the other team's convoy, and we quickly chased after them. I didn't expect you to suddenly appear."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and asked.

"Are you also chasing each other over here?"

Daryl helped the motorcycle up a long time ago, but looking at the side of the motorcycle that had been badly damaged, he became annoyed in an instant, just gave him a look, and then took out his weapon and began to clean up the walking corpses around.

Jasmine, who was on the side, didn't talk much. Seeing Daryl's actions, she also got up and started to join the cleaning team. Lu Jiayi noticed that the other party was not worried at all about the girl's departure, and from her walking behavior, it could be seen that the girl Very good skill.

Seeing this, he turned to look at Li and Carly.

"The forces that the convoy belonged to kidnapped the two of us. We were tracking them just now and wanted to confirm the location of the other party. I didn't expect you to suddenly appear."

Li and Carly looked at each other and were speechless. They were originally an oolong, but now the two groups of people have not caught up with each other.


Darryl was killing the surrounding walking corpses with a knife, when he suddenly felt a sound of breaking through the air behind him. Just as he was about to turn his head, he saw that the head of a walking corpse beside him was pierced by a dagger.

Then a woman who looked disgusting walked past, Darryl gritted his teeth unhappily, and weighed the dagger in his hand.

Huh~ puff!

Just as Jasmine was about to stab the walking corpse in front of her to death, a dagger flew over and stabbed directly into the walking corpse's head.

She looked back and found that Darryl's face was expressionless, as if the knife he just threw wasn't something he threw.

Jasmine shook her head, pulled out the dagger, and threw it to Brother Nu, who also picked up the dagger on the ground.

"Darryl, let's go."

Stepping on the motorcycle, Darryl whispered.

"What should we do now?"

"No way, go ahead and see if you can find it. If it doesn't work, go back and trade with the other party for a replacement when the time comes."

Looking at the three people who got in the car and left, Daryl was a little strange.

"You didn't invite them?"

"Invited, but they said that there are friends nearby. He came to defect to friends this time. I didn't expect someone to be kidnapped."

Watching the car go away, Darryl's eyes flickered, he didn't know what he was thinking, but he quickly came back to his senses.

"Are we still chasing?"

Lu Jiayi was also hesitant in his heart, and after thinking for a long time, he made up his mind.

"Chase, I'll ride the bike."


Half an hour later, Lu Jiayi with a bad face stood on the roof of a building, staring blankly at the buildings in the distance.

The ability has failed. . . .

This is the first time this has happened since he discovered his own abilities. The ability to find people who tried Bailing before did not work... .

Is the ability lost? Or did something else happen?


"What did you say?"

"No, I'm just saying why can't these people be found."

Darryl sighed in his heart, Yan Guo dialect is really refined, such a complex meaning can be expressed in two syllables.

"Then what do we do? Go back now?"

Looking at the dead city all around, it seems impossible to find the other party now, and now I can only go to the previously negotiated trading point to prepare for a replacement.

"Let's go back."

When the two returned to the meeting point, they had already seen the two cars parked there from a distance, and the people in the car also saw them, but Sean and the others who had made an appointment did not come over.

"Zi... Sean, haven't you come yet?"

"We'll be there in thirty minutes."

"What happened?"

"The situation is more complicated, I'll tell you later."

After waiting for another 20 minutes, two pickup trucks approached in the distance, and everyone was on alert.

The two cars stopped until they were 30 meters away from the convoy. A dozen people got out of the car, and the leader was the one who negotiated with them at the gate of Chinatown.

"Several, I have brought everyone, are the agreed materials ready?"

Lu Jiayi stepped forward slowly, observed these people, and found that Yang Jing was standing behind the crowd, along with her mother.

"Our supplies will take a while to arrive."

"Okay, then let's wait a while and pay for the money and the delivery."

After another 20 minutes, I finally saw several vehicles approaching from a distance, two armored vehicles and three pickup trucks.

Daryl suddenly came over and pointed to the last car.

"Didn't that just nearly hit our car?"

Of course Lu Jiayi saw it too. He was wondering what was going on, so he held back his curiosity and walked up.

From a distance, Sean frowned and came over, along with T-boy.

"Sean, why did it take so long?"

Sean turned his head and glanced at T-boy, and saw the latter stepped forward and explained in a low voice.

"Lu, do you remember when we built the fence?"

"Well, what's wrong?"

"We rescued someone when we went east of Atlanta to collect supplies..."

T-boy's simple explanation made Lu Jiayi understand the current situation, and also saw a few survivors who came from behind.

Li looked at this side awkwardly. He didn't expect to meet the other party after going around in a circle, and depending on the situation, the other party seemed to be an upper-level person in the team.

"Lee, we meet again."

"Uh, hehe, I was really embarrassed just now."

Embarrassedly smiled, he involuntarily looked at T-boy beside him, but listened to Lu Jiayi.

"I have probably heard about your situation. I will come forward and talk to the other party, but I don't know whether the other party agrees or not."

After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the opposite side without waiting for a few people to react.

"Meet again, don't know what to call?"


Looking at Lucas with a smile on his face, Lu Jiayi felt a little strange. The other party's behavior was really weird. He killed their man, but the other party could still laugh. In addition, his ability was invalid, and this matter itself revealed A weird.

But now that the other party has brought people over, let's make a deal first.

"We still want to change someone, we have already brought the supplies."

"Oh? Who else?"

"A little girl named Clementine."

Lucas had a thoughtful expression on his face, and asked a few people around him again, and then he suddenly realized.

"Oh, I remember, it's the little girl in the hat."

Li Wenyan, who was standing aside, showed a surprised expression on his face, and couldn't wait to interrupt.

"Yes, that's her! Is Clay all right?"

Lu Jiayi's eyes suddenly turned cold, he turned to look at Li, and his tone became serious.

"Listen! I haven't decided whether to trade her~www.readwn.com~ You better shut up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the gloomy voice of a girl behind him.

"You have to change if you want, and you have to change if you don't want to."

Seeing Jasmine who appeared out of nowhere, Li shouted in panic.

"Jasmine, stop it!"

Jasmine didn't pay attention at all. She grabbed Lu Jiayi's arm immediately and wanted to control him, but she didn't want the other party to react so quickly, so she didn't give her any chance at all.


Bang, click.


Everyone's eyes flashed, and the next second, Jasmine had already been strangled by her wrist, and her entire arm was pinned behind her.

"let me go!"

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