Lu Jiayi looked anxiously at the group of corpses approaching behind him, and at the same time heard Rick's yelling from the front of the team.

Looking back, I don't know when the stairs leading down to the stairs were also surrounded by a group of walking corpses.

"Fak! Where did these walking corpses come from?"

Then there is still time to investigate these things, a gunshot rang, killing a large number of walking corpses in the corridor, and a passage leading upstairs was opened.

Roar without hesitation, go upstairs!

Lu Jiayi took the lead and rushed out, with continuous gunfire, killing all the nearby walking corpses, and immediately ran upstairs.

A dozen people behind him also desperately followed behind him. At the moment when their lives were at stake, everyone exploded with an astonishing desire to survive, and each step was able to step up two or three steps. When they reached the eleventh When they were on the floor, the group of corpses had already rushed out of the dining room.

The crowds of walking corpses pushed each other upstairs and chased them upstairs, not fast, but not exhausted.

Occasionally, a few walking corpses tripped over the steps and were immediately overwhelmed by the tide of corpses behind them. It didn't take long for them to be trampled into meat sauce. The other walking corpses continued to chase upstairs with perseverance.

After all the walking corpses in Area B rushed out of the restaurant, there was a corpse lying quietly in the innermost corner behind them. It looked like a male. At this time, all he had been eaten was his skeleton. , But still opened his mouth and tried to get up and chase it out.

However, he had already lost all the muscles on his body. It was no longer possible for him to stand up, and when he slowly moved his head, he could see a necklace still hanging on his neck, and the half-heart pendant was very eye-catching.


"Hurry up!"

"Come on, everybody!"


"No way, I'm exhausted."

Lu Jiayi, who was originally running at the front, had already fallen to the end. He was holding two girls on his left and right, still running upstairs in strides.

Running down ten floors in one breath is not something that anyone can do. Most people are already out of breath after running four or five floors. So when everyone ran to the top floor, almost all of them held their knees with their mouths open and gulped. Panting.

Lu Jiayi was a little panting as well, but his condition was still the best among everyone. Glenn opened the door of the rooftop and everyone filed in.


The roof gate is a metal door, and they are fortunate that there is also a protruding handle outside the roof.

"Spread it out, find a stick!"

People panted and rummaged around, but the roof was extremely clean and there were no root hairs.

Suddenly, Rick had an idea, and he quickly pulled out the belt around his waist, and tightly tied the door, then he tore off a strip of cloth from his clothes and **** the crumbling trousers.

He stared at the door and said uncertainly.

"Should this be able to hold it?"

Glenn on the side looked at the strip of cloth around his waist even more happily.

"Don't worry, the pants can't fall off."

The rest of them all glanced at him speechlessly, and Michon rolled his eyes even more.

Ignoring everyone’s reaction, Lu Jiayi quickly turned around on the rooftop and observed the surrounding environment of the building. The 20-story building is more than 80 meters high. Looking down, everything becomes very small. It's not stupid to know that falling from here must be dead.

There is a neighboring building on each side of the building, but the building on one side is only about forty to fifty meters high, which obviously doesn't help them in any way.

On the other side is a building of similar height, separated by an alley with a width of more than seven meters.

After the team members calmed down, they all realized that they were facing a desperate situation. If they could not find a way to leave from the rooftop, they could only face the walking corpses behind the door. Estimated from the size of the group of corpses just seen in the cafeteria, this group of walking corpses There are at least three hundred.

Let’s not say whether they have enough ammunition to clean up these walking corpses, even if they are solved with cold weapons, they only have five old players, he can solve more than fifty, no problem, other people can’t, so now think of a solution as soon as possible Finding another way out is the right solution.

"Have you all brought the walking dead masks?"

The first thing Rick thought was to go out. After all, they didn't get any results this time, so he was unwilling to leave like this.

But I didn't want Jennifer and Tina to lower their heads, and some hesitated for a long time without speaking.

"Did not bring?"

"Um... that we forgot in the dormitory."

Sigh, there is really nothing to say about this kind of thing, I can only tell the two of them not to forget it next time.

Rick walked to the edge of the roof and looked at the height below. He couldn't help but feel dizzy. It's not the average height!

Daryl also leaned forward, looked at the building opposite, looked at Lu Jiayi's eyes, and couldn't help but say.

"You don't want to go to another building, do you?"

"How? I think it's feasible."

"This is suicide! Now is not the time to be a hero."

The rest of the people were all attracted by their discussion, and Carol, who had been following the three of them, had obviously heard their conversation and started to persuade him.

"Lu, there is no need to be so desperate. If we can't fight, we can open the door and fight."

Shaking his head, denying the proposal, he continued to point to the weapons on several people and said.

"Let’s not say whether we have enough ammunition. Even if there is enough, there will be very little left. If there is any unexpected situation, it will be difficult to deal with. Look over there."

Said Lu Jiayi pointed to a lower platform on the top of the opposite building. This platform was in a corner of the building, exactly opposite to the corner of the building where they were.

"I just figured it out. The distance between the buildings is probably more than seven a bit far. But because of the height difference, it is not difficult for me to jump over. I plan to try."

"Are you crazy? You will die if you fall!"

Amy couldn't believe it. She regretted her behavior just now. It was her carelessness that caused everyone's current situation. She gritted her teeth and said again.

"Everyone is trapped because of me, so it should be reasonable for me to jump."

Unexpectedly, Lu Jiayi smiled and shook his head.

"We are a team. I agreed with you when you came out this time. It was also my instruction to let you open the door, so don't argue about it anymore."


Before Amy could continue speaking, Lu Jiayi interrupted her by reaching out and taking off the backpack behind him.

"I didn't say that I just jumped over. Isn't this there?"

In between, he took out a bundle of rope from his backpack like a magic trick, and shook it in front of everyone.

Even if Rick still felt that this was too risky, he couldn't help but accept Lu Jiayi.

Tying one end of the rope to a metal tube on the roof and squeezing the remaining rope smoothly, Lu Jiayi slowly backed up more than 20 meters.

He took a deep breath and started to run. The distance of more than 20 meters was enough for Lu Jiayi to increase his speed to the extreme. When he rushed to the edge of the roof, his right foot just stepped on the bulge on the edge of the roof, and his leg muscles slammed. Li, in everyone's eyes, he rose into the air like a huge bird, his body drew an arc in mid-air, and slowly landed on the opposite platform.

Everyone looked at him with trepidation, but saw that Lu Jiayi fell on the edge of the platform without any risk. After landing, he rolled several times to relieve his forward momentum before he stood up.


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