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Chapter 365 Meeting the Demigod

The moment Xiao Shi successfully turned this special area into his own domain.


The entire huge landmass suspended in the sky sank rapidly from the sky under the violent vibrations.

At this moment, no matter it is Prince Dawu in the Dawu Dynasty.

They are also the three demigod kings of the three realms.

Everyone was paying close attention to the special area in the sky.

Especially when those who had entered the special area before returning to the Martial Demon Realm, they also had some understanding of the situation in the special area.

I know that the person who has the most hope of controlling this special area right now is a mysterious man from the Dawu Dynasty.

As this particular area sinks.

Everyone realizes...

Someone has successfully taken control of this special area!


As this special area continued to sink, it continued to sink to a distance of only a hundred meters from the ground.

There was a sudden pause.

next moment.

The ground beneath this special area shook.

The ground beneath it began to stretch amid the vibrations, and the earth expanded at an alarming rate.

In an instant.

Just between the Imperial Domain and the three major domains, a huge area expanded out of thin air.

boom! !

Accompanied by a loud bang.

The land suspended in the sky fell heavily into this area, fitting perfectly with it.

This formed the fifth domain after the imperial domain and the three major domains!


Both Prince Dawu and the three demigod kings were all shocked.

Even though they knew that this special area was extraordinary, they never expected that it could directly become a domain.

To know.

Domain and territory are two completely different concepts.

First of all, domain is much larger than territory in terms of area.

Secondly, multiple saints can be born in the domain, but there can only be one saint in the territory.

Under the current situation where the number of saints in Tianwu Continent is very few, the birth of a domain will lead to the birth of more saints in Tianwu Continent!

This is a huge attraction for the many martial arts realms in the Tianwu Continent, which will prompt many people to rush to join this newly emerged fifth realm and gain the opportunity to become a saint.

At the same time, the power of the domain is completely incomparable to the power of the territory.

“It’s actually a domain!!”

Prince Dawu was filled with excitement.

He clearly knew how much energy a region could bring to the Dawu Dynasty.

But what puzzled him was...

This area was not directly merged into the Dawu Dynasty?

According to what those in the Martial Demon Realm who had returned from the special area said before, the one who has the greatest hope of controlling this special area now is a mysterious person from their Great Martial Dynasty.

Although I don’t know who this person is.

But since he is from the Dawu Dynasty, after taking control of this special area, this special area should be directly integrated into the Dawu Dynasty and become part of the imperial domain.

But now this special area has not been merged into the Dawu Dynasty.

Instead, it has become a completely independent domain.

This made Prince Dawu a little confused.

at the same time.

The three demigod kings of the three major realms also had doubts.

This special area was neither merged into the Dawu Dynasty nor integrated into their three major domains...

This is really strange.

Logically speaking, if the person who controls this domain is not from the Martial Demon Realm of the Great Wu Dynasty, then he must be from the Martial Demon Realm of their three major regions.

But now this area is independent and does not belong to any party.

This is very strange.

To this.

The eyes of these three demigod kings all flashed sharply at the same time.

Although they can't figure out the reason.

But they clearly knew the astonishing value of this area.

After all, this is the fifth domain of Tianwu Continent!

If it can be brought into its own domain to form a combination...

So when they control two domains at the same time, both their own strength and their power will be greatly improved.

Think of this.

The figures of the three demigod kings moved at the same time.

Killed directly towards this newly emerged fifth domain.

No matter who is in charge of this fifth domain.

In their eyes, the other party is not qualified to control the domain.

Prior to this, there were only four domains in Tianwu Continent, each controlled by the three demigod kings and Prince Dawu.

If you compare the lords of each territory in Tianwu Continent to a prince.

Then the three demigod kings are like three overlords!

It is the most powerful symbol of the current Tianwu Continent.

Even Prince Dawu could only stay in the imperial domain when facing these three kings, and did not dare to step out of the imperial domain to confront them head-on.

This makes the control of a domain no longer just the control of an area.

It also represents the status and identity in Tianwu Continent.

