Hearing Negan's exclamation, Lucille couldn't help but cast his gaze to the distance. A building resembling a castle stood abruptly beside the desolate road outside the city.

It is the prison.

The biggest change in the prison at this time was that the surrounding trees had disappeared. Instead, more than half of the city wall was built. This city wall was built using containers and the location was on the outermost periphery of the prison.

The straight-line distance between the city wall and the main base has reached 500 meters.

"What is this? A castle?"

Glenn also saw the familiar and somewhat unfamiliar building in the distance, and said with a smile.

"That is home, our base."

Nigan looked at the tall city wall with an exaggerated expression, as well as the courtyard walls around the city wall, and couldn't help asking again.

"Do you call this a base? This is a fortress!"

Glenn smiled and explained: "We haven't been back for several months. It was not like this when we left. I didn't expect such a big change in a few months."

Looking at the huge base in the distance, the Negans are full of expectations for their future life again, and they are very fortunate that they have met Lu Jiayi.

The same sigh happened in all the cars behind. Almost all the people who followed Washington were now surrounded by the car windows, looking at the prison in the distance from the gap in the armor.

Ezekiel stared and sighed, "God, this is the ideal town!"

Jerry smiled and said jokingly: "Your Majesty, compared to here, the Kingdom of God is like a courtyard."

The people around all looked at this fat man speechlessly, do you have to tell the truth?

Jesus looked at the towering city wall in the distance with the same excitement, and the survivors in the hilltop village next to him also looked excited, and several survivors were discussing with interest.

"We can definitely have a place there."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"You think, such a large base, there must be a lot of arable land to operate, maybe there are a lot of livestock, aren't we doing this?"

"Well, it makes sense."

In the other car, Dirkman, the leader of the hundred-man team, was discussing something with the people around him.

"Is it so built? Look at the city wall over there for at least one kilometer!"

"What's the matter? As long as there are enough containers, it will not be a matter of time before they are built."

"But where can I find so many?"

"Hehe, this is not something we need to consider."

Dirkman interrupted the discussion with his subordinates by waving his hand, and said in a positive tone.

"According to the current scale of this base, a large number of buildings will definitely need to be built in the future. We can only say that it is okay to kill walking corpses, but we are professional in building houses!"

"So what I mean is, no matter what, we must reflect our own value. As long as we are valuable, then there must be a place for us here. Have you heard it?"

"Received, boss!"

In the car further behind.

The Tara family and Abraham and his party got together, and their performance was no different from the others.

Lily hugged Megan, and also looked at the prison in the distance. Fortunately, her expression did not appear too excited, but holding Tara's trembling hand revealed her mood at this time, and Tara looked at her. Looking into the distance, she didn't hide her excitement in the slightest.

This Captain Lu was really a powerful guy. When everyone else was struggling to survive, they had already built such a large family business with their hands.

He even took the time to take a trip to Washington, bringing back more than 300 people at once. Valley

On the other side, Abraham and the group looked at the distance with complicated eyes. If they didn't have the task of escorting Eugene, then all of them would choose to stay without hesitation, but the situation now is too embarrassing.

A team of six people, I am afraid that only Abraham is still thinking about going to Washington now. Rosita should be more casual. Mostly it depends on where Abraham wants to go, while the others all have the idea of ​​staying.

Including Eugene, that's right! The reason for wanting to go to Washington is only Eugene's guess. He believes that there should be a high probability that some large settlements will appear in the DC after the end of the world.

So he told a big lie and deceived a group of people to protect him from going to Washington without hesitation.

But Eugene became more and more disturbed by this lie, and as he got closer to Washington, he also began to sleep and eat.

Especially after witnessing the people Lu Jiayi picked up from Washington, he naturally inquired about the situation there, and the news he inquired was not optimistic.

Rick and Morgan had also questioned him. Now, except for Abraham, they have not talked to him alone. The others have expressed their dissatisfaction with the status quo in Washington.

He even suspected that even his biggest backer, Abraham, had already doubted him, but because of his deep obsession with Washington, he still had reservations about the authenticity of this matter and did not raise any objections.

But Eugene knew very well that once Abraham didn't trust him, what would meet him?

He looked at the castle in the distance with a tangled expression, it was obvious that he would show up when he walked in, but the sense of security brought about by the tall walls made him not want to stop.

The front of the team, in the Unimog RV.

"You haven't done less work in less than half a year!"

Lu Jiayi looked at the base that was getting closer and closer, and the row of containers on the inner wall was particularly eye-catching. The city wall, which was originally more than seven meters high, reached more than 12 meters after the containers were placed.

It's not a big deal at this height in the city, but it's too eye-catching when placed in such a wilderness, and it can be seen from a long distance.

This is what he meant by himself. Since the next thing to do is to store survivors in large quantities, he should simply empty the surroundings of the base so that these people can find it more easily.

It was Sean~www.wuxiamtl.com~ who was driving and gave a detailed introduction to the current situation of the base while he was back.

Rick has been with him in the RV ever since he learned that his wife had been bitten. He was very depressed. I don't know how long it will take him to get over this blow.

"That's probably the situation. Since the last call, let's take the time. These books have been cleaned up. The outer city walls have to wait for the containers to arrive slowly. Then, new houses can be built inside, and other places can continue to be used. Come to cultivate the land."

After listening to the explanation, Lu Jiayi gradually understood the status quo of the base.

"Well, the progress is pretty good. The people brought back this time include a group of construction workers who can just build a new dormitory. I plan to vigorously develop personnel in the future and develop the population of the base as soon as possible."

"Do you want to go out often?"

Xiao En's expression was obviously a little unnatural when he heard the words.

"Well, what's the matter?"

There was a moment of silence, and Sean whispered.

"It's Rick. This time the incident should have hit him a lot. I think you should stay in the base for a while and let him adjust."

"Yes, I know."

As soon as the topic turned to Luo Li, Lu Jiayi was not very interested, but after a few words echoed, the two of them returned to silence again.

Xiao En also felt something was wrong, after all, Lu Jiayi rarely showed such an attitude.

"Is there anything you didn't tell us?"

He shook his head and looked at Sean's puzzled eyes, but in the end he couldn't tell the truth.

"I'm just a little tired these few months, nothing more."

"Hehe, since you're back, let's rest for a few days. Don't force yourself too much. You have done a great job."

Looking at the gate of the city getting closer and closer, Lu Jiayi didn't speak, but stared at the front and didn't know what he was thinking.

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