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Chapter 418: The Secret of Heavenly Dao

In general.

The four Dao Master-level items harvested this time are all extremely impressive.

At the same time, Xiao Shi also began to think about these four Taoist-level items to see if any of them were suitable to be transformed into his own exclusive items.

After some consideration.

He shook his head.

I feel that these four Taoist-level items are not suitable as exclusive items.

Even the [Rule of Tao], which is currently very useful to me, is not suitable.

Because [Rule of Tao] is a one-time consumable.

Not intended for long-term use.

If consumables are used as exclusive items and are used once and then gone, it is definitely not worth it.

Exclusive items...

I don't need to be too anxious.

There will definitely be opportunities to obtain better Taoist-level items in the future, and even demigod-level items.

Xiao Shi looked at the [Dao Beast Egg] and prepared to start the hatching of the [Dao Beast Egg].

He held the [Tao Beast Egg] in both hands.

There were numerous black threads wrapped around the skin.

These black threads spread along his hands toward the [Dao Beast Egg]. In an instant, they intertwined and covered the entire [Dao Beast Egg], causing the [Dao Beast Egg] to also turn into deep black.

It was filled with an extremely strong smell of killing.

at the same time.

These black threads began to seep into the egg continuously.

This caused the entire [Dao Beast Egg] to tremble.

And in constant tremors.

Cracks began to appear on the egg.

These cracks gradually spread throughout the eggshell, until with a click, shell pieces the size of fingernails broke apart.

As the eggshell breaks open.

A terrifying murderous aura that shook the world and moved Xiao Shi also violently escaped from the egg.

While Xiao Shi was shocked by the terrifying murderous aura inside the egg, he also stared at the Tao beast inside the egg more intently.

He was full of expectations for this hatched murderous beast.


He saw a pair of long horns revealed after the eggshell shattered!

This is……

Xiao Shi's eyes suddenly lit up.

the other side.

In a little-known secret place in Tianwu Continent.

This place is like a completely independent world.

The sky is always gray.

Full of dead silence.

And in this hidden place, there is a huge and ancient stone temple.

The entire stone temple is filled with the vicissitudes of time.

It seems to have existed for countless years.


A figure shrouded in a black cloak appeared in the stone temple.

The face under the black cloak is filled with humility and respect.

Kowtow to the only stone statue in the stone temple.

Rather than saying it is a stone statue, it is more appropriate to say it is a stone eye.

In the entire stone temple, there is only a pair of huge stone eyes, but the eyes of the entire stone statue are closed.

As the man in black robe bowed down.

A mysterious and magnificent will suddenly appeared in the eyes of the stone statue.

As a result, the eyes of the entire stone statue trembled and opened a small gap.

Black light escaped from the gap, shrouding the man in black robe.

The man in black robe said respectfully.

God, the plan we made before needs to make some changes. Now I need some strength to implement this plan early. Please God, give me divine power.

As the man in black robe spoke.

A voice formed by will suddenly appeared in his mind.

Are there any sacrifices?


The man in black robe nodded.

Raise your hand and wave.

Many souls suddenly appeared around him.

These souls are not ordinary souls.

The weakest souls among them are the souls of warriors in the Martial Demon Realm.

Even the soul of the saint exists.

And the most terrifying thing is that among these souls, there is still the soul of the Taoist master!

All the souls remained awake, and their faces were filled with confusion and fear.


The black light escaping from the stone statue's eyes spread instantly, covering all these souls.

Absorbed quickly.

Suddenly there were screams and chewing sounds from many souls.

“Nice taste.”


The quantity is too small, not enough for me to stuff between my teeth.

A voice made of will came from the mind of the man in black robe.

When I become the God of War, I will definitely offer enough sacrifices to the God.

The man in black robe said quickly.


From the stone statue's eyes, a black beam of light shot out.


It went straight into the middle of the black-robed man's eyebrows.

The man in black robe then threw his head back and let out a low growl of pain.