To some extent.

The person in charge of this fifth domain can already be called the fourth king of Tianwu Continent!

How could these three demigod kings tolerate a saint who was as famous as them and became the fourth king with the same identity and status as them?

Even if this person is the strongest saint ever, he is far from qualified.

Not only the three demigod kings hold this idea, Prince Dawu also feels that the saint is not qualified and has no ability to control the domain.

It's just that he can't directly participate in the fight like the three demigod kings.

In the current situation where there are no demigods in the Dawu Dynasty.

They didn't even dare to step out of the imperial territory easily.

Once they no longer have the protection of the imperial domain, they can only be slaughtered by the three kings outside.

However, this newly born fifth domain is extremely important and has a lot to do with it.

Prince Dawu thought that now that Chen Yuan had the Emperor's Eye, a demigod treasure, even if he could not compete with the three demigod kings, he should still be able to save his life.

So he immediately sent an order to Chenyuan.

Let him go to this newly born fifth domain immediately.

If the person in charge of the fifth domain is from their Dawu Dynasty, let the other party quickly merge the fifth domain into their Dawu Dynasty.

We can't give those three demigod kings a chance.

After Chen Yuan received the order from Prince Dawu, he also knew the importance of this matter.

He didn't hesitate.

He headed directly to the newly born fifth domain as quickly as possible.

Anyway, he mainly negotiated with the leader of the fifth domain this time, rather than directly plundering like the three demigod kings.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about conflicts with the three demigod kings.

Even if the three demigod kings wanted to kill him while he was leaving the imperial territory.

He can also escape back to the imperial realm through the Eye of the Emperor.

for one's own safety.

Chen Yuan is still very confident.

He would not go to die for no reason.

that's all.

The three demigods from the three major domains, as well as Chen Yuan, who represented the Dawu Dynasty, rushed to the fifth domain at an alarming speed.

Because the fifth domain is located exactly between the imperial domain and the three major domains.

at their astonishing speed.

In an instant.

They arrived at the newly born fifth domain.

As soon as the three heavenly kings arrived, they rushed towards the fifth domain with a strong and domineering attitude.

They completely ignored the strongest saint who controlled the fifth domain.

A mere saint.

In their eyes they are just ants.

The so-called strongest saint is just a slightly bigger ant among ants.

But it’s still an ant!

But the moment they approached the fifth domain.

An earth-shattering roar suddenly exploded in their ears.

There is even a powerful and terrifying momentum.

The three heavenly kings all felt threatened, and their forward-moving bodies had to retreat backwards.


Almost at the moment they fell back.

A huge golden dragon suddenly flew up from the fifth domain.

Let out a dragon roar that shook the earth and shook the void.

This is……

The three demigod kings were shocked.

I saw the first golden dragon rushing out from the fifth domain, followed closely by the second, and the third golden dragon also rushed out quickly.

They move around the fifth realm.

It exudes a powerful aura that even the three demigod kings are afraid of.

Chen Yuan arrived here one step later than the three demigod kings.

When he comes.

The entire fifth domain was already surrounded by nine golden dragons, and the roar of the dragons resounded throughout the world.

Chen Yuan's expression suddenly changed.

and the three demigod kings simultaneously exclaimed.

Nine Dragons... Divine Formation!!

As people of Emperor Wu's era, they had all seen this shocking divine formation that only Emperor Wu could display!

Since the death of Emperor Wu.

This divine formation also disappeared in Tianwu Continent.

No one can use this divine formation anymore.

No one expected...

This long-lost divine formation actually appeared in the newly born fifth domain and became the protective formation of the fifth domain.

This made the faces of the three demigod kings turn gloomy at the same time.

they know.

Even if the three of them join forces, they cannot break this divine formation.

This is a formation that can only be broken by those at the ninth level of martial arts.

This domain is not yours to occupy.

One of the kings spoke in a deep voice.

Its voice was directly transmitted into Xiao Shi's domain and exploded in the sky above Xiao Shi's domain.

