"I'm here to change the walking dead (!

The warehouse door slowly opened, and walking corpses began to come out in the dark warehouse. One after another, walking corpses followed the footsteps of the same kind and stepped forward aimlessly. The seemingly small warehouse went forwards and backwards. There were almost thirty walking corpses out there, and a small wave of corpses suddenly gathered.

The family of three who were searching the house didn't notice the outside situation. Just when the walking corpse reached the dead corner of the house, the daughter was standing alone in the hall on the first floor, and her parents searched desperately in the house.

The little girl wandered around in the living room. When she walked to the fireplace, she suddenly saw a picture frame on the upper platform. This is a family portrait of a family of four. She couldn't help but approached a little. The happy smile of the family made her She couldn't help thinking of herself before the end of the world, with a look of nostalgia on her face, and she unconsciously stretched her hand to the frame, but she didn't notice the vase on the side.

The water in the vase has dried up a long time ago, and the plants that were originally inserted in it have also withered. The bottle is very light, and the girl's sleeves just swept it gently, and then planted on the ground.


There was a clear cracking sound of glass, and then the girl’s parents ran out, looking at the fragments of the vase at her feet and the photo frame in the girl’s hand. They already understood what, the man stepped forward and held his daughter’s hand. , Said comfortingly.

"Enid, this is all temporary. Trust Dad, okay?"

Enid nodded and looked at the mother who was also smiling at her. The fear in her heart was diminished a lot. At least Mom and Dad are still there, aren't they?

The man stood up, and when he looked at his wife, his eyes revealed a questioning gaze. Seeing that it was indeed his wife's slightly swaying head, he sighed with disappointment. When he turned again, there was already a smile on his face.

"Let's go to the next house to look for it. I don't believe that there is nothing useful in this house. Don't give up!"

Speaking of him, he stretched out a palm towards his daughter. Enid looked at his father’s smiling face. Even though he knew that the other party was pretending in his heart, he still felt relieved. He reached out and slapped his father with a palm. Enid A smile also appeared.

"Okay, let's go to the next house."

Speaking of the man walked to the door and opened the door, a rotten smell floated into the house as the door opened. Before the smiles on the faces of the family faded, they saw a group of walking corpses gathered outside the door somehow. Was walking towards the gate.

Enid had stayed there, the rotten and smelly face of the walking corpse in front of him was getting closer and closer, and she could even clearly see the carrion hanging on the face of the walking corpse in the front.

at this time! I only felt a strong force pushing her to the rear. At the moment when she retreated backward, her father had raised the machete in his hand and severely split the head of the walking corpse in front.

A soft touch came from behind, Enid was slowly placed on the ground with his arms, and then a figure flashed by her side, and her mother joined the battle.

Enid’s father only felt that there were more and more walking corpses in front of him. His knife could no longer keep up with the speed of these monsters. He saw a walking corpse leaping towards his wife from the side. He hurriedly sent the knife to his side, and while stabbing the head of the walking corpse, he was also thrown over by the walking corpse in front of him.

He pressed his arm against the neck of the walking corpse desperately, trying to push it away, but the power of the walking corpse was greater than he had imagined. For a while, one person and one corpse fell into a stalemate.

His wife also found the embarrassment of her husband. She was distracted but was almost bitten by a walking corpse. At this time, the man was heartbroken and his eyes showed a decisive look. He tried his best to push the walking corpse away. A little, and then shouted hoarsely.

"You two run! Jump out of the window, I stop them!"

His wife instantly understood what the husband wanted to do, tears welled up instantly, and her voice hoarsely shouted: "No! I want to save you!"

"Dad! Mom!"

The wife turned around and pushed her daughter back, tearful she still pretended to be vicious, and shouted at Enid: "Run!"

Turn around to help her husband when she finishes talking.

At this moment, there was a shout from outside the door: "Hey! The people inside get down!"

Accompanied by the shouting came a burst of intensive gunfire!

Boom, boom, boom!

The walking corpses that were squeezing into the room were attracted by the loud noise outside the door, and turned around and walked outside the door, and the man finally pushed the walking corpse away, and he lay on the ground and gave the walking corpse viciously. A knife came to the ground.

When he turned his head again, he found that his wife and daughter were all lying on the ground, holding their heads in both hands, and when he reacted, he quickly rolled back two laps and then lay there.

The gunshots outside the door came quickly, and they went quickly. The three felt that only a few breaths had passed, and the surroundings became quiet.

The family of three stood up slowly, and the man stood up to the forefront, blocking his wife and daughter behind him with his body.

A figure walked in slowly at the gate, and the sunlight outside the door shone in from behind this person, making him feel like he was enveloped in the holy light. The family walked in while hesitantly looking at the gate. 'S figure has spoken.

"Hello, is anyone hurt?"


A few minutes later, the four people were already sitting on the sofa in the living room. The family looked at the Asian man in front of him, somewhat curious about each other's identity.

"Mr. Lu, thank you for saving our family. My name is Mark. This is my wife Vicky and daughter Enid."

While talking, Mark stretched out his hand enthusiastically, with a grateful expression on his face.

Reached out and shook the other party's hand, just about to ask something, I heard a gurgling sound in the other party's stomach.

Withdrawing his hand, Martin showed an awkward smile, and asked instead when he saw it.

"How long have you not eaten?"

"It's been three days. The houses I found before were all finished, and there was some water left, but our car ran out of gas, so we only brought a few bottles of water with us for emergency."

Looking at this family silently, Enid knew him. This was an adolescent girl with a lot of thoughts. In the original drama, because he saw the tragic death of his parents with his own eyes, and there was still a period of time to survive in the wild, she should appear when she appeared. She is in the absolutely neutral camp, but in the later period, because of the influence of many people on her, as well as Karl's influence, she gradually became neutral and kind.

And now it seems that Enid should have been neutral and kind when her parents weren't dead. In the original drama, she just returned to the original camp.

These thoughts only flashed through Lu Jiayi's mind. He stood up and said to the three people: "Let's go, I'll take you to eat something."

"This...you saved us~www.wuxiamtl.com~ How can we still take your things? It's not appropriate."

Martin shook his head a little stubbornly. Although he was hungry, he still hoped to get food by himself. The other party had helped them a lot. He was also a survivor, and he knew that if he ate by himself, others would not be able to eat. , Even Vicky on the side waved her hand to reject Lu Jiayi's kindness.

Staring at the three of them for a while, they were a little at a loss, but they heard Lu Jiayi suddenly say: "I have a settlement, I invite you to join, are you willing?"

Martin glanced at his wife beside him in surprise, and when he saw that the other party also cast an agreeable look, he said hurriedly.

"Of course, we are willing to join!"

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