Hearing this sudden voice, Qiao couldn't help showing a mocking smile. These people were so timid, they didn't even have the guts to get out of the car.

In his opinion, this kind of person is no different from a clown jumping a beam. If they are confident in their own strength, will they rely on the car and not get off?

of course not!

It is precisely because of his confidence in his own strength that Qiao dares to stand in this place, because he is confident that whether it is a reckless fight or the power behind him, he will win.

Looking at the young man in the car, the corners of Joe's mouth twitched slightly. The yellow-skinned monkey on the other side was still too young, and he didn't even realize that just such a small detail had put him at a disadvantage.

The reason why Lu Jiayi stood in the car and didn't get off was naturally not because Lu Jiayi was afraid, but because he felt that it was unnecessary and had nothing to talk about with these people. If he couldn't agree, he planned to do it directly, because he had found that there were only two people guarding the crowd behind.

"Your community? Boy, I advise you not to meddle in your own business. You can't interfere in some things."

"Hehehe, is that right? What if I take care of you?"

Qiao raised his gun while laughing, pointed it at Lu Jiayi and said.

"I don't like to talk nonsense, I just like to act, so..."

Bang bang bang!

Three consecutive shots caused three white patterns to appear on the glass of the RV, and Joe's face changed.

Fake! It turned out to be bulletproof glass!

boom boom boom

The RV roared violently, and the car rushed forward, scaring the people in front of the car to hide to the side. One person was knocked to the ground by the front of the car after half a beat. Running over his legs, the shrill screams caused the few people who escaped the disaster to break into a cold sweat.

Seeing this, the people behind the gate and the city wall all pulled the trigger, and the gunshots rang out, but the defense of the RV was amazing. The bullets fell on the body and were all bounced off by the thick armor. He also drove into the yard.

The two cars quickly crossed the blockade line. As soon as the RV entered the door, it made a big U-turn, directly blocking the people standing in the square behind, and the bus also took the opportunity to go around to the back.

da da da da da

The gunshot on the side facing the bandit rang out


The two gunshots directly killed the gangsters who were standing in the crowd and fired, and the doors of the RV and the bus opened at the same time.

"Guangjun, hurry up and get in the car!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Yang Guangjun felt that his eyes were a little hot, and he quickly picked up his uncle and walked to the car, while Yang Jing helped his mother to follow behind, but didn't want the people around him to be faster than them, and all rushed towards the car door.

Lu Jiayi stood in front of the car door and pointed to the bus behind him and shouted.

"You go to the bus over there, hurry up!"

When everyone heard the words, they quickly turned around and ran over there, but there were still people who wanted to drill into the RV, as if they didn't hear it.

At this time, Yang Guangjun had walked to the car door with his uncle on his back. Yang Jing behind them let go of his mother and wanted to step forward to help, but he didn't want a pickup truck to speed through the middle. The two men above directly reached out and hugged Yang Jing's mother and daughter. In the car, even Lu Jiayi didn't notice what happened.

The two let out a scream, while Yang Guangjun stared at him and couldn't do anything.

Lu Jiayi's eyes narrowed, and he directly kicked the white man in front of him with one foot, then rushed out to grab Yang Jianguo, and with the other hand he held Yang Guangjun, and walked into the car with three steps and two steps.

"My sister was kidnapped, my sister! Jingjing!"

As soon as Yang Guangjun got in the car, he saw Lu Jiayi suddenly kicked him in front of him. He was shocked. Before he could react, he felt a whistle in his ear, followed by Carlton's screams.

But the screams were soon drowned out by the gunfire, not covered up, but simply disappeared because the people in the pickup truck opened fire.

Fortunately, the people on the other side of the bus have successfully boarded the bus. Although it was crowded a little, it was already safe. Now unless the other party suddenly takes out a heavy weapon, they are safe.

"Be careful not to hit your own people, the woman in the pickup truck is your own."

"Yes, received!"

Lu Jiayi carefully observed the situation around him, his brain was also running fast, the current situation is a bit tricky, the other party has two hostages, how to save their lives?

Two approaches quickly came to mind, both of which were a bit extreme, but that was the only way to do it at a time like this.

"Guangjun, listen up, now there are only two ways!"

Hearing that there were two options, Yang Guangjun's eyes lit up, as long as there was a solution, he was in a panic. The uncle was unconscious, and his aunt and cousin were taken away by the other party.

Now Lu Jiayi's words are like fairy sound to him.

"What can I do? Jiayi, you are so smart, you must help me save them."

At this time, Yang Guangjun still had the calm feeling he had just now, he was crying as he spoke.

"Guangjun, don't worry, these two methods are a bit risky, listen to me first."

"The first is that if we kill most of them directly, we will create a feeling for the other party that we don't care about their lives and deaths, so their first reaction must be to escape from here, and we can save them while they are in chaos. Get them off."

"Second, we rush out and leave."

Yang Guangjun was a little dumbfounded when he heard the words. He didn't expect the other party's method to be so unreliable.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Which is saving people, this is because they are afraid that they will not die fast enough.

"No, no, you are too dangerous."

Seeing that he was completely in disarray at the moment, Lu Jiayi calmly explained to him.

"Leaving now is probably the wisest choice. Listen to me, we have met these people before, last time with the power company, because I recognized two people who were on the same team last time."

"Then tell me now, does your sister know of our existence?"

Yang Guangjun's heart was numb, his lips began to tremble, and there was an uncontrollable trembling in his voice.

"I, I said something, but, what's the use of it?"

Yang Jing has heard of them, which is a good phenomenon.

"Now that we have crippled two teams on the opposite side, we must be eager to find me. If we leave, the only source of information left for them will be Yang Jing and the others, so they will definitely not be killed."

"Maybe we can hold the two of them hostage?"

"Impossible. The last time I met them, I shot the hostages for the sake of confidentiality, so do you think the hostages are useful?"

Yang Guangjun has been completely panicked, and now he can't expect him to come up with any reliable attention.

"Let's go! Norton, rush out!"

Interrupting Yang Guangjun, who wanted to stop it, must now make a choice, otherwise it will not help things in a stalemate, and he will never sacrifice the safety of his team members to do dangerous things.

"Shut up! Listen to my arrangement, let's rush out first!"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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