Although the Nine Dragons Divine Array can bring you protection, you must also be prepared to stay in it for the rest of your life and never come out.

Another heavenly king also said.

they know.

Although the Nine Dragons Divine Array has powerful protective capabilities.

But there is also a flaw.

That's this formation...it can't be moved.

It can only be used as a regional guardian and cannot be used as a personal guardian.

This way.

Unless Xiao Shi stays in there forever and never comes out.

Otherwise, as soon as Xiao Shi comes out, they can take him down immediately.

Although the third king did not speak, he waved his hand to form a barrier outside the fifth domain.

As a result, everyone who enters and exits the fifth domain will be trapped in his barrier.

This completely blocked the entire fifth domain.


Thunder and lightning suddenly appeared in the sky above the fifth domain. These thunder and lightning continued to interweave in the sky, and gradually converged to form a blurry, huge face.

The moment I saw this face.

Everyone frowned.

Although this face looks very blurry, they all know clearly that this face is not the face of the saint in charge of the fifth domain, but...

The face of Emperor Wu! !

It is clear.

The other party deliberately formed the face of Emperor Wu to intimidate them while also hiding themselves.

threaten me?

The Martial Emperor's face above stared at the three demigod kings.

There is no fear at all just because they are demigods.

Such gazes and words caused the expressions of the three demigod kings to sink at the same time.

I didn't expect this saint to be so arrogant.

Through the condensed faces of Emperor Wu, Xiao Shi could clearly see the physical appearance of these three demigod kings at this time.

One of the demigod kings is a burly old man with white hair, his eyebrows are also white, and his body exudes extremely terrifying aura fluctuations. He simply stands there, and the nothingness around his body collapses one after another in the constant distortion. .

The most terrifying thing is his pupils.

There are actually stars flowing in his pupils. If you look carefully, you will see that there are layers of stars behind them, spreading to the depths of his eyes. There are so many layers that it is difficult to count.

This makes his eyes possess a kind of magical power, and when he looks at them, he can't help but sink in.

Fortunately, Xiao Shi is now facing him under the protection of the Nine Dragons Divine Formation.

Can be immune to the effects of its pupils.

Otherwise, just the eye contact between the two parties would be enough to put Xiao Shi into a life and death crisis.

At the same time, there is a complex and profound mark between his eyebrows.

Except for this burly old man.

The other demigod king is a thin man with long hair shawl and pale face, exuding a sickly and feminine look.

There are also dizzying layers in the eyes, but they are not stars, but a plant similar to grass, which grows rapidly in the eyes, then withers, sprouts again, grows again, and starts again...

All around his body at the same time.

Various types of plants are constantly growing, and even in the void, there are lush trees growing continuously.

There are also complex and profound marks in the area between the eyebrows.

The last demigod king is a woman.

Her facial features are exquisite to the extreme, like carefully carved works of art, and her methods are fiery and enchanting. She wears a long black dress, her buttocks are as plump as peaches, her waist is as slender as willow, her breasts are plump and tall, and her slit skirt is exposed Two porcelain white legs.

The body is in the most perfect golden proportion.

She is beautiful, mature, and her age cannot be discerned.

It was hard for Xiao Shi to imagine that someone in the world could have such a perfect face and figure.

But think about it carefully.

The other party is a demigod.

It is a woman's nature to love beauty. Since she has that ability, she will naturally have the most perfect appearance and figure in the world.

Apart from her stunning face, of course.

Her eyes are also filled with many overlapping layers, and when staring into her eyes, images from the previous few seconds will appear unconsciously.

It will give people the illusion of going back to a few seconds ago.

Although the nothingness around her is constantly distorting, it is a different kind of distortion. If the distortion of nothingness around the white-haired old man represents destruction, then the distortion of nothingness around her represents a powerful recovery.

There is the iconic mark of being a demigod between his eyebrows.

Is this...a demigod?

Xiao Shi and the three current strongest people in Tianwu Continent looked at each other across the sky.

This was his first time seeing a demigod.

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