"I'm here to change the walking dead (!

The room fell silent again, and Catherine outside the room was already dull-eyed at this time. She knew that Lu Jiayi's ambitions were very big, but she could not even dream of it, it was so big.

After a while, Diana finally spoke again, and Catherine could clearly hear a trace of suppressed excitement in the other's tone.

"You said you can be someone who supports me secretly?"

Lu Jiayi: "Yes, my power will develop faster than you can imagine. Then you will have a powerful ally, and this ally is still in the dark. You should understand what this means."

There was another silence, and then Diana suddenly asked, "What about my family? What do they do?"

Lu Jiayi: "Since I have tried my best to facilitate this, of course you will also consider your family members, but you need to strictly demand both of them. You can't tell them any details. The other aspects do not matter."

Diana: "Then what do you plan to do with another organization? That CRM? Is this the name?"

Lu Jiayi: "I found an external person from their organization. This person is responsible for collecting talents and handing over to them. I want to put someone into this organization through her relationship. I have already considered this matter. You don't have to worry about it. You are not recommended to go, mainly because the other party is too mysterious, and the system is different from the Federation, which is not suitable for your development."

The room was silent again for a while.

Diana: "Lu, you are a great lobbyist. I have to admit that I was so enthusiastic about what you said, but I still have to discuss it with my husband before giving you an answer, okay?"

Lu Jiayi: "Of course, this is your right. I respect your choice whether you want to stay or not."

Reggie: "Lu, thank you for your suggestion."

Realizing that the conversation between the two parties was about to end, Catherine hurriedly pulled off the earphones, put the things in place, and ran towards Diana's house.

After secretly collecting the bug, she ran to her house in a panic, but didn't notice that Lu Jiayi in the living room had seen her.

Slowly walked back to the room. At this time, Catherine was already lying on the bed, her eyes closed motionless, she looked like she was asleep, but the slightly rapid breathing still exposed the fact that she was awake.

He walked to the bedside and sat beside the girl. Seeing that the other party was still pretending to be asleep, he simply reached out and pinched the girl's nose.

"Have you heard?"

Knowing that he was exposed, he reached out and knocked out the hand on his nose, sighed and sat up, his expression a little flustered.

"I just wanted to help you. I didn't expect that what you said was so important... I'm sorry."

He shook his head and interrupted the girl. He didn't blame the girl, he could see that the other party really wanted to help.

"Forget what you heard, you can't help with this kind of thing. Also, I'm going out tomorrow, and I'll leave early. When you wake up, tell someone else, I'll be noon soon I'll be able to come back."

"Is it dangerous?"

He shook his head lightly and explained: "There is no danger, just go and check it somewhere."

Catherine knew very well that the other party still didn't tell the truth. She didn't know where she wanted to go, but it was definitely dangerous.

She turned over, turned her back to Lu Jiayi, and then said nothing, thinking that the girl was already asleep, and did not say anything, the two of them just lay there in silence.

After a while, when she turned over and looked over again, she wanted to say something, only to find that Helping was asleep, and pursed her mouth a little regretfully. She didn't bother, so she decided to say it again tomorrow.


In the early hours of the next morning, Lu Jiayi put on the jacket lightly and looked at Catherine, who was still sleeping. There seemed to be some worry between Mi Qiongen's eyebrows. It seemed that the girl did not sleep well last night. He smiled and shook slightly. He shook his head and left the room cautiously.

Soon after he left, Catherine sat up from the bed again like last night. She glanced at the door and seemed a little hesitant. Finally, she didn't follow out, but walked to the window and looked outside.

It was still dark outside the window. There was a pickup truck parked in the center of the courtyard. Without Lu Jiayi's figure, she looked around, searching for the other person's figure.

Of course she didn't plan to follow. That would not help Lu Jiayi but hurt him. After a while, she saw Lu Jiayi change into black clothes, walked into the car with a bag, and said hello to the guard at the door. Then he drove away.

