Chapter 64 Powerful Skills

But before he was happy, the wall began to shrink continuously, and within a few moments, the original cracked wall was restored.

“Good guy, this thing actually has a memory function, I said, how could it be broken by me so easily.”

In fact, although he was a little excited just now, he was still quite flustered. The cost of this thing is definitely more than 100 million yuan. If it is really broken by himself, then it is still a trivial matter to practice in another place. What should I do if I have a huge debt?

But I didn’t expect that this Chakra retreat room would still have an appearance after all.

“This time Raikiri feels more like the kind of remote attack Raikiri used by Kakashi who lost Sharingan in the blog post. However, in terms of power, it seems to have the help of Sharingan, which is still more powerful than his. Quite a lot.”

There was a sigh in his heart.

I remember that in the first two days of training, he also saw a student using a modified version of Raikiri. Although it said that it would not cause eye irritation and thus affect the fight, it was much less powerful, and even a lot of c-level ninjutsu could be used. Fifty-five open.

As for his own Raikiri, although he has undergone a certain transformation, it is the one that has become more powerful. If two Raikiri meet, Xu Hai is confident. Your own Raikiri can easily break the opponent’s Raikiri into pieces.

Looking at the results of his training these days, Xu Hai feels. If there is another combat power index test, it is very likely that he will directly reach the extraordinary level.

But he also knew in his heart that the actual combat ability may not be difficult to reach the extraordinary level, but it may take a small opportunity to upgrade to the extraordinary level in the realm.

If you don’t use Raikiri, then the combat power index tester is likely to test him at 999 points, but it will be much more powerful than his original 999 points.

“This Sharingan is also really amazing, but after less than a month of training, it has allowed me to control Chakra freely.”

He looked at the faint energy surrounding him and said to himself.

In fact, it was through this Chakra power that he was able to successfully practice the flying technique in a short period of time.

When he first practiced the flying technique, Xu Hai actually estimated it roughly. If his Sharingan is driven to full power, and then Chakra does not hesitate to use it, then he is now faster than ordinary sports cars. There is still a lot to go on fast.

And in terms of power, like an ordinary grandmaster-level alien beast, it might not be possible to get any benefits in front of him.

As for the mental power, let alone, even an alien beast of the extraordinary level or even the half-step general level, in front of his mental power and Sharingan, has to suffer a dumb loss.

“Although I am now able to sling almost all students at the same level, the growth of my strength has slowed down. It seems that the dungeon still has to be played. Only when I find a suitable opportunity in the dungeon, can I continue to break through. self.”

Thinking of this, Xu Hai took a break again, and then walked toward the outside of the Chakra retreat.

As soon as he walked out of the closed room, Li Changsheng appeared in front of him.

“Xu Hai, why did you come out.”

“Quickly, if you don’t come out again, I’ll have to come in to find you. We are ready to go to the dungeon, don’t miss it.”

Hearing what Li Changsheng said, Xu Hai was stunned for a moment. Then he didn’t even bother to change his clothes and ran towards the meeting place. When Xu Hai arrived at the meeting point, almost all of his classmates had already arrived here. .

“Xu Hai.”

Hao Rong’s voice came from his ears, Xu Hai turned his head and saw her smiling at herself.

After a little thought, Xu Hai walked towards Hao Rong.

In front of the crowd, Sun Qiang saw that everyone had arrived, and he said: “Alright, students, now we officially set off to the next copy of the original forest copy.”

After saying this, everyone boarded a special plane and flew directly towards the copy of the primeval forest.

At the door of the copy, there are several huge statues of alien animals standing there. If Xu Hai is there, you will definitely sigh how lifelike this statue is.

Inside the statue, there are layers of protective shields.

“I thought that this copy was already under our control and there was no danger. I didn’t expect so many military personnel to be here.”

“How many copies are there without danger? Do you think that one copy is not at least arranged for a regiment to be stationed here.”

On the outermost periphery of the copy, there are all kinds of fortresses, large and small, and modern weapons are piled together like no money. There is a lot of disagreement with the trend of fortresses becoming the front line.

Outside, layer after layer of fences surrounded everything. Many people in military uniforms were stationed or patrolled near various weapons. The overall atmosphere made the students present feel serious.

Suddenly, not far away, rows of single racks were lifted out by medical staff. The students present looked at the wounded blood people, and their hearts became a little frightened.

“My goodness, he won’t be a student who has experienced in this copy before.”

“I was able to come out because I completed the task, but after completing the task, I actually turned myself into this look, which is more or less a bit scary.”

“It’s good to be able to come out alive. I just heard them say that several students died inside.”

“Oh my God, I want to go back, I thought this thing was a bit unreliable.”

“What are you afraid of now? If you really back down, you shouldn’t come over when you sign up.”

Xu Hai looked at these classmates with horror and excitement on their faces, thinking slightly in his heart.

After a long time, he finally let go of his frowning brows.

This copy should be very interesting, right?

Now he, the Master has used flying skills and Raikiri, in the dungeon, as long as he does not die, there should be nothing that can threaten him too much.

Not far away, Sun Qiang, who watched these students’ reactions, coughed, and then said, “Don’t worry, this is only an occasional phenomenon. Most of the time, it’s safe for us to go in.

Think about it, there are hundreds or even thousands of students going in every day, so it’s not a big percentage to bring out so few people who are injured. ”

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