"I'm here to change the walking dead (!

The next morning, Lu Jiayi met with Abraham and his party as agreed.

After some negotiations, Eugene finally failed to withstand the pressure and told the truth.

Abraham was naturally angry, but he failed to directly give Eugene a triple strike like the original drama, but was stopped by Lu Jiayi.

The furious Contra instantly lost his mind, and fought against Lu Jiayi who stopped him for three hundred rounds, and finally fell to the ground exhausted.

Lu Jiayi suffered a bit from this guy who was extremely powerful, and the corner of his mouth was broken by the opponent.

Amy was so angry that he was about to kill this guy while holding it, but Lu Jiayi stretched out his hand to stop him, shook his head and sent people back to the house, and he stayed.

After some persuasion with love and reason, Contra made a little movement. After all, there is a laboratory in Ideal Town, and the virus vaccine he injected was not fake. These aspects also brought him. Hope is gone, so Contra has not been confused for a long time like the original drama.

Just when Negan and the others were ready to go out, Contra was already armed and stood beside Lu Jiayi.

"You want to go too?"

"Yes, since hope is shattered, then I can't stay here to eat for nothing, and you are a good leader. I will follow you in the future."

"Uh, well, let's go then."

The destination of this trip was Chinatown in downtown Atlanta, which is located in the northeast of the city. This trip will traverse the entire Atlanta, but because of the long-term outing to collect supplies, most of the commonly used roads have been opened up.

It took two hours to finally get close to the destination. Chinatown in Atlanta is quite special. It is not a street, but a shopping mall.

ChinaTown, literally translated should be Chinatown. Chinatown in Atlanta was established in 1988. It is the first Chinese commercial center established in the seven southeastern states of the beautiful country. There are more than 30 shops in it, covering the needs of the entire community. Demand.

And their goal this time is a Yan Medical Museum in Chinatown. Lu Jiayi needs the herbs here not only to regulate Lucille's body, but also to treat some diseases that cannot be covered by Western medicine.

The armored car stopped directly in front of the gate of the mall, and a group of people got out of the car and looked at the front of the mall. There were a few corpses lying on the street, the flesh of which was almost decomposed.

Several birds were pecking at the remaining carrion on the carcass. They were startled by the sound of the armored car and landed on the eaves not far away.

The former prosperous shopping mall is now depressed, and the two stone lions at the gate are covered with black blood. I don't know what story happened here.

However, the people who were accustomed to these scenes were already numb. They didn't pay much attention to them. They dispersed when they got off the car, cleaning up the walking corpses attracted by the armored vehicles.

Negan took the bat in his hand, smashed the head of the walking corpse in front of him, and then turned to look at the gate of the mall. He was the most active of these people. After all, his wife needed these medicines.

Leading everyone to the door of the mall, habitually knocking on the door, the sound echoed in the silent mall, and the few people were not in a hurry, quietly waiting for the movement inside.

"Don't disperse when you go in for a while. The goal is Yan Medical Hall. By the way, watch out if there are any survivors."


After knocking for a while, the mall was very quiet, and no walking corpses rushed over. Lu Jiayi moved inwardly and pushed the door.

Locked up.

Is there anyone?

Thinking of this, the knocking motion of his hand stopped, and he simply changed to pat with his hand, and his mouth was changed to Mandarin, and he shouted at the crack of the door.

"Anyone? We went in if no one was there."

The other people looked at each other and didn't know what he was talking about, but when he yelled a few times, they lay down on the door and looked inside. They could guess that they should be asking if anyone was there.

Negan smiled carrying a baseball bat.

"This is great. We can only speak Eagle, and people can also speak Yan Mandarin."

The surrounding players all looked at him playfully, T-boy said with a smile.

"Hehe, do you think Lu only speaks these two languages?"

Negan looked at them strangely, and asked strangely.

"Is not it?"

Darryl on the side interrupted suddenly.

"At least eight or nine kinds, Mijon said ten kinds, but no one has ever counted them."

With a grin, Negan turned his head and asked.

"Lu, were you a translator before the end of life?"

Lu Jiayi didn't even turn his head. He still leaned at the entrance of the mall and looked inside. How to answer this question? I don't know why I can speak so many languages, so he replied casually.

"No, I was a security supervisor before, and I had more contact with people, so I learned a little bit by the way."

"Fak! Are you kidding me?"

Negan looked at the man's back silently, and when he turned his gaze back, he saw the look that Darryl was used to. He could only roll his eyes, nothing to say.

Just when a few people were bored, there was finally movement in the mall.

A dark figure walked out of a store, and looked at the entrance of the store with a sneaky probe. Several people appeared in his line of sight, as if they were taken aback. He swished and hid in the corner. In the shadows.

"Hey, buddy, I saw you! We didn't have any bad intentions, we came here to find some herbs."

The cordial hometown words echoed in his ears, and the dark shadow couldn't help but poked his head out again, and carefully examined the appearance of the person outside the door, with black hair and yellow skin. Is it really a compatriot?

"Where are you from?"

Hearing that Lu Jiayi's tone changed, people across the country blurted out the familiar Tianjin-Hong Kong dialect.

"From Tianjin and Hong Kong, buddy, open the door first."

Sombra was still hesitant at first, but now he heard the familiar tone, seemed to be a little excited, and jumped out of the corner and ran over.

Click, click.

There was a sound of unlocking, and soon a young man with slightly dark skin appeared in front of several people.

He stretched out his head cautiously and looked outside, and saw that several walking corpses were walking around slowly, and he waved anxiously.

"Quickly, come in, the zombies are coming."

The two of them spoke all the Yan Guo dialect, and Negan and others couldn't understand it at all, but their body language still told them that this was for them to enter.

Several people filed in, and the young man hurriedly closed the door and put on a few locks, which gave a long sigh of relief.

Turning to look at these strangers, he finally stretched out his hand towards Lu Jiayi.

"Get to know, Yang Guangjun."

"Lu Jiayi."

The two shook hands, and smiles appeared on their faces. It was quite pleasant to see the compatriots in this **** end world.

"Where do you come from?"

"Outside the city, this time I came mainly to find some medicinal materials. My friend's wife is not in good health and needs some conditioning."

"Are you a Yan doctor?"

"Well, so can, and so can Western medicine."

"Talent, you have to provide for you wherever you go."

"Not so, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will not."

"Uh, by the way, look at my mind. I haven't seen anyone for more than a year and even forgot the etiquette. Come in quickly and let's go in and talk."

After Yang Guangjun walked into it, a few people saw the layout of the mall. There were not many shops, but they had everything to do. It was all-encompassing.

Soon they stopped at the door of a restaurant, opened the door directly, and everyone followed in.

"You alone here?"

"Yeah, I'm unlucky, and I'm stuck here. Fortunately, the ingredients I just bought in the restaurant, relying on these flour and rice to survive this period of time."

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