Chapter 9 Report

The senior glanced at the student ID, then at the assigned list, then nodded, then pointed to a small box next to Xu Hai and said, “Take a box and go. There are some things we usually use. Remember to put away the things, including the clothes and all kinds of proofs.”

After confessing a few more words, the student waved his hand to Xu Hai and said, “Okay, brother, if you have anything, you can go to the research room and ask the teacher, don’t get in the way here.”

Xu Hai smiled and nodded, then took his suitcase and left.

On the way, he did not hold back opening the box and looked at it, and found that the clothes of the science research department were more than one grade worse than the clothes of the fighting department.

And all kinds of proofs are just a simple card, it is estimated that no one will want to pick it up if it is lost.

This department of scientific research seems to be much more rudimentary than Xu Hai thought.

But this is nothing to Xu Hai. After putting the box in the dormitory, he picked up his student ID and walked towards the retreat room.

At the door of the retreat room, he handed over the student ID to the guard in charge. The guard took a look at Xu Hai and said in surprise, “Aren’t you from the Ministry of Science? Why did you come to the retreat room? I haven’t seen your professional people come over for several days.”

Xu Hai scratched his head awkwardly and said, “Uh, I want to study my heritage.”

The man nodded and didn’t ask any more, he let Xu Hai in.

After arriving in the retreat room, Xu Hai did not hesitate and started Sharingan training just like the previous few days.

His Sharingan has evolved to a Tomoe, and his abilities have improved a lot compared to when he first acquired the inheritance.

Turning off the light in the closed closed room, he could even see the red glow of Sharingan.

After studying Sharingan for a while, he came to the strength training area.

Although Sharingan is a spiritual inheritance, if one’s own strength is not enough, then even if he can see many movements clearly, the body can’t avoid it.

Therefore, strength training and mental strength also need to complement each other.

Not only did he think so, but the Uchiha family’s training manual also said so.

After a brief training of his back and legs, he took out a small bracelet from his pants Kabuto. This is one of the results of the scientific research department and can test some basic qualities.

After a few taps on the bracelet, Xu Hai saw his mental strength and strength. The strength value is nine points, which is slightly weaker than ordinary people, while the spiritual power is directly charged from the original eleven points. At fifteen o’clock, this value surprised Xu Hai.

Even for those seniors who specialize in spiritual power, many of them are only seventeen or eight o’clock, and Sharingan, who has only practiced for a few days, has actually reached this point.

Sure enough, no matter which world you are in, Konoha Village is the strongest among the five villages.

After training for a while, Xu Hai stretched out and walked towards the door of the strength training room.

The guard not far away looked at Xu Hai, who had just finished training, with a hint of surprise in his heart. People from other departments often come to him and he understands, but there will be people in a bunch of dead houses in the scientific research department who are working so hard. Training, this still makes him feel a little bit unsurprising.

After staying here for so long, he naturally knows the virtues of the scientific research department. Even if he has a master, he is also a master of the spiritual category. There are very few and almost none of strength training.

“It’s really strange. If you like strength training so much, you should go to the combat department. Why do you want to come to the dead house major of the scientific research department?”

His muttering voice is actually quite small, but due to Sharingan, Xu Hai’s five senses have been slightly improved, so he heard his doubts very clearly.

But Xu Hai didn’t answer anything, just smiled and left here.

He didn’t go to the restaurant to eat, but walked back to the dormitory directly after buying the meal.

This dormitory is different from my previous one. Because I was assigned to another major, I even changed the dormitory again.

As soon as he opened the door of the dormitory, he saw other roommates who had been chatting in the dormitory for a long time.

Seeing himself coming in, those roommates were also slightly stunned, and then enthusiastically said to him: “Hello, how are you, is that the brother in bed 6?”

Xu Hai nodded and said, “Yes, my name is Xu Hai.”

After hearing Xu Hai’s introduction, a classmate said, “Xu Hai? Are you the champion of our province? I heard that you chose Konoha Village’s inheritance in the copy. Is this true?”

There are not many people that a copy can hold, and Xu Hai’s college freshmen has thousands of freshmen every year, so not everyone will enter the copy of Ninja Village.

Faced with the doubts of this roommate, Xu Hai also said very simply: “Yes, I chose the heritage of Konoha Village.”

As soon as this sentence was said, the atmosphere in the dormitory was suddenly a little awkward.

Except for Xu Hai, everyone present has basically obtained a very good inheritance. In comparison, Xu Hai, who has obtained the inheritance of Konoha Village, is naturally a bit dwarfed.

However, the classmate who asked the question was not bad. He looked at the a little embarrassing atmosphere in the dormitory, and immediately stood up, put his arm around Xu Hai’s shoulder, and said, “The inheritance of Konoha Village is actually quite good. After all, no one has passed it on. Maybe it’s better than other villages?

Isn’t our Department of Scientific Research specializing in these things? Anyway, we don’t have to go to the battlefield, and the level of strength is not necessarily so important. ”

Another roommate also continued this sentence and said: “Yes, Xu Hai is the number one winner in our province. Just this brain, dedicated research is enough, why go there to fight and kill?”

Xu Hai smiled slightly, and he could see that his roommates were still very good.

However, he did not agree with his roommate’s words, but said: “Although I chose the Department of Scientific Research, I will still go to the battlefield in the future.

I have my own reasons for choosing the Department of Science, because I want to study the heritage I got in Konoha Village and see if there is any unexpected breakthrough. ”

“Speaking of which, Xu Hai, what kind of abilities do you have in the inheritance of Konoha Village? Is it power or spiritual.”

“What I have gained is a kind of eye ability, which can also be regarded as a spiritual aspect, but it also has a little improvement in strength.”

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