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Chapter 371 Spying on the secrets of heaven

Xiao Shi looked solemn.

he knows.

Although Prince Dawu hates Xiang Zizhen, Xiang Zizhen is the saint of Dawu Dynasty after all. If there is no special reason, Prince Dawu will not be able to kill Xiang Zizhen no matter how much he hates him!

Especially when people from the Red Tiger Sect were involved.

Then there is only one possibility...

Prince Dawu knows my identity and my relationship with Xiang Zizhen and the Red Tiger Sect, so he will be detrimental to them.

Xiao Shi narrowed his eyes slightly.

He knew that his hiding was not perfect.

Xiang Zizhen and the Red Tiger Sect are his biggest flaws.

Although he believed that neither Xiang Zizhen nor the people of the Red Tiger Sect would betray him, as long as they were in the imperial domain, Prince Dawu had many ways to make them reveal the truth.

This was one of the reasons why Xiao Shi wanted to bring them out of the imperial domain as soon as possible.

Once the clues were discovered by Prince Dawu.

It will definitely be detrimental to them.

But he didn't expect Prince Dawu to move so fast!

Xiao Shi frowned deeply.

The situation today is not good.

Not only are Xiang Zizhen and the people of the Red Tiger Sect facing a major crisis, he himself is also facing the threat of the imminent arrival of the petrified face.

All the dangers seemed to be gathered together...

But one thing is for sure.

Prince Dawu's target is himself, and he will definitely not kill Xiang Zizhen and the people of the Red Tiger Sect at the moment.

Most likely they will be put under house arrest to blackmail themselves.


How will he deal with me?

Xiao Shi fell into deep thought about this.


Xiang Zizhen and the people of the Red Tiger Sect are indeed his weaknesses.

Xiao Shi could not sit back and watch Prince Dawu kill them without caring.

Just when he was thinking seriously.

Suddenly, he noticed fluctuations coming from the dream jade.

Xiao Shi's eyes suddenly became sharp.

This piece of dream jade...

It is an important tool for him to communicate with Xiang Zizhen alone.

Logically speaking.

It is impossible for Xiang Zizhen to have the opportunity to contact him through the dream jade now.

At the same time, even if this dream jade falls into the hands of Prince Da Wu, Prince Da Wu will not be able to use this dream jade.

Because dreams are the unique power system of the Four Elephants Shenwu Cult.

If you are not a member of the Four Elephants Divine Martial Cult, even if you get the dream jade, you will not be able to use it.

Looking at the dream jade that keeps fluctuating.

Xiao Shi narrowed his eyes slightly.

He had already guessed who was using Xiang Zhen's dream jade to contact him.

He didn't hesitate at the moment.

He reached out directly and held the dream jade.

After turning it on, you enter the dream world.

he knows.

The dream woven by this piece of dream jade does not pose any threat to itself. Even if the other party wants to deal with me in the dream, he can leave at any time.

There will be no danger.

And now he urgently needs to know the situation of Xiang Zizhen and others, and he must meet them in the dream world.

As the dream jade was opened, a black light swelled from the palm of Xiao Shi's hand, covering the surrounding area with a dark curtain.

The surrounding scenery began to distort and was replaced by darkness.

The next second.

Xiao Shi appeared out of thin air in the dark dream world.

In the past, when Xiao Shi and Xiang Zizhen, members of the Four Elephant Divine Martial Cult, met in the dream world, they were all in the form of light beings whose whole bodies were radiating light, with no physical appearance visible.

However, when Xiao Shi appeared in the dream world, he saw a clear figure without any light on his body.

This allowed Xiao Shi to clearly see this person's appearance.

He has short light brown hair, a strong face, and a light beard around his mouth.

It was the same as he had guessed before.

The person who is contacting him through the dream jade is none other than Xiang Zizhen’s master, Chen Yuan, the current leader of the Four Elephants Shenwu Sect!

Chen Yuan put his hands behind his back and stared at Xiao Shi who appeared in the dream world with a pair of blue eyes as deep as the starry sky. There was no expression on his face, and his emotions and thoughts could not be seen. After staring at Xiao Shi for two seconds, he spoke.

We already know who you are.

Xiao Shi was not surprised by this.


How are Xiang Zizhen and the people of the Red Tiger Sect doing?

He has been imprisoned and his life is not in danger for the time being.

Chen Yuan replied.

Xiao Shi nodded.

Tell me, what do you want?

Chen Yuan looked at Xiao Shi.

Your Highness wants me to take you into the Imperial Realm. I can jump through the dream of the Four Elephants Divine Martial Cult, allowing you to avoid the demigod barrier and directly come to the Imperial Realm.


