Chapter 97: The Marshal’s Strength

“Your kid really surprised me. Last time I got a heaven-defying grade in a fantasy dungeon. Now that I joined the virgin forest dungeon, I just smashed the other dungeon.

Do you know how many marshals and general-level masters you have made to maintain this copy? Tsk, the hidden highest level beyond the highest level, to be honest, even we did not expect this level to appear. ”

“If you want to be here now, you don’t know whether it is the blessing of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts University or the disaster of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts University.

But I want to tell you that although things like infighting can inspire our strength to a higher level, infighting is too much, and in many cases it will become a problem.

Of course, I also know that there are indeed some teachers and students in Teilu’s university that are not righteous, so you can rest assured that this time, no matter what the final investigation results are, if Teito Budo University wants to impose punishment on you, then the military Fang just snatched you away.

Anyway, we can capture everything that happened in the original forest copy, how about it, are you interested in joining the military? ”

After speaking, Xu Haodong didn’t even give Xu Hai the opportunity to refuse, and Xu Haodong disappeared in place.

Obviously, he knew exactly what Xu Hai would say.

Rather than being rejected by Xu Hai again in front of everyone, it’s better to get out of trouble.

At this moment, everyone on the scene looked at Xu Haodong who was leaving, with a sigh of relief.

Although the pressure just now was not from Xu Haodong, what is more terrifying than the marshal-level pressure is the background of Xu Haodong and the military that he represents behind him.

Of course, if Xu Haodong is present and full of aura, then people below the general level will probably be seriously injured if Sun Qiang and Li Changsheng do not take action.

“It’s an incredible force. I hope I can reach this level one day.”

Xu Hai thought about the coercive feeling of being unable to stand by Sun Jiancheng just now.

In fact, what he didn’t know was that, apart from Sun Qiang and Hongshan, the most intense coercion received by others was Xu Hai himself.

It’s not that Sun Jiancheng gave him a small stove, but after Xu Haodong, who was watching the game not far away, saw Xu Hai, out of curiosity, he quietly exerted a share of his own power, which can be regarded as repeated rejection of Xu Hai. His little revenge.

To be honest, this feeling of being overwhelmed by coercion, the last time Xu Hai experienced it was still in the golden map of the illusion copy.

And just when he was still carefully savoring the pressure he felt before, Hao Rong ran to Xu Hai’s side.

She was a little worried and said to Xu Hai, “Xu Hai, are you injured?”

After all, Hao Rong is a genius boy who is valued by the big family, so he still has some ways to deal with this kind of coercion.

This also led to the fact that even though Sun Jiancheng gave them an indiscriminate coercive attack, Hao Rong, who had some magic weapons beside him, was only pale with a trace of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

Looking at Xu Hai, who was in a much worse state than himself, Hao Rong said to Xu Hai anxiously, “Xu Hai, why don’t you try this.”

Without waiting for Xu Hai to say anything, Hao Rong handed a small black pill to Xu Hai. This is a rejuvenating medicine made by Hao Rong according to Orochimaru’s inheritance. It was actually given in the illusion before. Xu Hai has eaten similar things, but the level is lower.

Xu Hai hesitated looking at the little pill, then swallowed it directly.

As soon as he swallowed the pill, a burst of energy began to repair his body. Then, Xu Hai suddenly found that his body was recovering rapidly, and the pain almost disappeared.

“My God, Hao Rong, what exactly is the ingredient of your medicine? Why does it have such a good effect? ​​If it can be mass-produced, it will definitely be a great achievement for our human race.”

Hao Rong smiled slightly and was silent.

Hao Rong used the various resources of the family to make three of this pill. If it is mass-produced, no force can withstand this resource consumption.

“You two, with so many people, stop flirting here, isn’t this Xu Hai suffering a terrible injury? As for handing him your precious pill to eat? Keep it in the copy. Isn’t it better to eat?”

Sun Qiang’s voice reached the ears of two people. He knew the origin of the pill. He couldn’t help but feel a little distressed when he saw Xu Hai recovering from this kind of food after only a little coercion.

After hearing Sun Qiang’s words, Hao Rong immediately walked towards the classmates shyly, while Xu Hai also looked at Sun Qiang in a hurry, a little speechless for a while.

“Are you okay? Just now, the kid Xu Haodong seemed to have added some material to you. If I didn’t guess wrong, the coercion you received should be much greater than that of others.”

“I’m okay, teacher, are you okay?”

Some embarrassed Sun Qiang patted his chest and said, “What can I do? Although General Sun Jiancheng has a higher realm than me, he is only a higher realm.

Moreover, I was close to the rank of the Marshal. His pressure still had no effect. The reason why I was staggered a bit was because this guy secretly used other tricks on me.

Otherwise, do you really think that pressure across a realm can affect me? You too underestimate your teacher and me. ”

“Um… Teacher, can you wipe the blood from the corner of your eye first before talking to me.”

“How can you fart.”

Sun Qiang wiped the corners of his eyes with some guilty conscience, and a trace of blood oozes out. To be honest, although this has no effect on his body, it makes his image greatly reduced in Xu Hai’s eyes.

“Damn, after Laozi is promoted to the rank of Marshal, I must find you an old man to fight. This time I am really embarrassed.”

Xu Hai smiled secretly, but didn’t continue to talk about these things.

Being able to be dealt with personally by a top powerhouse at the Marshal level is actually enough to prove Sun Qiang’s strength.

“Well, let’s not say that some of these are gone. This time your performance has once again refreshed our understanding. Although there is a certain loss in the scientific research department, the loss is still within the acceptable range.

However, Xu Hai, the loss of the combat system this time is too great, and it has reached the point where the school can hardly bear the injuries.

You have to be prepared. If there is an investigation next, we will try our best to protect you, but there are some necessary procedures to go. ”

That said, but the joy between Sun Qiang and Meiyu still exposed his true thoughts.

Going to the tmd combat system, this group of people has today, mainly because they make their own minds, no wonder Xu Hai.

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