Unconsciously, about 30 people gathered from around the square, most of them were men, all of them were holding guns, with a black cloth covering their faces, only their eyes and mouth were exposed.

The man in the lead also covered his face, but unlike the others, he was wearing a hideous demon mask, and all the skin on his body was covered, even a pair of thin gloves on his hands.

Except for these people who were still standing in the square, the rest basically fell into a deep sleep. Only a few people were still awake. They also felt that something was wrong. All passed out.

The masked man waved at the person next to him, and saw several people walking towards the backyard, and soon drove out a pickup truck full of weapons.

"let's start!"

The masked man walked to the center of the rostrum and looked at the dozen people sitting in a row in the stands. He kicked Lu Jiayi to the ground with one foot, and his men quickly **** the dozen people, and then tied them to the ground. They were dragged under the stage, piled together, and one person was left to stare at them.

Then more than 30 people began to equip weapons, and then they searched everyone present and collected all the weapons. These people scattered and surrounded the square.

Duo sound.

The masked man nailed the dagger in his hand to the table in front of him, pulled the chair and sat on it, his legs resting on the table.

"Is it done?"

"There is a wave of people missing. It is said that they went out early this morning. It seems that the heating pipes are not ready."

The masked man nodded and did not speak. The rest of the people scattered around the square, and more than 30 people formed a circle, surrounding everyone present.

These people were not in a hurry, and just stood silently, as if waiting for those present to wake up.

What everyone didn't notice was that Lu Jiayi, who had already fallen asleep, all had sharp knives in their hands at this time. They obviously didn't fall asleep, but they remained in a state of coma on the surface.

After waiting for more than an hour, some people started to wake up one after another.

A survivor woke up and quickly realized that something was wrong. However, when he wanted to get up, he found himself weak. He immediately realized that he was poisoned, and looked up to see a man wearing a gun beside him. The man in the hood stands.

This is not a good person!

"What are you doing?"

"Shut up! Don't make me shoot!"

Seeing this person obediently shut his mouth, a hero does not suffer from immediate losses. Although the beautiful country does not have this sentence, the truth is the same.

After another half an hour, the people present were more than half awake, and some wanted to resist, but because the effect of the drug did not cause much trouble, they were quickly suppressed.

At this time, the masked man guarding Lu Jiayi and the others seemed to be standing there calmly, already fantasizing about a comfortable life in the future.

What can these so-called captains do? If it wasn't for estimating people's emotions, it is estimated that the leader would have died suddenly, but these people have already fallen into their hands. He only feels that the future is bright, and he feels like he has to think about it. Orgasm.

Thinking of this, I suddenly felt a burst of relief pouring into my brain from my limbs. I was about to open my mouth and groan, but I was startled by a hoarse voice. I quickly stood upright, and I suddenly felt uncomfortable.

The masked man walked in front of him at some point, but instead of looking at him, he stared at the few people sitting on the ground.

"Captain Lu, Captain Rick, didn't you expect the meeting to become like this?"

Lu Jiayi's expression was very calm, he just looked at each other quietly, without saying a word.

The masked man wasn't angry either, he had the upper hand anyway and didn't care what the losers thought.

But what should be said is still to be said. A subordinate next to him leaned in and whispered a few words. The masked man kept nodding his head, as if he was very satisfied with the other party's proposal.

"Hahaha, not bad, step by step."

The masked man walked to the stage and jumped onto the table looking at the awakened people below, looking at the people lying on the ground below, a domineering arrogance surged in his heart.

"Everyone! The next meeting will be hosted by us, and the next development of the base will also be planned by us, and all you need to do is obey!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, he heard doubts from the crowd.

"Who are you? Why should we listen to them?"

"Yeah, is there something shameful about you covering your face with a mask?"

Bang bang bang!

The masked man listened to the noisy noise below, and fired a few shots directly into the sky, and the scene suddenly quieted down.

With a few gloomy laughter, the masked man pointed at his fully armed accomplice.

"Look at your side before you speak. Those people don't care who you are, they will only kill all those who resist!"

Seeing that people were being honest, the masked man continued to speak.

"Warning to everyone sitting here, everyone's life is in our hands now, and you should listen carefully to what I say next, it will be related to whether you will live well in the future."

"The base has been established for more than a year, and those of us have been doing the lowest-level jobs, while a few of them have been occupying a dominant position. Why?"

"Have we not done enough? Or are they better than us? No no no~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I don't think so. Have you ever thought about what the base will look like once this **** government establishes it? "

The masked man became more and more excited, and his tone became more and more excited.

"I tell you, this place will become their back garden, and we will only be reduced to tools!"

"Did you hear what he said just now? The army is going to be expanded to 500 people! We only have 1,000 people in total. If they are successful, the remaining people will have no chance to turn over."

"Sooner or later, this place will become a high-level prison. You people are all slaves in the prison. Use your life and the life of your descendants to satisfy these greedy guys!"


The masked man stomped his right foot on the table, as if his emotions had reached a critical point, but the next second his voice suddenly calmed down.

"Now, I'll give you a chance! As long as you stand up and speak out about your dissatisfaction with these people, we welcome your participation! Not only that, but we'll reward you with food, women!"

Hearing this, several people with a strong sense of justice on weekdays struggled to stand up, although they were all powerless. Glenn looked at this side with an indignant expression.

"Don't be deceived by him! Once you take this road, there is no turning back."

"Shut up! You stupid idiot!"

The masked man jumped straight off the table.


When the gunshots sounded, Glenn lowered his head and covered his chest in disbelief. His clothes were quickly dyed red. The red was so bright, but at this time he was drained of his last strength.


Glenn lay directly on the ground, the blood quickly stained the floor, and the sun was shining on it so dazzling!

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