A team of close to two hundred people marched in the woods, everyone wearing a zombie mask, if it weren't for their weapons, it would be a wave of small corpses from the side.

Carol in front of the team said in amazement.

"Are you all equipped with masks?"

Glenn turned his head a little strangely, not quite understanding what she meant.

"Don't you have it too?"

Cursing his lips, Carol was complaining in his heart. If it weren't for anyone willing to wear this thing in a hurry, the smell alone would be unbearable.

"I rushed to make it myself. People at the base rejected it. Although a batch was made, not many people were used."

"This thing is really a magical tool when used well."

Everyone couldn't help but recall the scene in the Salvation Army headquarters before, the feeling that the corpses came and went freely in the sea of ​​corpses made them even feel like a corpse tide is nothing more than this.

It took more than ten minutes for the one-kilometer journey. At this time, the sky was already in the evening. The battle last night and the whole day's rushing today made these people feel a deep sense of exhaustion, but after all The matter was urgent and they had to cheer up.

It was very close to the terminal station, and Lu Jiayi knew very well that these people had secret guards. No secret guards were found in the woods along the way, but he noticed signs of human activity in several places, so he guessed it should be here. The secret whistle will only come out during the day.

Even so, he was cautious all the way, and he walked safely to the edge of the woods outside the terminal before he felt relieved.

"Which container is it?"

"The one near the wall, I wanted to wait to sneak in at night, but there are people on guard around it, it's not easy to get there."

Many people don't understand the intentions of these people at this moment. Now that they know that Rick and the others belong to a large power, they have to be captured. Could it be that some ulterior secret has been discovered?

Mi Qiongen couldn't help being the first to speak out, and her eyes fell on the captain unconsciously.

"Why are these people arresting them? Are they not afraid of our revenge?"

Looking at the blushing horizon illuminated by the setting sun, Lu Jiayi slowly uttered a few words.

"Maybe it's food."


There was a sound of air-conditioning all around.

Carol looked over with a little surprise, and still vaguely remembered the cannibal soldiers mentioned by Rick. Even so, she didn't think about it, the captain could even think of these!

Everyone's mind was instantly clear.

Yes, this can explain why they set up signs to contain survivors everywhere, why they arrest people, because this is their way to get food!

Anger was ignited in everyone's eyes!


All the people standing here rely on their hands to support themselves. No matter how difficult the situation is, no one has considered cannibalism such as betrayal of humanity.

"Kill them!"

"Yes, this kind of beast can't stay!"

Seeing everyone's enthusiasm, Lu Jiayi pressed his hands slightly.

"If it's really a cannibal, of course you can't stay, but I'm just guessing, so the specific situation has to wait until we actually see it before we talk about it. I'll talk about the next action first."

These people fell silent instantly after hearing this sentence. The contrast between before and after made Carol very surprised. He secretly sighed that the captain was indeed the captain, and he could quickly convince a large group of people wherever he went. Always listen to people’s leadership qualities.

Not knowing Carol's cranky thoughts, Lu Jiayi is assigning these people their own tasks.

He doesn't want to let anyone at the terminal stop. The threat of these guys is really not high, but they are disgusting people. You don't know when they have a convulsion and they will disgust you. Maybe because of this, one or more of them will be lost. personal.

In the original drama, it was a coincidence that caused Bob’s death and indirectly caused Sasha’s mental breakdown. If it weren’t for Telsey to let go of the guy at the terminal, if everyone and Rick escaped. Go and kill those survivors. If Carol insists on going in in front of the hut to check, if... Valley

The current Lu Jiayi doesn't want so many if, all he has to do is to wipe out these guys completely!

"Glen, Telcy, Axel, and Jesus, the four of you took twenty people to the outside to attract walking corpses. I need at least a few hundred walking corpses!"


"Michon, Tee, Ezekiel, and Negan, you take thirty people each to guard the surrounding walls,"


"The others will follow me to the yard for a while. You only need to occupy the favorable terrain. Raphael will follow me. Let's explore inside."


"Okay, bring all the communication equipment, and wear all the headgear. After the operation starts, follow my instructions and do not act without authorization. Do you understand?"


"Okay, action!"

The two hundred people split into several teams in an instant, and followed their respective captains to their locations, while Lu Jiayi and the two sneaked to a wall on the side of the terminal with a wave of people.

"Look over there, and over there."

The people behind him followed the direction of Lu Jiayi's fingers and saw two vague figures hiding in the corner.

This group of players was the most convinced of him, and several people couldn't help but praise him at this time.

"Captain, your eyes are too strong."

He smiled and shook his head, looked at the time it was too early, and planned to explain to them.

"It has nothing to do with the look in the eyes, it is a kind of muscle memory, it can also be said to be a habit. To give a simple example, we go to the same restaurant for dinner, what you see in the house is that there are not many people here~www.wuxiamtl. com~The clerk is not pretty. What I notice is that there are a few monitors and a few exits."

"It's an occupational disease?"

"It's almost what it means."


Time passed slowly in their conversation, and the sky gradually darkened. Since discovering those secret guards, Lu Jiayi's eyes have been gazing at the container from time to time. As long as the safety of the people inside is confirmed, they will have enough time to prepare for action.

The hour hand slowly pointed to nine o'clock in the evening, and the sky was completely dark. Today's night was exceptionally dark. The moon in the sky was occasionally covered by clouds, which provided them with a good cover.

Greeting the team members to follow up, Lu Jiayi took the lead and turned into the courtyard wall.

Every time a suitable ambush point is passed, a few team members will be left behind. Considering that their gunfire is likely to attract walking corpses, all ambush points are set on the top of the container.

The few secret whistle were also solved one by one by his memory.

Bringing these fifty people around in the yard, all the secret whistles have been resolved, and the entire yard is also blocked by the water surrounding the two hundred people. As long as the opponent ran out, it would be a death.

Of course, he did not forget the goal of this operation. After the yard was cleaned up, he came outside the container where Rick was held.


A group of people who were still studying countermeasures suddenly heard that the door of the container had been opened. Rick immediately took out his weapon and stared at the dark shadow at the door.

"Who is there?"


Familiar voices rang in their ears, and all the people in the prison looked at the vague shadow with surprise on their faces, and Rick exclaimed in a low voice with excitement.


"Hey, you guys don't mix well."

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