This requires your own cooperation with me. If you don't cooperate, I won't be able to force you to come to the imperial territory.

As soon as Chen Yuan's words came out.

Xiao Shi immediately understood Prince Dawu's intention.

It is clear.

Prince Dawu wanted to use Xiang Zizhen and the people of the Red Tiger Sect as bait to lure him into the imperial domain.

If he had stayed in his own territory, Prince Dawu would definitely have nothing to do with him.

And once you enter the imperial realm...

We can only let Prince Dawu slaughter us.

But Prince Dawu would not kill himself.

After all, his real intention is not to kill himself, but to want this area of ​​his own.

Therefore, even if he entered the imperial domain.

I believe that Prince Dawu will not take action to kill.

Instead, he would allow himself to incorporate the fifth domain into the Dawu Dynasty.

At the same time, he will also allow himself to rejoin the Dawu Dynasty.

He completely imprisoned himself in the Dawu Dynasty.

In this way, even if Xiao Shi is not sincerely loyal to the Dawu Dynasty, as long as his people and territory are in the Dawu Dynasty, he will definitely be able to bring a huge increase in the power of the Dawu Dynasty.

Although this will not pose any threat to Xiao Shi's life.

But as long as he enters the imperial domain.

Then he will be controlled by Prince Dawu for the rest of his life.

And if he doesn't comply...

Prince Dawu will definitely take action to kill Xiang Zizhen and the people of the Red Tiger Sect.

This point has been verified by Xiao Shi through the secret warning of the [Tian Ji Disk], and Prince Dawu will never use this as a long-term blackmail.

If Xiao Shi refuses now, Prince Dawu will kill Xiang Zizhen immediately.

After all, Prince Dawu himself hated Xiang Zizhen.

If there is such a rare opportunity, he will definitely not be spared his life.

This way.

If Xiao Shi wants to rescue Xiang Zizhen and others, he must go to the imperial domain and has no other choice.

The reason Prince Dawu asked Chen Yuan to handle this matter is obviously because he doesn't want the three demigod kings to know about his actions, and he wants me to enter the imperial domain quietly...

Xiao Shi knew.

The demigod barrier outside one's own domain.

In addition to preventing others from entering your own domain, you are also monitoring yourself.

If you step out of your own realm in an ordinary way, you will definitely be sensed by these three demigod kings immediately.

Only methods similar to the dream jumping of the Four Symbols Divine Martial Cult and the space shuttle of the Tianji Temple can leave their own domain without the three demigod kings being able to sense it.

If the three demigod kings knew about Prince Dawu's actions.

They will definitely find a way to stop it.

For these three demigod kings, they would rather accept the fifth domain falling into the hands of any one of them than accepting the fifth domain being merged into the Dawu Dynasty.


If I tell the three demigod kings about this, can I get their help?

Xiao Shi felt that in this situation.

Maybe I can consider cooperating with the three demigod kings.

But think about it carefully.

He quickly dismissed the idea.

This method obviously doesn't work.

On the one hand, the three demigod kings could not enter the imperial domain. Even if they were told, they could not help them bring Xiang Zizhen and others out of the imperial domain.

On the other hand, Xiao Shi felt that cooperating with the three demigod kings was tantamount to seeking the skin of a tiger. Compared to Prince Dawu, these three demigod kings were more dangerous.

And once these three demigod kings realize that dream jumping and space shuttle can break away from their barrier, they will definitely find a way to block it to a greater extent.

You certainly can't tell them this.

Without any assistance, how can we rescue Xiang Zizhen and the others from the imperial domain by themselves?

Xiao Shi couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Chen Yuan said nothing about this, quietly waiting for Xiao Shi to make a decision without urging him.

After thinking for a long time.

A plan gradually formed in Xiao Shi's mind.

But now he is not sure whether his plan will work.

Next, you need to use the [Heavenly Secret Disk] to spy on the secrets and predict the results first.

Think of this.

Xiao Shi looked at Chenyuan and asked.

How much time do I have?

one day.

Chen Yuan said.

Xiao Shi shook his head.

One day is not enough, I need five days.

After Chen Yuan heard this, he couldn't help but frowned.

Based on his understanding of Prince Dawu, it would be impossible for Prince Dawu to give Xiao Shi so much time.

I will definitely come to the Imperial Domain within five days, but during these five days, I hope you can protect Xiang Zizhen and the people of the Red Tiger Sect.

Xiao Shi said seriously.

Chen Yuan took a deep look at Xiao Shi.

