I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 211: Lori with a guilty conscience

The five of them lost their backbone in an instant, and they all knelt on the ground, begging for mercy constantly, and at the same time began to accuse each other, and they were about to fight.

Lu Jiayi ignored their pretentious performance and walked up with the dagger.

A few minutes later, all five Henry lay on the ground wailing, their hands and feet shed blood, but they all lay on the ground feebly.

Their hamstrings and hamstrings have all been cut off. According to Lu Jiayi, these rubbishes are not worth killing themselves. Don't they like to eat people? Let them be the food to be eaten this time, but it is no longer human beings who dine.

The people who suddenly appeared were naturally those who hid on the highway before guarding the convoy. At this time, the huge convoy also slowly drove over from the darkness.

The two team members put away the two spiked barricades on the road, and then everyone got on the car and drove toward the terminal.

These people in the terminal are waiting anxiously, half an hour has passed, and the few who just went out have not returned yet.

Glenn standing at the gate suddenly shouted.

"Come back, they are back!"

As the door opened, Abraham and the others watched dumbfoundedly as the cars drove into the courtyard.

Except for the few people in the car at the beginning, Rick, behind are all huge modified vehicles.

One, two, three... fifteen!

Abraham and Rosita looked at each other in silence, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes. This is the small team of a dozen people in Rick's mouth?

This is obviously a large-scale settlement that is migrating. Fifteen vehicles have removed two oil tankers, and the remaining 13 vehicles can hold more than 300 people!

As more than a dozen cars came in, a large number of survivors began to come in outside the yard. All of them were wearing walking masks, but the firearms in their hands reminded others that these were all living people. .

Soon more than three hundred people gathered in the yard, and at this time Lu Jiayi also walked down from the Unimog.

Lori's pupils shrank, and her body began to tremble. She really didn't expect Lu Jiayi to come back alive. In his opinion, the five people were all professional soldiers, and it was not too much for a few tall people to get rid of one person. Easy things.

But at the moment her plan didn't work. A sense of fear emerged from the bottom of her heart. She was dead, but Rick and the two children were still alive. Will the other party vent their anger on them because of what she did?

Thinking that her body was shaking more severely, it made Rick who was standing next to her a little strange. He glanced at his wife with concern and asked in a low voice.

"What's wrong with you? How do I feel that you haven't been right from now on?"

"Nothing, I'm just scared, shall we go back quickly? I want to see Carl and Judith."

Reaching out to embrace his wife's shoulders, Rick comforted a few words before leaving the crowd and walking towards Lu Jiayi.

Looking at the oncoming Rick, the concerned expression gave Lu Jiayi, who was in a bad mood at this moment, a little comfort.

It seems that this matter really has nothing to do with Rick.

In fact, he understands that the probability of this incident being related to the other party is very low, but the occurrence of this kind of thing still makes him less interested, even so, he still looks at Rick with strong fighting spirit.

Several leaders of the other teams also came up, and for a while, several people surrounded him. Rick, Negan, Ezekiel, Cindy, Jesus, and Abraham all stood at the forefront. Valley

He didn't say much, just motioned to Raphael to take everyone to see.

Ten minutes later, a group of people walked out of the door on the other side of the building. Except for the three Rick, the faces of the other people were very bad. Obviously, they were shocked by the sight.

And Lu Jiayi took advantage of this time to arrange a place for everyone to rest. Glenn and the others found a huge meeting room-like room when they searched the yard.

This room is arranged like a gathering place of a cult organization. The walls and floors around are covered with inexplicable graffiti, and there are many similarities in between. Never believe it, it is not for the butcher, it is for the lamb.

No one cares anymore. They cleaned the ground and everyone lay down on the spot.

The team members who had not rested for more than a day were exhausted at this time. When they were on the way in the car, everyone was a little bit shocked. A series of encounters left them in a state of excitement for a while, plus the unknown destination. A sense of anticipation kept them all awake. Now they finally came to a house with a roof. They just wanted to rest. No one complained about the poor conditions. They basically fell asleep after lying down.

After setting up the personnel, Lu Jiayi returned to the yard again, just to see a group of people retching there, he should have seen the meat processing workshop.

He was not in a hurry, just standing on the side waiting for these people to calm down, like him were Abraham and Rick.

He stretched out his hand and said hello to the strong red-haired man.

"You can call me Lu~www.wuxiamtl.com~Abraham Ford."

Contra looked at the man in front of him who was much shorter than him, but he did not dare to underestimate him. His previous military career made him feel the dangerous aura of this man.

The two exchanged briefly, Lu Jiayi's attitude was neither too enthusiastic nor too indifferent. After a few conversations, he turned to look at Rick.

I don't know if it was because of the guilty conscience, Lori didn't go to bed either, but followed her husband.

As Lu Jiayi's gaze came over, she felt her heart twitch, then she looked to one side involuntarily, and then lowered her head.

On the other hand, Rick's expression has not changed at all. So far, the cause and effect of the incident are already obvious.

Although it is not clear why Lori did this, does it still matter? But his gaze returned to Rick, and he sighed inwardly.

In the end, he still failed to speak, and simply arranged a vigilance mission tonight, and he also got into the modified RV.


Eight o'clock in the morning the next day.

One night's time was fleeting, and Lu Jiayi rarely slept for a while.

At this time the women in the team were about to make breakfast, and those who were resting in the house also stretched out one after another.

Negan was carrying a bowl of hot soup and walking towards Lucille, who was sitting on the flowerbed by the side. The smile on his face was very bright. This scene made Lu Jiayi feel a little strange, but the big boss of the Salvation Army at this time Laughing like a fool, does this also have its own credit?

Just when he was a little stunned, a girl's voice suddenly sounded around him.

"Hello, can you meet me? My name is Tara."

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