I could see that the other party was a little nervous, but the family seemed to be pretty good, at least the little girl didn't look like a bad person just now, so he took the lead and put the weapon on the coffee table in front of him.

The girl walked over with a chair and saw the weapons on the table by the three of them at a glance. She couldn't help but exclaimed, "Are you bringing out an arsenal?"

Morgan sighed with emotion. He sighed and said helplessly: "In today's world, you don't feel at ease with how many weapons you wear, don't you?"

The girl moved the chair back forward, and then straddled the chair with her arms on the back of the chair. Then she looked at Rick and said, "Introduce yourself! My name is Tara Chams. My sister Lily, and my niece Megan, on the sofa is my father Henry!"

"Rick Grimes."

"Morgan Jones."

"Guillermo, you can call me Aggie!"

Tara showed a cute smile, stretched her small fist in front of the three of them, looking at them expectantly.

The three looked at each other, but Aggie was the first to react. He stretched out his hand and touched his fist. Morgan and Rick looked at each other and smiled. They also reached out and touched her. Tara nodded in satisfaction and asked with some curiosity: " Why are you here?"

Rick interrupted Tara with a wave of his hand, and then said, "You have a lot of questions, but can I ask a few questions first?"

Tara was taken aback when he heard the words, and then nodded indifferently and motioned for Rick to ask.

Rick glanced at a few people, and then asked him three questions.

"How many walking corpses have you killed?"

Tara showed a look of memories, and said with some uncertainty: "A dozen or so."

"How many people have you killed?"

"We never kill."

All of them shook their heads and denied it, as if for fear of the other party's misunderstanding, Tara raised his hand to swear, but heard Rick ask the last question again.


Rick first looked at Henry who was sitting aside on the sofa. He noticed that Henry seemed to have leg problems and was inconvenient. He first smiled at Megan next to Henry, and then he said: "Mr. Henry, I can ask. , Have you always lived here?"

Henry is actually a talkative person, but because of his leg problems, he didn't intend to speak at first, but gave the right to his little daughter. After all, he is the only man in the family and does not want the other person to see that he has problem.

But now that Rick was talking to himself, Henry couldn't stay silent anymore. He pretended to be nonchalant and said, "Yes, we have always lived here!"

Rick nodded slightly, his gaze fell on Megan, who was only half of his head exposed behind the sofa.

"Is this your granddaughter? Very beautiful girl!"

After speaking, Rick fumbled for a piece of chocolate from his pocket, and reached out and handed it to Megan.

"Meghan, right? Do you want chocolate?"

Megan's small head, which was originally shrunk behind the sofa, came out a little after seeing the chocolate, as if he wanted it, but he hesitated a bit and withdrew it.

Lily on the side looked at her daughter with a distressed look, and explained to Rick by the way: "Meghan has experienced some things and hasn't spoken for a long time!"

Suddenly, he also passed the chocolate in his hand to Lily in silence for a while before looking at Tara in front of him.

"Tara, I probably understand your current situation. What I want to say next is very important. I hope you will think about it after listening."

Seeing Tara nodded in agreement, Rick also organized the language, and then he spoke leisurely.

"I believe you are also very curious about who we are. I might say that I am indeed a policeman. After the end of the world, I gradually got to know a large group of partners. Morgan and Aji are both friends I knew at the beginning of the end. We all worked hard to build a settlement. We organize daily search activities, and the search scope is getting farther and farther. This time we happened to pass by your town, and we saw Megan on the second floor window. This is also where we came to look. Your reason."

Rick first explained why he came here, and then he revealed some information in the base.

After Rick had finished speaking, Tara looked at these three people dumbfounded. She didn't expect the other party to be so powerful, and the person in front of her turned out to be the leader of this power, she said in a little amazement.

"God! You mean you have hundreds of people? All are survivors like us! Do you have hospitals? You cultivated the land? You also raised livestock? God, you are simply a country!"

All three of Rick smiled, and this little girl who was not in the world had a kind of closeness.

"They are not my subordinates! They are my family! And I am not the leader of the base. Our leader has other more important things, so he left. He should not be able to return in a short time. This made me temporarily take charge of the base. Big and small matters.” Rick corrected her a little after hearing Tara's description, and said that he was not the leader.

Tara nodded silently, and Lily on the side suddenly spoke. She looked at Morgan who was sitting on the side and asked: "I have been listening to Officer Rick speaking, can this Mr. Morgan tell me what he did to the place where you live? Feel?"

Morgan was not surprised when he was suddenly mentioned his name. A happy smile appeared on his face, and Megan slowly said, "I also have a son about the same age as your daughter, Dwyane. He is. Now I stay safely in the settlement with my wife, so I have the courage to run out to collect supplies. From a personal perspective, I want to ensure that my family is fed, clothed and warmed, and can live a safe life. Considering the interests of the base, I I also need to contribute my own strength. The people in the base are very kind. I am very grateful to them and thank all the people there, so I am willing to go out of the base to find supplies for everyone. I don’t know how you feel about it?"

"I am becoming more and more interested in the settlement you are talking about! I didn't expect you to build such a large settlement in just one year, and you have achieved this level of system!"

Henry, who had been silent for a while, suddenly spoke up, UU reading www.uukanshu. As he talked, he put Megan in his arms and stroked the girl's soft hair, his eyes seemed to have a trace of reluctance.

Aji on the side also said with amazing speed: "Our captain is a very powerful person. If you meet him, you will be shocked by him. Can you imagine that a person can speak ten foreign languages? Still a very powerful person. A doctor who knows a lot of knowledge! God, he is the most versatile person I have ever met."

Morgan also nodded with deep experience, and said: "If our family weren't because of him, it would have been impossible to hold on since the end of the world!"

"Me too! I just don't know how they are now."

When talking about Lu Jiayi, Rick also said with emotion.

Morgan said with a confident face: "Don't worry! The people in Lu Dai are all veterans, and coupled with his ability, it must be no problem."

"He only brought two soldiers, Cass and Raphael, but left the rest to us, hey!"

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