Chapter 99

What he didn’t expect was that in the headmaster’s office at this moment, the headmaster laughed from ear to ear after hearing Xu Hai’s hidden highest evaluation, which was beyond the highest evaluation.

“Hahaha, Laozi has finally raised his eyebrows. When he meets those old comrades and the principals of various schools in the future, Laozi also has the capital to brag.”

His mood at the moment is extremely happy. For him, the student who lost his life makes him feel bad, but as a top-level master who has been fighting for so long on the battlefield at the level of a half-step saint, he knows deeply, like Xu Hai. One genius who doesn’t have an accident is enough to be worth 10,000 ordinary students.

“This time it’s really a bit troublesome. I don’t know what rewards should be given to this kid Xu Hai. I have given everything I can. It is estimated that I can only start from the money at this moment.”

After speaking, he planned to go to the conference room to discuss with the senior leaders of the school what kind of welcome ceremony and rewards should be held for Xu Hai, but before he left his seat, the door of the principal’s room was pushed. opened.

“Principal, principal, I want to tell you something.”

“Hey, Hongshan, why are you so embarrassed, hurry up, sit down and say sit down and say, what is worth your rush to come and find me.”

“Principal, let me tell you that Xu Hai from the Scientific Research Department is definitely tricky. This time, he killed hundreds of students in our combat department through the experience of the copy of the primeval forest. The entire army was annihilated, but few people in their scientific research department died because of it.

I don’t need to say what this means. ”

“Moreover, in the copy of the virgin forest, almost all the classmates knew that he controlled the two dominant forest lizards and the wild orangutan in the virgin forest. Then under some manipulation, Xu Hai almost destroyed the copy. All the indigenous peoples.”

“Principal, although they are not the same human race as us, but actions like Xu Hai to destroy the country are too much. People like this have bad morals to Ultimate. If we don’t punish him, there will always be One day he will betray our human race.”

This sentence cannot be said to be unserious. With regard to Xu Hai’s slander, Hongshan has really worked hard and moved his mind.

But at this moment, the principal is not at all interested in what Hong Shan said.

Now he is thinking about how to reward Xu Hai to satisfy Xu Hai.

Of course, the ups and downs of the officialdom for many years also made him show full acting skills. He looked at Hongshan with a heavy face and said to him: “I know, I will investigate this matter carefully, Hongshan, you go back first. Take a break, don’t worry, if someone really hacks their compatriots in the dungeon, then we will definitely punish them severely.”

It stands to reason that the principal said so, and Hongshan should not be tossing about it anymore, but at this moment, Hongshan, whose emotions are almost collapsing, does not approve of this result.

He stared at the principal and said to him: “Principal, I have existing evidence, and you don’t need to investigate it anymore.”

For him, the earlier he punishes Xu Hai, the better it is for him and the combat department, but before he continues to say anything, the office door is pushed open again.

“Principal, principal, something urgent.”

As soon as he reached the figure, he walked directly in front of the Red Mountain.

This person is the assistant to the principal, Zhao Xueting.

“What’s the matter, why are you so anxious, young people must be mature and stable, how many times have I taught you.”

“Principal, the students of the science department are all back. Would you like to come over and meet them.”

The principal, who had originally pretended to be a steady appearance, heard the assistant say this, his face immediately became excited.

“I’m back? Where’s Xu Hai? Is Xu Hai?”

“Of course it is! Headmaster, if Xu Hai isn’t there, I’m just going to talk about it.”

“Okay, I will go over to meet them, oh, what do I really want to come…will you give Xu Hai a hug later…”

Then, he didn’t even look at the Red Mountain, whose complexion had collapsed. He even flew out from the window without even leaving the door.

Behind him, Zhao Xueting curled her lips.

“Hmph, I also said that I am unstable, who is it?”

At the gate of Teito Budo University, all the students from the Department of Scientific Research just returned.

Compared with the students in the combat department, they are not much embarrassed, but if you want to say joy, to be honest, there are really not many.

After all, it is impossible for anyone to get out of the shadow of the sacrifices of their classmates and comrades in such a short period of time.

Of course, if from the perspective of gains and losses, what they lost this time compared to the benefits they gained, then it is really not worth mentioning.

This time, students from the entire science department have witnessed history with their own eyes.

Hidden-level highest-level evaluations that surpass the highest-level evaluations can be said to be unprecedented on the entire earth.

After this incident, the students of the Department of Scientific Research can proudly say that even in terms of combat, the Department of Scientific Research has reached the peak of Teito Budo University.

In the school, many sophomores and juniors looked at the freshman scientific research students and felt very confused.

“How do I feel that those in the combat department are more embarrassed than those in the science department.”

“No…I found a problem. Have you discovered that the teachers of the combat department brought back very few students, almost less than one-tenth of the original.”

“You don’t mean to say that the students in the combat department are all lost there, right? I don’t think it’s possible.”

“Not necessarily, brothers.”

But at this moment, not far from them, a cheering voice spread to the gate of the entire school.

“Xu Hai! You are back.”

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and saw that the principal and a group of senior leaders of the school were hurriedly flying towards them.

At this moment, the principal was flying in the front with excitement on his face, and the leaders behind him were also full of excited smiles.

Hidden grade is the highest evaluation. Since the establishment of Teito Budo University, no one seems to have received such an evaluation.

“Xu Hai, this time you got the hidden highest evaluation that surpasses the highest evaluation. It can be said that the entire earth is unprecedented. This time our Imperial Capital Budo University has a good face because of you.”

After hearing these words from the principal, Xu Hai only smiled slightly, but the sophomores and juniors around him exploded in an instant.

“Fuck, is Xu Hai so good? Isn’t he the number one freshman?”

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