With your current body, you can only bear so much of my strength, but I think it should be enough for you to complete your plan.

The voice formed by will said.

The man in black robe endured the pain.

Under the influence of the opponent's power, the entire pupil has completely turned into a pitch-black vertical pupil, exuding a strange and chaotic aura.

That's enough!

He grinned painfully.

Located in the sky above the junction of the three demigod domains.

Demigod Xingkui and Yaoxi were suspended in the air. Demigod Xingkui stood with his hands behind his back and his eyes closed.

Yaoxi Demigod put his hand on his chin, seeming to be thinking about something.


A figure flashed.

He transformed into a long-haired demigod with a pale face and a sickly and feminine look.

You're late.

Xingkui demigod opened his eyes and said calmly.

Hey... It's rare that you take the initiative to call me, Xingkui. I have to make sure you don't want to take the opportunity to kill me before I decide whether to come.

Muwen Demigod said with a half-smile.

The relationship between these three demigod kings has always been very delicate.

When the Dawu Dynasty was still there, they were still on the same enemy.

But now with the fall of the Dawu Dynasty.

Their relationship with each other is already hostile.

Although they haven't gone to war with each other yet.

But they all know it.

There will be a battle between the three of them sooner or later.

Among the three demigod kings, Xingkui demigod has always been the strongest.

Muwen Demigod and Yaoxi Demigod were both slightly inferior to Xingkui Demigod in terms of strength.

However, the gap between them is not that big.

It has not yet reached the point where it can defeat the other side.

Demigod Xingkui ignored Muwen Demigod's sarcastic remarks.

He said it straight to the point.

I summoned you here this time to talk about the fifth domain.

I believe that your large domain was attacked by the Taoist master of the fifth domain not long ago, right?

Demigod Yaoxi and Demigod Muwen nodded to this.

In fact, they all guessed that Xingkui Demigod summoned them here, obviously for the earlier attack by the Taoist master of the fifth domain.

At first, I felt very confused. I didn't understand why these Taoists from the fifth domain wanted to come to my big domain to exchange lives with the Taoists under my command...

It wasn't until I discovered that the Dao stars of the Dao masters I killed still hadn't changed at all, that I began to realize...

These Taoist masters are still alive and not dead in some way that I don't know!

Xingkui Demigod looked solemn.

I doubt……

All of this comes from that heavenly star!

Demigod Yaoxi and Demigod Muwen were thoughtful about this.

They also noticed that the Tao stars of the Tao masters they had killed before had not become masterless.

Understand that those Tao masters are not really dead.

However, they did not associate it with the Heavenly Star in the first place.

you mean……

Yaoxi's demigod eyes narrowed slightly.

He vaguely guessed Xingkui Demigod's intention to summon them.

This person's Heavenly Way is too secretive. So far we have not been able to see his Heavenly Way. We have no idea what kind of abilities his Heavenly Way has.

Although from the current point of view, this person does not have any hope of being promoted to demigod, but he can become a Taoist master silently, so we cannot treat him with ordinary eyes.

Perhaps he will later be promoted to a demigod in some way that we don't know about.

I have a hunch that this attack by these Taoist masters may be related to his promotion to demigod.

And when he was the Tao Master, we didn't even know what Tao he was in charge of. What if he became a demigod... then how should we deal with him?

Demigod Xingkui's words made both Demigod Yaoxi and Demigod Muwen frown.

have to say.

Now the leader of the fifth domain has begun to make them feel afraid.

There was even a faint sense of crisis.

Just as Xingkui demigod said.

Once this person becomes a demigod, if they don't know the way of heaven, they will certainly not know the rules of heaven and earth controlled by the other party.

After all, the rules of heaven and earth are promoted by one's own Tao.

Now that he is still the Dao Master, we still have a chance to defeat his Heavenly Dao.

But what if he becomes a demigod...

Then we will have no way to know the rules of the world he controls. It will be a disaster for us!

Xingkui Demigod said in a deep voice.

As a demigod.

They all know it.

Without knowing the other party's rules.

