Lu Jiayi's words hit Diana's heart like a heavy hammer. She didn't want to admit it, but it was true.

But Diana still has other thoughts in her heart. After all, they have been living here safely and worry-free for a year, and there are no large numbers of walking corpses and survivors around, otherwise they would not have not recruited new members for such a long time. .

But Diana also agreed with Lu Jiayi’s point of view. After thinking about it, she said, “Lu, I’m actually aware of this problem. When you came here today, Alan was going out. His task was to find a suitable one. Survivors. As I just said, we stayed in the wall for too long. The less we can reach other people, the more strange we are to the outside world."

   "So we are eager to find some people who have been outside and teach us how to survive. I am just a politician. All I can do is bring stability to this community, but you are different!"

   "Lu, I hope you can bring us some changes, so that we can continue to survive in this end of the world."

Listening to Diana’s sincere words, Lu Jiayi felt a little disapproving in her heart. Alexander did need to change, but most of the disgust and rejection brought about by this change were the disgust and rejection of these people, including Diana herself, the change in her cognition, and herself. The goals he wanted to achieve were far from each other, and Lu Jiayi said intentionally when he thought of this.

   "Dianna, changing here means a huge change in your lifestyle. Are you sure this is what you want?"

   Diana was silent, knowing that she had no idea about what she said, so she simply pointed it out.

   "The current Alexandria is like an isolated village during the war. Do you think it would be a comfortable thing to let this village get used to the rhythm of the war?"

   This description made Diana instantly understand her current image. To be honest, it made her a little uncomfortable. She felt that Lu Jiayi described them as too fragile.

   Looking at Diana's expression, Lu Jiayi knew that this matter would not be clear for a while, so he simply changed the subject.

   "I have a lot of things to do next, and I will go out often. If you don't believe what I said, you can choose a few people who are willing to go out and act with us. Then you will understand what I mean."

   Diana lowered her head in thought for a moment, then nodded and stood up, she reached out and shook Lu Jiayi's hand.

   "I need to think about it carefully, but thank you for these suggestions."

   "Of course, you're welcome."

   Watching Diana's leaving figure, Darryl and Mi Qiongen silently walked to Lu Jiayi's side, and Mi Qiongen suddenly said, "Dianna is a good person, but these people are really too weak!"

   "Hey, these guys are simply lucky. It would be nice to be able to hold on for a few days outside."

In fact, Lu Jiayi has no affection for some of the people in Alexandria. In the original drama, this place became a normal community after Rick seized power. There are many strange people here, Diana’s two waste sons, and domestic violence men. Pete, Nicholas the cowardly, Adrian the Stinger and so on.

   Of course, there are many good people, they just lack the experience of the end times. Once these people are trained, they will be a proper combat power, but now they are still far away.

Speaking of this, I have to mention a huge bug in the original drama, that is, Alan and Eric’s search operation. They have been in contact with the timeline in Rick’s timeline for almost two years. The dialogue between the two parties can be Hearing it, they have been searching for survivors for a long time. Their two swaggering white cars are wandering outside every day, and they also have advanced monitoring equipment, but they haven't found any of the surrounding settlements? And the direction they searched is not around Alexandria, but an area hundreds of kilometers south of Shengton, which is outrageous!

If you have to force an explanation, it is that these two people only search far away and ignore the situation around them. This obviously doesn't make sense. It can only be said that the officials let them not find it, that is, they are walking under the eyelids. I couldn't see each other in the past.

   Lu Jiayi turned around and clapped his hands, and shouted to the person in the car: "Come here, everyone, let me talk about the next arrangements."

Since discovering his strange ability, Lu Jiayi began to consider one thing, that is, whether it is necessary to stay in Virginia. With this ability, the problem of lack of survivors that he worried about has been solved, but the prison is high. Wall compound is more suitable for facing crisis.

After thinking about it, Lu Jiayi still couldn’t let go of the people in the original drama. Only these people were left. All he had to do was to take the time to arrange the acquaintances here, and then find a way to take them away. The investment in the rhythm of development.

   Thinking of this, after seeing that everyone had come, Lu Jiayi began to arrange the next tasks.


   Three days later.

   Lu Jiayi gave the players three days off to give them a good rest. Everyone was exhausted along the way, and then they had to be busy for a long time. Once the plan was started, I didn’t know how long it would take.

   Diana convened all members of Alexandria for two meetings in the past three days, but Lu Jiayi didn't care about these. The team members still practice and rest every day.

   Lu Jiayi, who was leading everyone in the morning exercises, slid to Diana, who was walking aside, and there were a few people behind her. Lu Jiayi stopped the action in his hand and greeted him.

   "Lu, I have thought about it these days. For the problems you mentioned, I don't think people here can adapt immediately, but I still want to try, so can I ask you something?"

   "Let's talk about it."

   "Next time you go out, can you please bring a few members of Alexander, I want them to feel the gap between you and you in the wild up close."

I looked at the people behind Diana. He knew all of them. Coincidentally, they happened to be the main fighting strength of the Rick team. Although Alexander’s problems are multifaceted, he is confident that these people can quickly Adaptation to the end times.

Seeing that he had no reaction, Diana explained again: "These are our good But you have to be clear, we are a democratic community, and it is not enough to change their minds. If If you can’t reverse the thinking of most people, it’s hard to convince them. Just treat it as the beginning."

   Following Diana's story, he just watched these people show no enthusiasm, and he knew that these people were just rookies at present, and they had to be adjusted slowly in the future.

   "Okay, but my ugly words are at the forefront. Once I leave the community, everything will be subject to my arrangements."

   "Of course!"

   Talking, Diana turned around and pointed to the people behind him and introduced: "This is Tobin, Allen, Eric, Kenneth, Heath, and Annie."

   "The six of you will act with Lu next. You must follow the instructions and pay attention to safety."

Several people nodded their heads to express their understanding. Lu Jiayi's gaze passed over the faces of several people, ignoring their distrustful eyes, and said with a slight warning in his tone: "I will only say a little bit. After I go out, I will follow orders. What I can't do now You can leave."

After waiting for a few minutes, Lu Jiayi nodded when no one was leaving, and his tone eased slightly: "Since no one is leaving, then you will be my team members during this period. Let's have breakfast together, and we will go out soon. One trip, and leave after dinner."


The modified RV was driving on the highway. This time Lu Jiayi’s goal was a small town nearby. The Heath group looked at each other speechlessly. The nearby villages and small towns had been searched by them long ago. Basically all the things found were taken away.

   They have already begun to collect supplies from farther places, but the Heaths did not say anything. They were reluctant to let Lu Jiayi touch their noses and let these arrogant guys understand that this is not their place.

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