The two walked into the room, and the others did not follow up. Gregory did not immediately start talking about the transaction as soon as he entered the room. Instead, he pointed to the decorations in the room and introduced them one by one, especially the one on the wall. painting.

   While he was talking about his love for the painting, he observed the changes in Catherine's expression, and found that the other party did not seem to be interested. A trace of disappointment flashed in the old man's heart, but there was no expression on his face.

The two parties sat down on both sides of the sofa. Gregory was still talking about some trivial matters, acting as if he didn't care about the transaction at all, while Catherine on the side always had a polite smile on her face, just listening to him there. Talking about some irrelevant topics, just swapped the two pieces of paper in the notebook.

   Seeing the girl's politeness with a sense of distance, he felt helpless, knowing that this sentence seemed to be difficult.

   The two chatted without a word, it seemed that there was a tacit understanding, and they didn't want to take the initiative to bring the topic to the transaction.

   They all understood in their hearts that whoever took the initiative to bring up the deal would be at a disadvantage throughout the subsequent negotiations, so time passed by so slowly. It seemed that almost an hour had passed before the door of the room was knocked suddenly.

   It was **** who came in. He walked up to Gregory and said a few words in his ear. The old man's face changed insignificantly.

   At this time, Catherine still confessed before landing Jiayi faithfully, that is, no matter how long the other party drags it, don't take the initiative to say anything about the transaction.

   At first, she was a little puzzled, but after seeing the opponent's performance throughout the process, she understood the meaning of doing this, so she hasn't let go.

Since **** just came in, she found that the other party’s emotions seemed to be getting more and more impatient, and the other party did not show it, but Catherine was able to capture this from his many small movements. I don’t know what happened, but she can I'm sure, Lu Jiayi must have done something, so I'm more at ease when I wait. I'm still chatting, but I'm more and more admired for her boyfriend in my heart.

   Another half hour passed in silence, during which **** came in twice again, each time making the old man's mood worse, and Catherine began to frequently look at the sky outside the window.

   Gregory naturally saw the girl's movements. He glanced out the window subconsciously and found that it was already near the evening before he knew it!

Catherine finally stood up and tidyed up her clothes. She continued to nod her head politely, and then said: "Mr. Gregory, it's almost evening, and we should go back. I have a very pleasant chat with you today. Wish you You have a happy life."

   After she finished speaking, she walked directly to the door, and Gregory behind her was very depressed. The whole afternoon of testing herself was fruitless. Although the other party was young, he was much more experienced than he thought.

   If it weren't for a group of patients in Shandingzhai, they wouldn't have fallen into this passive situation. He didn't really care about these patients. If it wasn't for this **** caravan, he would have a thousand reasons to prevaricate.

   But the problem is that now there is a chance to save them. If you don't take action at this time, the prestige established in Shandingzhai will be gone.

   Thinking of this, Gregory felt cruel.

   "Miss Kailin, please wait."

   Catherine had a pause in front of the door, and turned to look at the old man.

   "My name is Catherine."

"Yes, yes, Miss Catherine, I want to talk more about the exchange of medicines. You know that we have a few patients here and they are in very bad condition, but we have just traded with other organizations, and there is not much food available for them. It's a deal, so can know."

   Of course she understood what the old man meant, but she still pretended to be unsure, and looked at the old man with a puzzled expression.

   "Sorry, Mr. Gregory, I didn't understand."

   Gregory cursed inwardly, the expression on his face really looked even more pitiful, and his tone of voice became much lower and hoarse.

   "Hey, our situation here is very bad now. Allow me to apologize to you. I was too arrogant and rude before."

   smiled slightly, shook his head and said it was okay, then sat down on the sofa again under Gregory's sign.

   The expression on the mountain top village leader's face became more and more helpless, and he sighed before continuing.

"Shandingzhai is indeed in crisis, and we don’t have enough food. Winter has come, and the ammunition has run out a few days ago. Now we are short of food and medicine. Several people have fallen ill. I just couldn’t help it. I’ve only been in a stalemate with you for so long, but in fact I just hope to...get a little bit of the upper hand."

"I know that Miss Catherine's team are all good people, so I don't intend to hide it. I would like to ask you to help Shandingzhai tide over the difficulties. When we relax, we will definitely repay you. What do you think? "

   Gregory’s words were very sincere, and there was a feeling of worry on her face. Catherine was suddenly shaken. Is it really difficult here?

   Just when she wanted to ask questions, the door to the room was suddenly opened. Gregory thought that **** had come in He was a little annoyed, can't you stop at this critical moment?

   "Jesus go out! I didn't see...Uh."

   Gregory was only halfway through his words, but he saw a young man walking outside the door. He didn't see him just now. He guessed that this man should be the captain of the other party's medical skills!

   He just wanted to say hello, but he heard the other person first say: "Catherine, don't say we are leaving."

   Gregory was a little dazed, what? Got to go? What should I do here?

   "Wait, we are still talking about the drug transaction!"

   Lu Jiayi glanced at the old guy, and said angrily, "You are all going to starve to death, what can you trade with us? Do you want us to give you medicine?"

Although he thought so in his heart, Gregory obviously couldn't admit it. He could only forcefully explain: "I think you have misunderstood. I mean, after the medicine is exchanged, our food is not enough. We can still get it. Some food."

   Catherine's eyes widened, and she sternly asked the old man angrily: "You didn't tell me that just now!"

   stubbornly for a long time, the old man did not come up with a statement, so he could only spread his hands and tell the truth: "Miss Kailin, we all have to survive, don't we?"

   Catherine's angry little face flushed, and she glanced at the rascal old man in front of her, she turned around and walked out of the room.

   Lu Jiayi was not angry. He smiled at the other party, then turned and walked out of the room.

   Gregory was a little panicked. If he couldn't get the medicine today, these people might be dead, so he hurried out.

   "Sir, wait a minute, the price is easy to negotiate! We still have a lot of grain in stock!"

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