I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 229: Rick out of the shadows

"I'm here to change the walking dead (!

Unexpectedly, Rick, who hadn't seen him for many days, suddenly came to look for him. While he was pleasantly surprised, he was still a little worried about the other party's current state.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Rick looked back. His eye sockets were sunken and his face was full of exhaustion. It should have been caused by not having a rest for several days, but fortunately he was in good spirits.

Seeing Lu Jiayi coming in, he showed his first smile in these days. Although a little reluctant, it was not easy for Lu Jiayi.

"Lu, are you done?"

I walked to the front of the desk and raised a water glass, and there was a burst of cow drinking.


With a breath of breath, Lu Jiayi finally felt that he was alive. The toss of the whole morning made him sweat. This is why he eagerly wants to connect the prison to the power grid.

He wants to greatly improve the quality of life here, such as electrical appliances, air-conditioning, etc. He wants to equip the base.

Then, with biogas digesters and other facilities that are convenient for life, how many places can be compared with here? Make sure that no matter who comes, they don't want to leave.

He picked up the fan on the table and slammed it, then looked at Rick, and asked strangely.

"Aren't you resting? Why did you come to me?"

Rick smiled bitterly before speaking, but he could clearly hear his voice hoarse.

"I don't want to rest anymore. Give me some work. Go out to collect, clean up walking dead, and even build city walls. No matter what, I can do it."

It seems that this brother hasn't come out of the shadows yet. He wants to keep himself busy so that he can forget his worries temporarily, right?

Thinking of this, Lu Jiayi didn't sit down at all, but put his hand on the handle of the chair where Rick was sitting, leaned over and looked at him slightly and said.

"The two of us have known each other since the end of the world. One and a half years is enough time for me to realize what kind of person you are. In fact, Lori has already told me what she did. You know why I didn’t respond. ?"

Rick lowered his head a little ashamed when he heard the words, and spoke again apologetically.

"Is that right..."

"do not!"

Raising his hand to interrupt what he was about to say, the fan in Lu Jiayi's hand huffed, and Rick also lowered his head silently, wondering what he was thinking.

Suddenly, the fan in his hand stopped, the room fell into silence, and Lu Jiayi's voice sounded after a while.

"The reason why I don’t plan to pursue Lori’s actions is not because she apologized to me. I’m not a good person, but what makes me better than bad guys is that I have my own bottom line, and you are what I chose not to pursue. reason."

"Because you are an upright person! I know that even if Lori betrayed me, you would still not do it! Because I believe in my own judgment, you are not that kind of person."

"If one day you also have a murderous intent on me, no matter who we change then, it also means that the team is over, and I will choose to leave at that time."

Damn it!

Suddenly there was a clear noise outside the door, like the sound of something falling to the ground.

Lu Jiayi sprinted to the door and opened the door violently, only to see a small figure just turning around and running back a few steps.


It was Carl who ran away. At this time, Lu Jiayi yelled and froze in place.

Rick was also taken aback when he heard the words, he stood up with a whirr, and even the chair was taken down by him, but he didn't care and rushed directly outside the door.

Carl slowly turned around and looked over, and the two of them realized that two lines of tears had shed on his white little face, and tears filled his eyes.

Lu Jiayi adjusted the tone of his speech and asked in a soft voice.

"Carl, how long have you been standing at the door?"

"Woo, there...it's been a while."

Looking at him obsessively, some don't know how to answer. Although he is very smart, he has no experience of comforting children.

Rick walked straight to his son, knelt down and hugged him, and said comfortingly.

"Hey, what did we say, you are already a man, you can't always cry."

"Oh, dad, does mom really want to kill Lu? Is she a bad person?"

He was shocked when he heard what his son said. He didn't expect such a young child to ask such a sentence. He glanced at Lu Jiayi a little apologetically. He was about to tell a lie, but he heard the other party's initiative to explain.

"Carl, your mother didn't plan to kill me, and she is not a bad person, she was just a little worried about you, so she deceived the bad people with these words."


"Of course it's true! Why should I defend someone who wants to hurt me?"

Under his soft persuasion, Karl finally broke his tears into a smile, but Rick on the side cast a more grateful look.

Now he only cares about these two children. The decisions he made are to ensure the healthy and safe growth of the two children.

When he returned to the house again, the original two people became two and a half.

Carl insisted on coming in with his father, saying that he had the right to know the news about his mother, but his Rick could only drag her into the office.

The three of them sat down and looked at Karl, who was sitting there with a serious face like a little adult, Rick, who was in a bad mood, couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, let me talk about my next plan. I plan to go to the power company in the northeast direction early tomorrow morning. Now the base is still powered by the generator set. Although the fuel is still sufficient, there are some expired ones. At that time, the source of electricity will be a big problem. Other aspects are okay. The laboratory must not be powered off. Take advantage of the time to kill the problem in the cradle in advance."

After speaking, he walked to the map by the wall and marked several places with a pen.

"Here, here, and here. In order, they are all companies of Southern Power, and there is even their company's nuclear power plant in Dothan going south."

Pointing to a brief introduction on the map, he explained his thoughts in detail, while Rick listened carefully without saying a word.

"So you want to find some power company employees? The odds are too low, right?"

"Well, it's really low. I don't have to find them, as long as I find more photovoltaic power generation equipment."

The two were constantly communicating on this matter, and Karl, who was on the side, looked like a rattle, constantly wandering between the two of them.

Finally, half an hour later, the discussion between the two gradually stopped, but there was another knock on the door of the office.

"Come in."

As the door opened, two slender figures appeared in their sights, and it turned out to be Miqion and Amy.

As soon as the two entered the room, they first glanced at each other, and Mitchon made a modest gesture, obviously there was something to say.

"What's wrong?"

Just after discussing the matter, Lu Jiayi's mood was slightly relaxed, and he was also a little curious looking at the expressions of the two.

"We want to participate in outing operations."


He glanced at Mi Qiong in confusion, but saw that the other side raised his brow with both hands, looking like it had nothing to do with me.

But Amy didn't let him continue to guess, she explained.

"I, Andrea, Jennifer, and Carol don't want to stay at the base anymore. We want to apply for the opportunity to go out."

"Shall we talk about this later?"

"No~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Didn't you say that you want to go to the nearby power company? Can't we follow along?"

Looking back at Rick helplessly, Amy suddenly spoke when he saw him take a few glances.

"It's not far anyway, isn't it?"

Amy didn't expect to get Rick's support. She glanced at him unexpectedly, but then smiled and nodded at him.

And Karl, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said.

"Can I go?"

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