Chapter 74 Meng Xiaotian’s Plan

“Senior Meng Xiaotian, we have discussed with them just now. They are very willing to cooperate with us. Now we can get a lot of support on their side, including their army and various weapons and equipment. Can be easily transferred.”

Meng Xiaotian nodded, but did not respond to him much.

For him, those things are just icing on the cake and have no practical effect.

However, Zhou Hua still flattered and said: “Senior, you were too good just now. You actually fought with a platoon by yourself, and there was no injury at all.

If it were not for you just now, their firepower would definitely cause us a lot of trouble. Now you alone have stunned so many high-level leaders, and it really adds a lot to our plan. convenient.

If you didn’t make a move just now, even if we can finally reach a cooperation, it is estimated that we will waste a lot of time. ”

The people around looked at Zhou Hua kneeling and licking Meng Xiaotian, with a trace of disdain on their faces, but after all, the opponent was a super genius on his side, and he had one year more combat power index than them, so they couldn’t accept it.

They all know that even if these people are together, they are probably not Meng Xiaotian’s opponents alone, so in the end, these people can only hide this disdain in their hearts.

And Meng Xiaotian obviously has no interest in Zhou Hua’s flattery. He glanced at Zhou Hua lightly, and then said to Zhou Hua: “Don’t talk about the useless ones. Have you found the news of Xu Hai? I only care about where Xu Hai is.”

Although they chose the second-level task, for Meng Xiaotian, there is almost no difficulty in completing this task, even if it is done alone, it is not a big deal.

What he really cares about is Xu Hai, the super genius who took first place in the freshman this year.

This is also this time, these teachers sent him to the most important task in this copy.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have entered this freshman copy that he had already participated in once.

Hearing Meng Xiaotian’s question, Zhou Hua quickly said: “Senior, we have found news about Xu Hai, please don’t worry.”

“Actually, senior, I have asked some classmates in the combat department to help us find news about Hao Rong and Xu Hai. I also received a message just now. It is said that in a research base of the Doomsday organization, They have found Hao Rong’s figure. Since Hao Rong is there, Xu Hai probably won’t be far away.”

“According to our intelligence, the base of the Doomsday organization seems to be used to control and observe the forest lizards. It is not difficult for us to find. I have sent someone to find Hao Rong.”

Hearing this, Meng Xiaotian smiled at Zhou Hua, and then said to him: “Well, this time you did a good job, not bad.”

Hearing Meng Xiaotian’s praise, Zhou Hua was as happy as a pug received a reward. He immediately said to Meng Xiaotian like a military order: “Senior, don’t worry, this time you don’t even need you to act, we can do it. Solve them.

I have discussed with their senior management and said that there is a very dangerous person on the Doomsday Organization who wants to help the Doomsday Organization and must be eliminated as soon as possible.

When the time comes, we will directly mobilize the army and these modern weapons, including all kinds of heavy firepower, will also be launched together, and then we will just watch the battle from behind.

The Xu Hai’s combat power index is only seven hundred points, and it is still an empty shelf of mental power. Our equipment is enough to wipe him out. ”

Meng Xiaotian frowned. He wanted to say that Zhou Hua was nothing but a waste with a combat power index of only 100 points. How could anyone have the face to say that Xu Hai’s combat power index was only 700 points, but after thinking about it, he also Too lazy to beat Zhou Hua’s self-confidence.

After all, although he despised Zhou Hua, Zhou Hua’s dog-licking marching has been very useful to him in the past few days.

“Call a few more fighters to prevent Xu Hai from being able to fight and run away with flying skills. According to my information, that Hao Rong is good at flying skills.”

Zhou Hua nodded vigorously and said: “It must be your senior, I never thought of this.”

It can be said that Zhou Hua spent a lot of effort to kill Xu Hai this time. From cooperating with people here to various investigations, almost all of them were led by him.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the hatred for Xu Hai has made Zhou Hua a little crazy.

Of course, these modern weapons like this are not where his real trump card lies. His real trump card is Meng Xiaotian, a master-level master whose combat power index has reached nine hundred points, and this one in his hand can exert the full power of the general. One hit gem.

No matter from which point of view, Zhou Hua felt that Xu Hai would definitely die under his own hands this time.

“Xu Hai, Xu Hai, originally I thought it would be difficult to kill your trash, but I didn’t expect that you actually chose to help these monsters in the virgin forest, so you can’t blame me.

It stands to reason that these three-level missions are here, and even if I don’t shoot you, you can’t get a copy, but if you don’t kill you personally, I always feel a little bit less interesting. ”

Although Zhou Hua’s expression was very awkward, the students from the combat department who were present still agreed very much.

Obviously, Zhou Hua, who had chosen the level three mission, had no chance to return to the real world in the eyes of anyone.

“I really didn’t think that Xu Hai would dare to choose a level three mission. Is this plainly not looking at us.”

“We were pitted by him in the dungeon before, and this time he went against us again. I can see that this guy didn’t want to have a good result with our battle system. If so, then let’s even be It’s not a problem to shoot him.”

“Get a little achievement in a virtual copy and treat yourself as a human being. This kind of guy, even if we don’t make a move, it is estimated that someone will teach him.”

“I really look forward to whether he will pee his pants in fright when these modern weapons are in front of him.

Hmph, the mental power is strong, there is a fart for strong spiritual power, if the spiritual power is really useful, is this Konoha Village still in such a desperate situation? ”

Almost no one is optimistic about Xu Hai. In their eyes, Xu Hai’s death means that his mental power is a little bit prominent, but in this kind of real copy, the mental power has no effect.

In the past, it was not that there weren’t no masters who relied on mental power to play famous players, but these masters only started to play famous players slowly after their mental power reached the general level. Before that, most of the masters who used spiritual power were actually fighting power. Both are weak.

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