
Chapter 138 Ancient Murals
There was a burst of chirping in the cave, hiding the sky and covering The earth moves from far to near.

"Get down!" Yugo's words seemed to be a reassurance, making everyone calm down and get down quickly.

Next moment, countless dark shadows flew out of the Cave with bursts of chirping.

Fuyuki saw the faces of these Pokémons by the light of the torch that Ahida had dropped on the ground.

They are the regulars in Cave, the Zubat tribe.

Fuyuki touched the cold sweat on his forehead, thankful that these hordes of guys didn't attack them, otherwise it would be troublesome.

In fact, he didn't know that the Pokémon in the Cave could be considered to be raised by the Vine Tree family, so they would not attack humans at will.

After a while, the Zubat group flew over.

Only then did they get up again and moved towards the depths of the Cave and continued to walk.

Fujiki couldn't help complaining: "Yahida, don't mess around next time, I really want to anger Pokémon here, but it will be very troublesome."

" It's not like we haven't met Pokémon yet."

Ahida quibble.

"Walk a little further, and soon there will be a lot of Pokémon."

After a while they came to an empty stone chamber.

"Okay, here is the stone chamber with some ancient frescoes. Come and have a look with me." Turn the flashlight to the brightest point on the stone wall.

A pair of quaint murals appeared in front of everyone.

It was a dinosaur-like creature, Wangtian Eruption.

The tiny Volcanos behind the creature were also spewing lava.

In the sky part of the mural there is also a strange triangle of Meteorite falling from the sky.

Of course Fuyuki recognized this Pokémon, but he didn't want to show off, so he quietly made a little transparent.

"What a majestic mural, I really want to conquer a Pokémon like this." Yahida pointed to the Pokémon in the mural and said lewdly.

Not waiting for Fujiki to complain, Roxanne spoke first.

"According to my family book, this is the legendary Pokémon of the Hoenn Region, who is said to have the ability to expand the continent indefinitely."

"Since there is a This Pokémon, so there must be another Pokémon, right?"

This was Roxanne's question to Fujiki.

The vine tree nodded, "This way."

He led the crowd to the other side of the stone wall opposite the mural.

Another strange creature emerges after lighting the stone wall with a flashlight.

A creature that looks like a fat-headed fish swept the sky with huge waves, and it rained heavily.

There is also that strange triangular Meteorite in the fresco, but in this fresco the orientation is exactly the opposite of the other.

Seeing that everyone has a good interest in these two ancient murals, Tengshu simply told the story about these two Pokémons based on some legends recorded by the family.

The vivid stories combined with the quaint murals seem to transport them to those legends.

It gave them a wonderful feeling of being there.


After admiring the two ancient frescoes, they moved towards the depths of the Cave.

Soon, Vine Tree led them into a fork in the road.

"Come here, this is the main habitat of Pokémon in this cave. If you want to conquer Pokémon, don't miss it."

The vine tree faced them Introducing.

In a short while, the Cave in front of me suddenly became bright.

This is a huge stone chamber connected to many caves.

The vine tree walked around the huge stone chamber and put a lantern in the corners of all around.

The all around lanterns dispelled the darkness, revealing the face of the huge stone chamber in front of the middle man.

The huge stone chamber has obvious traces of human construction, and there are several stone food bowls all around.

All around the huge stone chamber, there were also a few small Pokémon with armor on their bodies and climbed up, moved towards the vine tree.

Vine finds a bag of Pokémon food from the backpack and pours it into the stone food bowl.

"Okay, little fellows, come and eat."

Fuyuki recognizes these Pokémon, these are all Arons known for their defensive power, and they will evolve to After its final form, that's the steel giant beast Aggron.

After a few Arons ate the food, the vine tree didn't stop, he continued to pour Pokémon food into other food bowls, and soon all the food bowls were filled up.

Wait for him to finish before returning to the crowd.

"Okay, the Fragrance of the food will attract all the Pokémon near this stone chamber. If you meet a Pokémon you like, you can accept it at will."

Ya Hida is very happy that he can finally use his strength to conquer a Pokémon.

"That's very good! Come out, Abra!" He released Abra.

The next second, Abra, a Teleport, touched the Poké Ball and ran back, leaving Yahida awkwardly in place.

"cough cough, Abra is probably too tired, come out, Shroomish!"

This time he let Shroomish out.

Shroomish was very excited when he came out, and ran to a food bowl with food regardless.

But he was too fat, like a ball.

The huge weight is that his center of gravity is not too stable, he fell straight forward, and rolled all the way and hit the food bowl.

Fuyuki nudged Ahida with his elbow, "Your Shroomish learned Rollout, you've trained well."

"hmph, it's just an accident! "

Bang! Shroomish bumped into the food bowl, but he didn't care, just got up and put his head in the food bowl and started eating.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help laughing out loud.

After a while, other Pokémon came to this huge stone chamber one after another.

Geodude, Nosepass, Makuhita, Aron, Big Mouth Frog, and finally an Abra.

Roxanne's eyes were all on Aron, and it looked like she wanted to conquer an Aron.

Ahilda is more casual, and he's interested in every kind of Pokémon.

Fuyuki turned his attention to the Abra.

Abra seemed to sense Fuyuki's gaze as he swished away with a swoosh of Pokémon.

Vine seems to notice all this.

"If you want to capture Abra, don't hesitate, you must cast the Poké Ball as soon as possible, and then you can wait for the fate."

He is Fuyuki Explained the trick to conquering Abra.

Roxanne on the side also got into action, she began to challenge all Arons, it seemed that she wanted to conquer one of the most aggressive Arons.

Ahida took out his Unique Ability, took out his cherished Berry, and began to tempt the Pokémon who came to eat, but the result didn't seem to be very good.

In the end, Roxanne captured one of the most pugnacious Arons, Yachida got nothing, and Fuyuki didn't do a Pokémon capture.

He has enough Pokémon, if that Abra is still around, he might try it, but the remaining Pokémon are either Great Appetite King or Attribute is not suitable for him, so he gives up this chance to win.

And on the way back, Ahida became suspicious.

(end of this chapter)

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