I can't guarantee that.

After finishing speaking.

He turned around to leave this dreamland.

Xiao Shi looked at Chen Yuan with some confusion.

He knew that even though the other party said it, he couldn't guarantee it.

But such an answer already indicated that he would try his best to help him delay time.

At the same time, Xiao Shi could also feel it from Chen Yuan...

For Chen Yuan.

He didn't want to see anything happen to Xiang Zi.

He also wanted to save Xiang Zizhen.

But the emperor's life is on his side.

Even if he didn't want to in his heart, he couldn't disobey Prince Dawu.

He could only assist Xiao Shi in a certain way and in a subtle way.


Just when Chen Yuan was about to leave the dream world.

Xiao Shi suddenly spoke and stopped him.

He looked at Chen Yuan's back and couldn't help but ask the doubts in his heart.

Is such a person... worthy of your loyalty?

This doubt has always existed since Xiao Shi entered the imperial domain.

Since the fall of Emperor Wu, the imperial power of the Dawu Dynasty collapsed, and the three demigod kings and many lords left the Dawu Dynasty one after another.

As the only seedling of the Four Elephants Divine Martial Cult, Chen Yuan became the patron saint guarding the Dawu Dynasty.

However, he never received the respect a patron saint deserves.

He was hampered by Prince Dawu at every turn.

What Prince Dawu wanted to do was not to worship this patron saint, but to keep suppressing him, fearing that Chen Yuan's power would threaten his own status.

For this reason, he even supported a new force Wuge, allowing Wuge to achieve a balance of power with the Four Elephant God Martial Arts Sect.

If Chen Yuan is the kind of person who cares about power.

This behavior of Prince Dawu is quite normal.

After all, for those in power.

To some extent, they will be wary of the people under their command, who may be overshadowed by their superior skills.

In particular, Chen Yuan, who is in charge of the Four Elephants Shenwu Sect, has certain abilities to seek power and usurp the throne.

But with Xiao Shi's understanding of Chen Yuan.

He knew that the other party had no idea in this regard at all.

What Chen Yuan has been looking at has never been the current Dawu Dynasty, but the current Tianwu Continent.

What he was thinking about was how to revive the Dawu Dynasty, how to fight against the three demigod kings, and how to bring the Dawu Dynasty back to its former glory.

He had no interest at all in the power struggle within the Dawu Dynasty, and even though he was constantly being suppressed, he did not have any resentment.

Even Xiao Shi, who had recently joined the imperial domain, could see this.

He didn't believe that Prince Dawu didn't know.

But Prince Dawu's eyes always only stayed in the imperial domain.

In the current situation where the Dawu Dynasty continues to decline, the internal power struggle is still thinking about.

Xiao Shi felt that if he were Chen Yuan, he would have left the Dawu Dynasty long ago.

He worked hard for the Wu Dynasty, but in exchange he was suppressed and guarded.

Why should we still work for him?

This has also become the biggest doubt in Xiao Shi's heart.

Regardless of whether it was him or Xiang Zizhen, they had been completely disappointed with the Dawu Dynasty after being treated unfairly by Prince Dawu.

However, the injustice Chen Yuan suffered was hundreds or thousands of times more than them.

available in this case.

Chen Yuan was still loyal to the Dawu Dynasty and still obeyed Prince Dawu, which made Xiao Shi very confused.

Faced with Xiao Shi's questions.

Chen Yuan did not look back.

Just said four words lightly.

The duty lies.

After finishing speaking.

Chen Yuan's figure then disappeared from the dream world and left the dream world directly.

Xiao Shi frowned at this.

He can feel it.

Prince Dawu's suppression of Chenyuan and the Four Elephants Shenwu Sect was not just a simple internal power struggle, but probably also included other reasons.

At the same time, Chen Yuan's loyalty to the Dawu Dynasty was also the same.

After the death of Emperor Wu, many forces chose to leave the Dawu Dynasty, but the Four Elephants Shenwu Sect never left.

There must be some unknown reasons for this.

Shaked his head.

Xiao Shi put this doubt aside for the time being.

The most important thing for him at the moment is the next action plan.

This operation carries high risks.

Xiao Shi didn't have much confidence either.

He needs to use the spying secrets of the [Heaven's Secret Disk] to predict the result. If the predicted result is failure, then he needs to make corresponding adjustments.

This is also the power of [Tian Ji Disk].

Ability to predict the outcome of a decision in advance and make adjustments based on the outcome.


After Xiao Shi left the dream world, he directly activated the [Heaven's Secret Disk] to spy on the secrets.

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