I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 224: Chinese community

"I'm here to change the walking dead (!

I saw a few large characters sprayed on the outer wall of the gray house: Guangjun, there is a letter in the house!

Yang Guangjun patted his thigh excitedly and said incoherently.

"Hahaha, leave a message, and still alive, they!"

Lu Jiayi also smiled, in this case the squares turned into something similar to a password.

The armored vehicles drove directly into the community. Although the gate of the community was unlocked, there were not many walking corpses inside, and all of these walking corpses were Westerners, indicating that the aborigines in the community were probably still alive.

Leaving the rest of the people outside to clean up the scattered corpses, Lu Jiayi walked into the house by himself and walked out with a letter after a while.

As soon as he lifted the envelope, Yang Guangjun snatched it over, tremblingly tore the envelope open, and hurriedly scanned the writing on it, his expression also relaxed.

"Great, great."

"What's wrong?"

"My uncle and they went to the community to the west. The survivors here met and finally decided to move together, so that it would be more convenient for each other to take care of each other."

"This is a good sign, at least it means your uncle and they are still alive."

Yang Guangjun nodded excitedly, his lips trembled a little. When he couldn't leave the mall before, he looked very open. After all, he was worried about what's the use, but now it's different. Not only did he come out, but he also followed him. The compatriots whose combat effectiveness is exploding, bring several companions who also look tall and mighty.

The most important thing is that these people not only have strong firepower, but also drive armored vehicles. Where can we find such a good thing? The original silence of the heart began to resurrect, and the yearning for his relatives gradually gained the upper hand. At this moment, he just wanted to reunite with his family as soon as possible.

"Gia Yi, can you take me there, I know this request is too much, but..."

Lu Jiayi smiled indifferently, and waved to interrupt what he was about to say.

"Okay, stop talking, let's go quickly."

Yang Guangjun nodded gratefully, stretched out his hands to hold Lu Jiayi's hand, and shook it up and down a few vigorously. Words could no longer express his current mood, and he could only release it through this method.

The address written in the letter is not far from here. After a few people have been driving on the highway for a few minutes, they can already see the intersection leading to the community. The car turned into the intersection and drove for two minutes before seeing the outer wall of the community.

After stopping the car, Lu Jiayi intends to observe the situation here. It can be seen that the courtyard wall here has been heightened a bit, and the roof of the house inside the courtyard can only be vaguely seen from the outside.

Now the time has come to noon, and you can see a mist of smoke floating in the yard.

"Someone, haha, they are really here."

"Guangjun, do you know anyone here?"

"Well, I know a few family members who have opened stores in the mall. I usually know how to meet them if I don't look up and lower my head."

"Then let's go over, and then you go call the door."


The armored vehicle slowly stopped in front of the gate of the community. Several people watched the movement on the city wall. Sure enough, they saw several people showing their heads and looking towards this side.

These people are all yellow-skinned and black-haired, and they are obviously Asian.

"Who are you? Strangers are not welcome here, leave now!"

A young guy with short hair on the city wall raised a gun and shouted.

Yang Guangjun also observed for a while, and found that there was no one he knew, so he opened the door of the car and walked down.

To be a man, he must know how to be grateful. He has taken him to find the community. You can't let others take risks for yourself. He must get off the car.

Yang Guangjun raised his hands and came under the city wall, raised his head and said loudly.

"Hello, I came to find someone, does Yang Jianguo live here?"

The young man saw that the man who got out of the car turned out to be an Asian, and felt a little bit at ease. When the other person opened his mouth, the familiar smell of homeland came on his face, his expression became more relaxed from nervousness.

"Who are you from Uncle Yang?"

"I'm his nephew."

Upon seeing this, the young man turned his head and looked aside, as if he was talking to others, and after some exchanges, he looked back.

"You wait a moment, I have to ask Uncle Yang to come over and recognize someone."

"Okay, thank you brother."

Soon he could see his relatives, and Yang Guangjun became excited again. He turned to look at Lu Jiayi in the car, waved his fist, and grinned.

Lu Jiayi was also very happy, not because he found these survivors, but mainly because he was happy for Yang Guangjun. It is quite inspiring to find relatives in these last days.

The other team members also smiled a bit empathetic, although everyone's customs are different, but the feelings towards their relatives are the same.

The young people didn't let them wait for long. Ten minutes later, they saw the gate of the community opened, and an old man who appeared to be in his sixties came out.

The old man wears a hat on his head, and his temples are a little gray, but he is neatly maintained. He is dressed in a Tang suit with a pair of cloth shoes on his feet. He looks vigorous.

However, the old man’s expression was very excited at this time. As soon as he went out, he saw his nephew standing next to the armored car.

Yang Guangjun also walked two steps to the old man, looked at his uncle, and said in a trembling tone.

"Uncle, I'm back."

Perhaps he thought that his nephew was gone, and now he came back suddenly, the old man wept with joy, and kept patting his head with tears.

"Okay, okay, okay, just stay alive! Just stay alive!"

The young people just stood at the gate and looked at the old and the young who were talking to each other. They were a little embarrassed to interrupt them. Seeing the walking corpses getting closer and closer in the distance, their expressions became extremely nervous.

As the walking corpses got closer and closer, the young man shook the gun in the handshake, and just about to give a reminder, he saw a man in military uniform jumping off the armored car, who was obviously Asian.

He first motioned to his group not to shoot, then drew a machete and walked towards the group of corpses alone.

The young man wanted to stop again, but the words that had reached his mouth were stuck in his throat by the next scene.

In between, the man was carrying a knife in his hand, and the seemingly light knife was a walking corpse falling down, and it took him a minute to all fall to the ground with a dozen walking corpses.

The young man's words stuck in his throat finally came out, and all the words finally turned into two words.


Several young people behind also sighed.

"Great God!"

"Who is this buddy? Really fierce!"

Only now did the two men at the door react~www.wuxiamtl.com~ They turned their heads blankly and looked behind them, just in time to see the blade split from the head of the last walking corpse.



Yang Jianguo opened his eyes wide, and at this time Lu Jiayi wiped the knife on the walking corpse, then put the knife into its sheath, and walked back toward the gate.

What kind of person is this? It's too fierce!

What kind of soldier is wearing a military uniform?

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