I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 195: Chasing soldiers

In the end, these people agreed to the proposal to go to Atlanta, which included Shandingzhai, Alexander, the Kingdom of Gods and the Negan team.

As for the remaining more than 100 people, they are a bit special. These people have been under the Salvation Army for several months. They all belong to the same force. A dozen team members randomly check dozens of them. The individual asked, and the information obtained was surprisingly consistent. In this case, Lu Jiayi chose to believe that the other party did not lie.

And their leader is still alive now, and they are very grateful for their help.

"Captain Marine, we support your decision. We believe that the person who can bring us out under such dangerous circumstances will never be a bad person. Therefore, we also hope that you can give us a little bit of trust. All of our people can Those who bear hardships and stand hard work, as long as you can provide us with a place to live, you will never regret it."

The leader’s name is Dirkman. It’s said that he was an immigrant. He worked as a foreman in a construction company and had a lot of people under his hands. Among the more than one hundred people, his subordinates accounted for more than half, and the rest were Slowly gathered after the end of the world.

Because of professional reasons, their settlements are actually very good, at least it is no problem to deal with the general corpse tide, but this time they encountered not a group of corpses, but people.

From the brief description of the other party, Lu Jiayi gradually got a general impression of these people. They were a group of people from the bottom of society, whose life was not easy so that they could adapt to the rhythm of the apocalypse more quickly.

The sophisticated Dirkman is very clear about his own advantages. Being strong and strong is now the advantage of their team.

And Lu Jiayi also took this into consideration, and finally decided to absorb them. The follow-up assessment can be done later. He really doesn't want to give up the more than one hundred strong labors.

When everything was about to end, Stevenson also pulled Cindy over.

"Captain Marine, are you willing to accept these survivors at the Seaside Hotel? We are willing to follow you to Atlanta."

Somewhat weirdly looked at the girl, and asked a little weirdly.

"Why changed your mind?"

"I haven't changed my mind. Sooner or later I will come back and get rid of these guys, but not now."

"It's fine if you can think of it this way. Although we attacked their headquarters, as far as I know, they still have several branches. Because of the tight time, I can't catch them all at once. This is bound to be stunned, and you will be destroyed. The hope of being rescued will only get diminished."

"And I have a hunch that there must be a lot of people alive in the people at their headquarters, so it's a good choice to give up temporarily."


At this point, everyone agreed to leave here, and Lu Jiayi didn't want to delay anymore. Even if he didn't wait until dawn, he joined the other party and chased him nearby. The skyrocketing fire light was like a guiding light, and they had to leave here immediately.

The supplies were quickly transferred to the car, everyone squeezed into the car again, and it was four o'clock in the morning.


A team of two hundred people is driving a dozen kilometers north of the Alexandria community. They are members of the Salvation Army.

If you look closely, you can see that these people are more or less stained with the flesh and blood of walking corpses. They drove three military trucks, and the rest were almost all cars and motorcycles.

The original large transport vehicles were all submerged in the tide of corpses. Fortunately, a truck was left in each of the three branches outside, otherwise it would be a problem how to transport people there.

The front seat was a pickup truck, with Morales sitting in the car, and Simon and the male predator in the back seat.

In fact, the name of the male yin bird is Gavin,

As they drove to a corner of the highway, the driver pointed to the sky ahead and shouted.

"Boss, look over there!"

Looking in the direction of the finger, the sky in the distance showed a halo of orange.

"Where is it on fire?"

"Could it be that group?"

Without answering the subordinate's question, Morales stared coldly in that direction and turned to ask the driver.

"Where is it over there?"

"It's just a small town. We've been there before and we haven't found much, but almost all the supplies are gone, and the whole town has been raided clean."

Listening to what he said, he felt more and more that this place was likely to be the settlement of those people.

"Speed ​​up, let's rush over!"


When the Salvation Army rushed here, the people in Alexandria were also ready to go, and a huge team of eleven vehicles slowly opened the gate of the community.

All the aborigines of Alexandria were very embarrassed, with the exception of Jesse, who was holding her two children in her arms and looking out the window was indeed full of complex emotions.

For the safety of this transfer, Lu Jiayi arranged for Unimog to continue to take the lead, while refitting the RV was postponed.

In fact, since he found Nigan ~www.wuxiamtl.com~, he has been paying attention to the turmoil around him. After he confirmed that Nigan is now a good person, he dared not take him to the Salvation Army headquarters.

The reason is naturally because of his own ability, the danger that may arise at any time, he doesn't want to be dragged to death by Negan when he is halfway through the rescue. Although the opponent came with a group of corpses when they appeared, they were not surrounded by the group of corpses, and there was no danger.

How much danger can the former leader of the Salvation Army bring? The result was as he expected, Alexander was attacked as expected, which is why he kept Glenn and the others, and told them to stay together before leaving.

However, Glenn said that this time more than 30 people from the wolf clan came, and he was still not sure that the danger had been overcome, so now he was anxious to send these people to Atlanta as soon as possible.

The convoy arrived on the highway, the driver leading the way was Rafael, and Lu Jiayi took a group of team members into the modified RV.

The firing port on the armor was opened, and the machine gun on the roof of the car was set up. A dozen team members were all ready to fight. Although the current situation is calm, since the captain has explained, it is very likely that something will happen, so the team members are exceptional. Be careful, all are carefully observing the surrounding environment.

The sky at four o'clock in the morning was a little brighter, and most of the walking corpses near Alexandria were taken away by the previous action.

Raphael drove the car and found that the road in front was exceptionally quiet today, and all the walking corpses were gone.

The team also accelerated slowly, and Lu Jiayi let go of his heart a little bit. Could it be that he was suspicious? Are those people of the wolf tribe already all?

Just when he was thinking about it, Darryl behind suddenly shouted.

"Here is someone! All ready!"

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