Standing in front of the window for a while, as if made up, his eyes became firm. After a short time, he changed his clothes and walked out of the room and walked straight to Diana's house.


Soon after the pickup truck left the base, the horizon gleamed slightly. Driving on the quiet highway in the faint morning light, Lu Jiayi's mind was always thinking about the next plan.

After spending dozens of minutes on the road, the sun had already risen at this time, and Lu Jiayi had arrived near the destination, parked the car slowly in front of the gate, and walked out of the cab.

What appeared in front of him was a mountain of rubbish. A container was embedded in the middle of the **** pile. Lu Jiayi knew that this was the door to the **** dump.

Standing next to the pickup, he did not knock on the door, but reached out and lifted the cloth bag inside the car. At this time, the container door was suddenly opened, and the crowd kept pouring out from inside. Some of these people held it. Cold weapons, some with guns.

Lu Jiayi just stood there, looking at the container not far away with a smile, ignoring the people around him, the crowd was still pouring out, and he was quickly surrounded by water.

Soon, the number of people coming out of the container gradually decreased. A tall woman came out from behind these people. She had short shoulder-to-shoulder hair. The outer layer of her brown hair was dyed golden. The sense of hierarchy, the front of her forehead is full of bangs, she looks average, but she has a temperament on her body, which makes her look like a queen at the moment. Before the end of the world, she can definitely fascinate many men who like this.

That's right, this is the queen of the junkyard, Jane Dess, or she can be called Jane.

Seeing that the Lord is finally out, Lu Jiayi finally made a move. He smiled and said, "You are the leader here, right? Introduce myself, my name is Lu, and I am a leader of a large force."

Jane snorted disdainfully, and glanced at the open space behind him without moving her head. The meaning was obvious, you didn't come by after you blew for a long time.

He smiled indifferently, Lu Jiayi was not worried about what accidents would happen to him, he knew very well that this woman was hiding very deeply, and this face that was dismissive of nothing was completely pretended.

"I know you don't believe it, how can a leader of a large force appear in front of you alone, but please believe me, it's good for you and me to talk alone!"

Jane's expression still didn't waver, she suddenly felt a little bored, and she shook her head at an old man in a black robe beside her, and was about to walk into the container.

The old man raised the gun in his hand, and everyone else raised their weapons, as if they were about to shoot at Lu Jiayi.

Lu Jiayi understood that there was no explosive news. It would be difficult to interest this woman. He didn't plan to hide it, and said directly, "Do you think you count as A or B?"

As soon as she said this, Jandis's body shook with naked eyes. She quickly turned to face the old man, and then stared at Lu Jiayi with a smile, as if she wanted to see through the man in front of her.

After staring for a long time, Jane walked back to Lu Jiayi's side again. She turned to face the old man and shook her head again. The old man looked at Lu Jiayi hesitantly.

Jane saw this, her eyes widened, and the old man was so scared that the old man couldn't help shrinking his neck, then he waved his hand, and the group of people standing next to Lu Jiayi returned to the container like the tide, and in a blink of an eye they were on the court. Only three people remained.

Jane took the pistol from the old man's hand, and then shook his head again. The old man bowed respectfully to Jane, then turned and walked into the container slowly, disappearing into Lu Jiayi's sight.

After the old man left, Jane raised the gun in his hand, and then Lu Jiayi finally heard her say the first sentence since the meeting.

"You...just now... what... mean?"

Lu Jiayi put away the smile on his face, and also said blankly: "You know it, don't you?"

"Who are you?"

"Someone who can help you."

"How...how to help?"

Having said that, Lu Jiayi stopped talking, just handed a piece of paper in his hand to motion for the other person to take a look.

Jane took the paper cautiously, glanced at Lu Jiayi vigilantly, and then slowly opened it.

A pattern drawn in black ink on the paper came into view, and Jane's pupils shrank. This pattern was so familiar to her, three intertwined circles!

She raised her head to look at Lu Jiayi again, her scrutiny gaze swept over him.

