Chapter 85

Sure enough, the wild orangutan’s body also began to emit black light after another, and almost instantly, the same black beam of light erupted from the wild orangutan’s body.


The two beams of light were intertwined, and a huge explosion occurred immediately. At the Doom Organization base not far from the explosion, almost all electronic equipment was shattered by the aftermath of the explosion. Many people with relatively ordinary physical fitness were even more direct. Was fainted.

Even the ones who weren’t stunned still bleed from their noses and mouths.

Beside the Doomsday Organization Base, Hao Rong waved easily to block the aftermath of the explosion. Looking at the battlefield in the distance, she smiled and said to herself: “Xu Hai, you are finally here.”

However, contrary to Hao Rong’s reaction, the other members of the Imperial Capital Budo University lurking in the Doomsday Organization Base were all stunned at this time.

“My God, is this the wild orangutan and forest lizard we talked about before? This is too strong.”

“Wait, am I wrong, how can I see that there are still two people standing on the shoulders of the wild orangutans.”

“How is it possible! How can such a powerful existence allow someone on the shoulder to stay there?”

At this moment, Xu Hai stood on the shoulders of the wild apes, very calm.

He glanced at the base with Sharingan, and after confirming Hao Rong’s safety, he ignored the rest.

He picked up Under Armour and said to the wild orangutan not far away in the air: “Go and kill the forest lizard.”

Originally, the wild orangutan and the forest lizard were feuds. After hearing Xu Hai’s instruction to himself, he immediately yelled and rushed towards the forest lizard.

And looking at the wild orangutan rushing towards him, the forest lizard also roared unwillingly, and opened his mouth and bit at the wild orangutan.

Soon, these two huge alien beasts collided together.

The terrifying aura exuding from them directly overturned all nearby trees, even rising from the ground.

But soon, during the battle, the forest lizard fell into a disadvantage.

In fact, the combat effectiveness of the two alien beasts was about the same, but the forest lizard at the moment is not comfortable.

Once he felt the tyrannical aura on Xu Hai’s body, under fear, he not only had to separate out a breath to guard against Xu Hai, but also needed a wild orangutan to fight at close range.

In this case, the forest lizard itself is at a disadvantage. Xu Hai will use his Sharingan from time to time to find the flaws in the forest lizard, and then tell the wild orangutan through the alien controller.

This also led to the battle between two alien beasts with little difference in strength, and at this moment it almost became a one-sided situation.

At the Doomsday Organization base not far away, the researchers who watched the forest lizard be beaten by the wild orangutan beyond recognition, all have very scared expressions on their faces at this moment.

“Look at it! It looks like the forest lizard is going to lose.”

“Should we go to support and help the forest lizard? Although he attacked us just now, it is the wild orangutan that really threatens us.”

These people at the scene looked at each other, but after hesitating for a while, they unanimously decided to help the forest lizard.

Although the forest lizard attacked them just now, it can be seen that he has no intention of actually harming humans, which is still very different from the wild orangutan.

In an instant, the few remaining combat elements in the Doomsday Organization Base all flew up, ready to fight.

But just before they left the base for a minute, a ray of lightning flashed directly through all the fighters present.

It’s Raikiri!

It was Raikiri played by Xu Hai!

Soon, the sound of the fighter’s explosion continued to sound in the Doomsday Organization Base, and the people who had originally asked them to help the forest lizards shook after seeing this scene.

“I was not mistaken just now, a human blasted a ray of light, and then overturned all of our combat elements.”

“Just now, how come I felt that it was not at all weaker than the power that the forest lizard could play after it was charged.”

“Is this the king of monsters? I remember! The wild orangutan I saw before seems to be him.”

In the center of the battlefield, the forest lizard had been beaten with blood on its face, and its strength was exhausted.

Next to them, Xu Hai looked at the half-dead forest lizard and said with a smile: “Give you two choices, either die under the hands of the wild orangutan, or surrender to me.”

At an airport in the distance, Meng Xiaotian stepped off the plane. Seeing this scene, Zhou Hua and others immediately smiled and said, “Senior, you are finally here.”

“Just now we have received news. It is said that the forest lizards and wild orangutans have started fighting.”

“Moreover, some students saw that Xu Hai also appeared in that place.”

“Let’s go to the battlefield, if Xu Hai is gone, it will be for nothing.”

Meng Xiaotian nodded, and said to the people present: “Go, let’s go together, don’t worry about the time and half of the meeting.”

At the same time, he thought to himself: “Xu Hai, your kid don’t even think about running this time.”

Soon, those people came to the base of the Doomsday Organization marked on the map, and when they came near the base, they also easily saw the fighting forest lizards and wild orangutans.

But before they could say anything, one of the classmates suddenly burst into a very surprised voice: “Oh my God, am I wrong? That wouldn’t be Xu Hai, why is he in the middle of the battlefield.”

“Wait, he is in mid-air? Isn’t it only a marshal-level master can stay in the sky?”

“I see, this is a flying technique! Xu Hai has learned one of the secret techniques of flying into the sky!”

Zhou Hua looked at Xu Hai, who was stagnant in the air, with a face full of disbelief.

He didn’t expect Xu Hai to learn the flying technique that he hadn’t learned.

And just when everyone was shocked at why Xu Hai was flying in mid-air, a strong air current suddenly blew around them.

This air current is not too big for them, but as a place close to a kilometer away from the battlefield, it is incredible that there can be such a aftermath.

“The aftermath of the battle between these two alien beasts is too strong…”

“It’s strange, shouldn’t they wake up after a while? Why do they wake up so soon.”

“The strangest thing shouldn’t be why Xu Hai is between the two overlords?”

They looked at the two strange beasts that were fighting, and they were filled with doubts for a while.

Meng Xiaotian looked at the battlefield not far away with a playful look.

“Yes, it’s more interesting than I thought.”

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