Seeing the two people froze on the spot, Sharpel did not hesitate and continued to explain: "That Lu took out five vials of vaccine during the transaction. It is said that it is a first-level vaccine, but it can prevent people from dying. And there is a probability of being immune to the virus! But Dawn doesn’t believe him, so he can only take out one of them and go to Sty Culture for a test. After confirming the result, Dawn will use two tanks filled with oil. The tanker exchanges vaccines with each other! But there are only four vaccines, so she doesn't plan to tell everyone!"

   Gorman on the side heard what Sharpel said, and instantly became extremely excited, struggling to sit up, he just had a serious injury on his face, so it didn't affect his actions.

He just got up, but O'Donnell on the side was not in a hurry. He stopped Gorman, and then said to Sharple with a slight suspicion: "I remember you were there at the time. If there are four vaccines left, there should be. You have one, but why would you talk to us here?"

   Sharpe shrugged slightly and said, "Because I'm worried that I won't survive that time at all! Do you think the four vaccines have a great effect to win people's hearts, or are they left to us in vain?"

  Gorman had stopped walking outside at this time. His expression was very wonderful at this time. He lowered his voice and shouted at O'Donnell hysterically: "We can't let her succeed like this!"

   O'Donnell kept staring at Sharpel’s face, trying to see some clues from the other's expression, but he failed, and can only say that Sharpel’s acting skills are too good!

And Sharpe was really thinking of Lu Jiayi’s purpose at this time. It was obvious that the other party wanted to provoke the relationship between these people, but there was a contradiction between O'Donnell and Dawn, and he just changed this contradiction. It was even more **** for tat. She secretly comforted herself that it was worth it to do this for a bottle of vaccine. No matter whether the vaccine can be immune to the virus, at least it will make her childbirth safe, which means she can also find a boyfriend.

  Sometimes, a woman's thinking becomes very self-conscious, no matter how rational she is usually.

   O'Donnell had believed in Sharpe's words by seven points at this time, and the rest would have to meet with Dawn to know.

When Sharpel saw that O'Donnell had stopped speaking, she knew that the other party was thinking, and she immediately said: "You two will discuss it! But remember that this was not what I told you, even if you did, I won't admit it. of!"

Seeing the leaving figure of Sharpel, O'Donnell finally raised his hand to signal for Gorman to come over. He lowered his voice and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Don’t make any noise beforehand, it’s fine for you and I to know. !"

   Gorman nodded, stopped clamoring, and obediently returned to the bed and lay down.

   soon, early the next morning.

   Dawn got up very early. She found Ramson and Sharpe. The three went to one end of the corridor and checked the surrounding rooms. After making sure that there was no one, the three entered a room.

As soon as Dawn entered the room, he said straightforwardly: "Two, Dr. Steven checked overnight, and the results have come out! Confirmed that the vaccine is correct! And there is good news that the vaccine experiment only used a small amount of medicine. Steven took the vaccine directly, which means we now have four vaccines!"

   "As for the sealing matter, don't worry, he has already got the vaccine and won't mention it to others. After the transaction is completed, we will have a vaccine for each of us!"

   Ramson frowned and asked, "What about which vaccine is left?"

   Daun's eyes became cold, and his tone became colder: "Destroy! You must never let others know about this!"

   "If we tell other people the news, and then organize an action, take them..." As he said, Ramson reached out and made gestures on his neck!

   Daun shook her head. She hadn't thought about it like that before, but once she took the shot, it was very likely that she would not be able to get anything. The other party was not a fool. The performance of the other party during the day did not seem to be afraid of them.

"If we can beat the other party, let’s not say. We can’t confirm whether the other party has a vaccine. The best thing we can do now is to get the tanker first and then complete the transaction. As long as we can get the other party out Heart-moving resources, I believe this will not be the last transaction!"

Listening to Dawn’s words, Ramson shook his head in disapproval. He looked at Dawn and said, "Dawn, your idea is too simple! Why did the other party only take out so many vaccines! That is called Lu The guys are definitely not at ease! I think we should tell everyone the news, take advantage of the opportunity of trading fuel, carry out a sneak attack, take the other party, then the origin of the vaccine! Even the production method! We may get it all!"

Dawn’s brows are frowning, and Ramson’s words do make sense, but what she has to consider now is not just getting the vaccine. If it is to notify everyone, then there is bound to be a big firefight. Let’s not talk about it. Whether or not they can win, these companions who are eager to die quickly will not contribute any more. She even feels that if something goes wrong a little bit, she will become the sacrificed pawn.

So this thing can be done, but you need to think about how to do it to get the most benefits. The best case is that all your opponents are solved by the other party, and then some people who are not firm will follow her, so that her status can be Be stable in a short time.

She looked up and looked outside. It was 6 o’clock in the morning and today was the day of the transaction. She understood that she had to make a decision now, but she still struggled for a long time. Once she attacked, the variables would be too great. To the point where she can't bear it!

  After thinking about it, Dawn decided to give up and continue to follow the trading procedures. At least three people present will get a vaccine. If there are more transactions in the future, you can consider getting more vaccines!

   Thinking of this grace, it seemed as if he had made up his mind, and looked at Ramson again and said, "I've decided! I still follow the original plan!"

   Ramson looked at her dissatisfied, and his tone became a little angry: "Do you know why everyone doesn't like you? Because you only think about yourself!"

Dawn's face instantly became She also glared at Rams, gritted her teeth and said: "I only think about myself? I do this to keep everyone alive! The vaccine must never be allowed. People know! Otherwise, the order established here will disappear completely! I will never allow this to happen!"

Ramson knew that he couldn't persuade him. The two sides considered things in different directions. He sighed, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said as calmly as possible: "Then forget it! I continue to talk to Sharpel. Go find fuel!"

   Sharpe looked into Dawn’s eyes, and her heart beat suddenly. She suddenly regretted that she had stayed in the conference room at that time. The vaccine is now like a hot potato! But now if they choose to quit, it will arouse the suspicion of the two.

Thinking about the vaccine that was about to be available, Sharpel decided to endure it. She now feels that Lu’s ambitions seem to be greater than she thought, but all the current unfavorable factors point to Daun, and she just doesn’t like Dao herself. En's leadership.

When Dawn left her and Ramson in the meeting room, it was nothing more than to block everyone’s mouths, but he lifted a stone and hit him in the foot. There were only two of the four vaccines that could have been swallowed by himself. Now it’s even more to destroy one to keep the secret! So the question is, will she really destroy the vaccine? Will it still destroy yourself?

   She suddenly felt that Daun's face standing next to her had become so terrifying, and her gaze turned strange, as if she was watching! dead?

   Sharple suddenly felt cold on his back, and a layer of cold sweat had covered his entire back unknowingly.

   Maybe I should kill Dawn first?

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