Chapter 83

“It doesn’t matter, you can tell him the truth and tell him that I am going to find the forest lizard soon.”

“Let me tell them that you are going to find the forest lizard? What if they tell Zhou Hua? If Zhou Hua uses any means to prevent us from communicating with the forest lizard, then it will be a big loss.”

“What I want is to attract Zhou Hua. He provokes me many times in the school. I am already very annoyed. We can’t do anything to him. But in the copy, if he dares to come over, then I don’t mind letting him go crazy. The gorilla gave him a kick.”

And it’s in the base of the Doomsday Organization.

“Hao Rong, what are you doing here? Let’s walk around. I don’t think I know the base of this Doomsday organization very well yet.”

A boy’s voice suddenly came to Hao Rong’s side. This was Hao Rong’s former classmate in the combat department. He was not very familiar, but he also knew what the other party’s name was.

“I don’t want to go anymore. Xu Hai will come over soon. I want to wait for him here.”

Hao Rong’s response was very cold, but when the person heard Xu Hai was coming, his eyes were bright.

“Does Xu Hai come over? When will he come? Otherwise, let’s go for a walk first.”

“Forget it, I want to be with Xu Hai. If Xu Hai can see you while hanging out with you, it wouldn’t be nice.”

Hearing that Hao Rong didn’t want to go shopping with him, the student didn’t ask for anything. He tried to conceal his excitement, and said to Hao Rong: “Then since you don’t want to go out with us for a while, then I’ll go first. I have found other classmates, please pay attention to your safety.”

Hao Rong nodded, then turned around.

And that person found a small room immediately after walking out a few meters, and then took out his mobile phone and started editing the text messages.

“Brother Hua, I just found out from Hao Rong that Xu Hai is coming to the forest lizard. It should be the same destination as yours. Come here soon.”

In a certain monitoring room, Hao Rong holds a small screen in her hand, which is one of her electronic devices.

What was displayed on the screen happened to be the classmate who spoke with him before.

And what that person is doing now caused Hao Rong who was watching to sigh slightly:

“Unexpectedly, I guessed it right. These people are really eyeliners arranged by Zhou Hua.”

On a transport plane, Zhou Hua was closing his eyes, as if thinking about something.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang, and a text message was sent.

Zhou Hua took a curious look at the phone, and then showed a very surprised expression.

“Good guy, I didn’t expect this Xu Hai to awaken the wild orangutan. Didn’t he know that the wild orangutan and the forest lizard are the enemies of life and death? He even came running with the wild orangutan.”

“At first I was thinking about how I should persuade the forest lizard to kill you. I didn’t expect you to send it to the door by yourself. God helped me.”

“Although I don’t know how you tricked the wild apes, but based on your level, it is absolutely impossible to control the wild apes.

That guy is a general-level monster. Even if it is a teacher of the combat department, many of them are not opponents. Maybe your little one was swallowed by the wild gorillas before they came over. ”

Inside the transport plane, the other people were a little bit excited listening to what Zhou Hua said.

“Brother Hua, is Xu Hai coming over? Then do we need to inform Senior Meng Xiaotian to let him come over.”

“Yes, yes, Meng Xiaotian senior and the forest lizard, this configuration can be walked sideways in the entire copy of the virgin forest.”

Zhou Hua nodded, he also had this intention.

“Senior Meng Xiaotian, this is Zhou Hua. Xu Hai has already appeared. I didn’t expect this kid to go to the forest lizard. If it is convenient for you, please come here. We will directly cooperate with the forest lizard to kill Xu Hai. ”


After speaking, Meng Xiaotian hung up the phone. He stretched his waist and smiled disdainfully.

“Xu Hai, we are finally going to meet.”

“Originally, I thought that letting the forest lizard deal with you was somewhat invincible, but I didn’t expect you to come here to find death by yourself, so I can’t blame it.”

At the same time, in the doomsday organization base near the forest lizard, these staff members looked at the wandering forest lizards, and their hearts were still uneasy.

“Otherwise, let’s retreat first. The forest lizards are too abnormal now. Since our weapons can’t do anything to him at all, it’s the best way to leave here just in case.”

“Yes, I think since we have determined that the entire Doomsday organization’s base is vulnerable to the forest lizards, staying here has no practical meaning at all, it just increases the possibility of casualties.”

“Speaking lightly, how long it took us to build this base? Just leave, don’t we need all these materials? It will take at least a day or two to pack the materials. Move out of the base.”

While these people were arguing, Professor Qin said, “Actually, I don’t think everyone should be so impatient. Although we don’t have so much research on forest lizards, we feel that there are a lot of them. I believe that forest lizards may only be temporarily irritable. , And will not do any excessive behavior to harm us.”

As soon as he finished speaking this sentence, the ground of the entire Doomsday Organization Base began to tremble. For a while, even the cup in front of Qin Likang fell directly to the ground due to the violent tremor and shattered to pieces.

“Qin Likang, your crow’s mouth is too clever, right? You just said he wouldn’t do anything, and the place began to shake.”

Feeling this violent tremor, Qin Likang’s face also became a little unsightly, but he still insisted: “I believe that our research on forest lizards is not wrong. Although the forest lizards have started for unknown reasons. Become irritable, but still not going to attack the humans he has always maintained good intentions.

If you don’t believe me, you can go first, but I won’t leave here. ”

However, just after he finished speaking the second sentence, a green mixed with black light directly broke through the defense of the Doomsday Organization base, and even directly penetrated the entire base.

The people present looked at this scene, and there was a hint of coolness in their hearts.

They are very familiar with this skill, which is one of the signature skills of the forest lizard.

And this beam of light also directly divided the entire base of the Doomsday Organization into two parts.

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