There's no way they can compete with that!


We all must defeat his heavenly ways before he becomes a demigod!

Xingkui Demigod said solemnly.

This was also the main purpose of his summoning Yaoxi Demigod and Muwen Demigod this time.

Although they currently have nothing to do with Xiao Shi.

But at least you have to know his way of heaven.

Yaoxi demigod shook his head at this.

This person's way of heaven is extremely secretive. I have tried to decipher the secret of his way of heaven before, but failed...

Demigod Muwen stared at Demigod Xingkui.

You summoned us here because you want to gather the strength of the three of us to decipher his secrets of heaven?


Xing Kui demigod nodded.

Since we alone can't break through his heavenly secrets, let's gather the strength of the three of us to crack it together. I don't believe it. Even the three of us together can't break through his heavenly secrets!

Yaoxi Demigod's eyes lit up and he agreed.

That's a really good approach.

Demigod Mu Wen also nodded.

You can give it a try.


As the three demigod kings reached a consensus.

They immediately took action at the same time, working together to break Xiao Shi's secrets of heaven.

In an instant.

Three different laws of heaven and earth all converged on Daohe, causing the entire Daohe to violently shake.

It directly moved the entire Dao River.

After all, there are only five kinds of rules of heaven and earth at most in an era.

Now when the three demigod kings use their own rules of heaven and earth at the same time, they are equivalent to using most of the rules of heaven and earth of Tianwu Continent.

Already able to shake Daohe!

And the Tiandao stars located at the top of Dao River.

At this time, under the influence of these three laws of heaven and earth, the hidden starlight surrounding the Star of Heaven, like a mist, was suddenly shaken and dispersed.

These stars dissipate in large tracts.

This made the three demigod kings' eyes brighten.


They immediately stepped up the application of their own rules.

This causes these starlights to dissipate faster.

Just the blink of an eye.

Most of the starlight surrounding this Heavenly Star has dissipated, revealing the Heavenly Star surrounded and shrouded by numerous starlights.

The three demigod kings all looked at the Heavenly Star with fiery eyes after the starlight dissipated.

I was very excited inside.

They will soon be able to clearly see the heavenly way of the leader of the fifth domain!

However, the smiles on their faces only lasted less than a second.

At the moment when many stars disappear.

Their smiles suddenly became stiff.

When the starlight dissipates.

What was revealed in front of them was a black Dao star that was as black as ink and devoid of any color light.

The darkness on the Dao star makes this Dao star filled with a sense of mystery and unknown.

Even the three demigod kings couldn't see anything from this Dao star when they stared at it...

If we talk about the previous Daoxing.

Mainly relying on those starlights for concealment.

So the Dao Star that is now revealed in front of them has a deeper secret in itself.

Even without the cover of those stars...

They couldn't see any clues from this Dao star.

It seems that the formation of this Dao star itself is formed by secrets!

The expressions of the three demigod kings became dark and gloomy.

Especially Xingkui Demigod, the veins on his forehead bulged and his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes.

His fists were clenched.

The aura on his body was like boiling flames.

Emitting terrifying waves.

The explosion of nothingness continued.

I don't believe it!!

Star Kui demigod gritted his teeth and roared.

Demigod Yaoxi and Demigod Muwen also had gloomy expressions.

The three of them simultaneously pushed their own rules to the extreme.

He wanted to use his own rules to forcibly defeat Xiao Shi, the star of heaven.

However, even if the three of them tried their best to run their own rules, they could not get any information from Xiao Shi's star of heaven.

It seems that this star of heaven is the secret way.


Yaoxi demigod shook his head and sighed.

Demigod Muwen frowned.

Is there a possibility that... his way of heaven is actually a secret way? In fact, we have now clearly seen the nature of his way of heaven.

Demigod Muwen's words made Demigod Xingkui and Demigod Yaoxi fall into deep thought.

Judging from the current situation.

It seems like this is the answer.

But Xingkui Demigod always feels that this way of heaven is not that simple!

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