For this meeting, Lu Jiayi deliberately changed into a black combat uniform and put all the equipment on her body in order to confuse Jane and prevent her from confirming her identity.

"Are you... a member of their...?"

Seeing that the other party really got on the set, Lu Jiayi once again showed a smile on his face. He neither admitted nor denied, "These are not things you need to consider, so can we sit down and talk now?"

The gun in Jane's hand has been put down. She originally didn't intend to treat Lu Jiayi. Now that she learned that the other party was probably a member of the mysterious organization, she had a better attitude towards him.

Her tone suddenly returned to normal, but she spoke very slowly. It seemed that it was because she hadn't spoken for too long, which made it difficult for her to finish one sentence at a time.

Lu Jiayi was not in a hurry, he looked at Jane with a smile, and started his flicker plan.

"Introduce yourself again, you can call me Lu, this time I came to you because I wanted to find you for one thing."

"what's up."

The brief exchange made Jane speak a little fluently. Looking at the other's suspicious eyes, Lu Jiayi started his performance.

"Don't you introduce yourself first?"


"Jane, good name."


Lu Jiayi knew that the other party was a very guarded woman, and he needed to be very cautious about what he said next. Once the other party noticed something was wrong, it was likely that this conversation would end here.

He pretends to be careless on the surface, but countless thoughts have flashed through his mind.

"You want to join them, right?"

Jane's expression is no longer as calm as it was at the beginning. Joining crm is her obsession, and even after being wiped out by the Salvation Army at the garbage station, she survived by this obsession.

"Can you let me join them?"


Jane looked at Lu Jiayi suspiciously, instead of continuing to ask questions, instead the topic changed.

"Why help me?"

Lu Jiayi raised his hand and shook his fingers. He would definitely not say why.

"I have my own reasons, and don't you need a ticket to join them?"

"What's the ticket?"

"Do you think a B is enough for your tickets?"


"Yes, B."


Lu Jiayi put the bag in his hand on the ground, then looked at Jane who was hesitant, and said again: "The frequency of the walkie-talkie inside has been adjusted, and I promise to turn it on for a while every evening. I will contact you as soon as I have news. you."

Jane spoke suddenly, and she stared at Lu Jiayi with scrutiny.

"You are not one of them, are you?"

With a faint smile, Lu Jiayi said meaningfully: "It doesn’t matter whether I am them or not. The important thing is that I know them better than you. This matter does no harm to you and it is also to me, so it is a win-win transaction. Before you make a decision, To be sure, my method does not require you to take risks. The shortest month is one month and the longest half a year, and I will bring you a B. What you need to do is simple, save your life and not be killed by others."

Jane was a little moved, but still had some questions: "Why don't you contact each other yourself?"

"Hehe, of course I can do this, but in that case, you won't survive. Are you sure you want me to do this?"

Jane’s pupils shrank and she understood what the other party meant. This man just wanted to contact this mysterious organization through herself, but for some reason, the other party seemed unwilling to expose herself. If she disagreed, he would kill herself and then Contacting the other party on the grounds that he had revealed the news before his death, it seemed more appropriate to accept this proposal.

Seeing that she was silent, Lu Jiayi spoke again: "How is the deal?"

Jane struggled inwardly, and finally couldn't resist the temptation, and said: "The deal, but I still have one condition."

Seeing that the man looked at her ~www.wuxiamtl.com~, she continued: "I need a batch of food so I don't need to go out. There is still a batch of weapons that you give it is not enough."

"The deal, I will send someone to deliver the things in two days."

Without waiting for Jane's response, Lu Jiayi got into the car directly, and a cloud of smoke rose up, and the pickup truck quickly left Jane's sight.

Jane leaned over and picked up the bag on the ground, ignoring the weapons and ammunition in the bag, took out the walkie-talkie, hid it in his clothes pocket, and then walked into the container entrance with the gun bag.

The corners of her mouth rose slightly, obviously she was very satisfied with today’s unexpected delivery

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