I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 151: Rick's concerns

The reformation of the prison went very smoothly, and the teams who went out were constantly transporting materials from the Port of Atlanta back to the base.

The exploration of several military bases is also slowly proceeding under the leadership of Rick and Sean. To be precise, the camp is not a base. It should be a few camps that were temporarily set up to control the situation when the end of the world broke out. It is likely to be the previous ones. The troops in the base where I went.

However, these places are all around Atlanta, and many places need to be slowly cleared of roadblocks to pass. You must also be careful of the corpses that can appear at any time. Sometimes the roadblocks are cleared in one place for several days. This has made the impatient Sean somewhat recently. irritable.

And with the passage of time and the increase in outings, casualties gradually began to appear, which made Rick a headache.

When Lu Jiayi was in the past, he always planned meticulously every time he went out, and he was well commanded in the battle, and many times he could avoid some dangerous factors. However, since he left, he was a little uncomfortable with suddenly managing such a large base. There are too many chores, and planning various outing tasks makes Rick very tiring.

Looking at the team members who were clearing the roadblocks at this moment, Rick walked to Sean's side, and Sean was taken aback by the visible anxiety on his face.

"What's wrong?"

Rick stretched out his hand and rubbed his temples, and said unconfidently, "Sean, I really understand how difficult it was for Lu back then. It's so tiring to manage the base. No wonder he wanted Catherine to help him. "

Xiao En said dismissively: "Brother, you don't have to belittle yourself. There is no right or wrong in this matter. Lu is really good, but you are not bad."

Shaking his head, Rick said in a low tone: "Since Lu left, our base has successively sacrificed several people. When Lu was here, no one was injured or killed except for Kahn. The cause of En's death was also because of Lori, so it has an indirect relationship with me."

Seeing that Rick's will was a little depressed, Sean quickly grabbed the opponent's shoulder and comforted.

"Hey, you can’t think like that. You’ve done very well. Look at how well the base is now. Few people can do what Lu did. When he leaves, he suggests that you come to take over the base, indicating that he recognizes that you are not. As for the casualties, this is a normal thing. Even Lu can't guarantee that there will be no casualties, so please cheer up and don't look frustrated."

Listening to Sean’s advice, Rick still hesitated. He didn’t understand the truth, but people would make comparisons. The fact that there is no objection in the base does not mean that there will not be any in the future. There is still the least amount of time before Lu returns. For three to four months, he didn't want the base to become a mess.

"Hey, we can only use our brains to make arrangements. We can't prevent accidents, but we can do well in other aspects."


Just as Rick had a headache on how to manage the base, Lu Jiayi was also having a headache.

It has been more than a month since contacting the two forces in the Kingdom of Gods. Lu Jiayi took Darryl and Moore to conduct a thorough investigation of Alexander's surroundings.

Lu Jiayi confirmed the location of the garbage station and the seaside hotel, but after pretending to observe for a period of time, he did not contact the two parties. The Mor brothers did not say anything about it.

As for the whereabouts of the Salvation Army, Lu Jiayi is a little bit confused now. He wonders why the Salvation Army hasn’t appeared yet. Could it be that the Salvation Army originally appeared very late?

With this question in mind, Lu Jiayi found the outpost of the Salvation Army in the original play, the satellite station, but found that it was empty, except for a small amount of materials, other people can not even see.

Unwilling to give up, he found the headquarters of the Salvation Army, and there was no trace of the opponent here.

On the other hand, the rest of the people, who frequently traveled between the two settlements this month, have gotten acquainted with the people on both sides, especially Axel and Bob.

Axel, the repairman, is a sweet pastry in the eyes of these people. There are no people in the two settlements who are too proficient in machinery, so many small problems are simply repaired. .

But once there was a problem with the boiler in the Kingdom of God. Axel happened to be there at the time. He simply helped out. The incident was seen by **** who came to the trader. Then Axel became Get busy.

As for Bob, he mainly helps people see a doctor. Although there is also a Dr. Carson in Shandingzhai, he is an obstetrician and gynecologist, and Bob is a veritable military doctor. He is very good at dealing with some common diseases and trauma. .

Especially in the Kingdom of Gods, people often fall ill due to lack of medical treatment and medicine. Originally, Ezekiel’s first choice was Lu Jiayi, but the whereabouts of Captain Lu was erratic, and often the dragons did not see the head and the end. On top.

In the beginning, the two parties were mainly dealing in supplies. Later, after a few more contacts, they were not limited to transactions. People in the two rooms would occasionally go out to find supplies together.

Whether Ezekiel or Jesus, they were all amazed by the fighting power of Lu Jiayi's team. All of these dozen or so people were unique characters, and each had unique skills. Whether it was near, medium or long distance, everyone was good at them.

Among them, the one who likes to go out with them most to find supplies is Jesus. The fighting capacity of the mountaintop village is very scumbags, and there are few that can fight, and almost all of these people are tied to their homes by defensive work. Few people can go out. **** usually went out by himself.

Now although the Lu Jiayi team will be divided into most of the materials, but the efficiency is much higher, but he found that some of the rookies among these people are very obtrusive, but only after understanding that those people are the survivors of another community The person is said to be a group of lucky guys.

Today's team members stayed in Alexandria. The frequent outings made them feel a little tired recently. Lu Jiayi suggested that everyone take a break and plan the next itinerary by the way. Many members of Alexandria are also in their team at this time.

After a month of reunion, everyone seemed to have a more confident look on their faces, which was what he hoped to see.

Sitting in front of everyone, smiled and said hello to everyone.

"How have you been doing this more than a month?"

Axel was the first to speak, and his tone was full of hoarseness.

"Haha, I'm too busy, I can't take any time off this day!"

The others looked at this greasy uncle disgustingly, and moved a little farther away.

Moore joked with a smirk: "You're so busy, have you fallen behind in your basic skills? Let's practice hand skills with me later."

The smile on Axel's face disappeared like light~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The sitting upright made everyone around him laugh.

The aborigines of Alexandria also smiled happily. During this period of time, their improvement can be described by leaps and bounds. Most people have been able to solve a large number of walking corpses by themselves. Although there are occasional small accidents, but the flaws are not hidden. , And Lu Jiayi’s team gradually accepted this group of people, and these a dozen people gradually became a group of more than 30 people.

Diana in the distance looked at a group of people in the clearing, with thoughts in her eyes. Over the past month or so, the change that the other party brought to this place was significant, as can be seen from the change in her own attitude towards them, although There are only more than a dozen people close to each other, but these more than a dozen people are members of Alexander who used to go out often. She agrees with many of the other's practices, but her location restricts some of her behaviors, if it is just an ordinary community Member, she will join Lu Jiayi's team without hesitation.

It seems that I need a time to have a good talk with Lu Zai, and Lu Jiayi also secretly glanced at the distance at this time, thinking about something in his heart.

The people below were chatting happily at this time, only Catherine saw his movements, and immediately showed a thoughtful look.

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