Chapter 57 King Kong

“The copy we are going to this time is a copy of the primitive forest type, and in it, not only us, there are other human races.”

“Other human races? Teacher, what does this sentence mean?”

“Let’s put it this way, this time the dungeon is relatively more like a world, and is different from the inheritance type dungeon and the illusion dungeon we went to before. This dungeon is an independent small world.”

“In the dungeon, there are not only various monsters, but also some aborigines. They get along with these monsters. In fact, they are almost the same as us. The difference is that we have separated the monsters from the human settlements. They did not do this. good.”

Sun Qiang’s expression suddenly became very serious: “Don’t think that it’s good that these aborigines are humans. In this copy, the most dangerous thing is often these aborigines who don’t look much different from us, because in the original forest copy. Quite a part of the alien beasts inside were awakened by them.”

“Why? Isn’t it asking for trouble to wake up these monsters? Are these people crazy?”

“God, I’m almost living together and thinking about waking up the sleeping behemoth. This is not because I hate myself for living for too long.”

Sun Qiang smiled slightly: “I can’t say that. It’s actually like this. After these people wake up the sleeping monsters, they will use these monsters to clean up dissidents and rule the world, just like the big devil in the cartoons you watched when you were young.”

“Of course, although they are dangerous, it doesn’t mean that we can’t stand on their side. After entering, you will have a lot of choices. You can help them, you can help alien beasts, or help people who oppose awakening monsters.”

“These different choices will bring you different benefits.”

“And the monster you are going to face this time has an average combat power index of 50 points, so we don’t force you to enter this time.”

After saying this, Sun Qiang pressed a few buttons, and the stereo projection appeared on the blackboard again.

“My god, the monsters in this virgin forest are too big? I have never heard of such a big gorilla.”

“Good guy, is this a lizard? It’s too scary. I feel that even a warrior is not an opponent when fighting with this lizard, right?”

“But compared to that gorilla, this lizard is still a younger brother. Look at these nearby monsters, they are actually a lot smaller than this gorilla.”

The nearby classmates were discussing enthusiastically, only Xu Hai narrowed his eyes and his expression was subtle.

“Yeah, isn’t this King Kong…”


Looking at the familiar gorilla in the projection, Xu Hai felt a little funny.

Did you win the lottery? How did you get the copies of the movies you’ve seen?

King Kong has it all, if there is another Godzilla, it will be fun.

“In this dungeon, most of the monsters actually live in the depths of the virgin forest, so in most places, the human race is relatively safe.”

“But in any world, there will be no fewer players doing things, so in many unknown places, there are people who want to control these monsters.”

“Among them, there is an organization called the Doomsday Organization. Although the name is a little second, but the level is really good. After many years of research, they finally cloned a sample of the orangutan king and named it Xiaojingang.”


King Kong is okay…

Xu Hai looked at the orangutan in the projection, and was a little curious for a while, whether this thing came out of the gourd.

“Don’t underestimate this little King Kong. Although it is only a clone, he has reached 300 meters in height and his weight is unknown. Moreover, he has the special power of this world and can emit energy cannonballs through his body.”

“The method used by the Doomsday organization to control King Kong is a device similar to an ultrasonic receiver, which uses sound waves to interfere with King Kong, so that he can hallucinate and attack the target that the Doomsday organization wants to attack.”

“This method is not very humane to be honest, but it’s really easy to use. If it weren’t for the high-level monsters, the military would think of ways to manufacture them in batches.”

At this point, Sun Qiang’s expression changed and he seemed to be holding back his smile.

“Although this doomsday organization is very strong in this world, one thing that is very embarrassing is that there was a second-rate mercenary team, and one day they had a conflict with a small leader of their organization. At that time, they knew that the other party was the doomsday organization. After that, the mercenary didn’t actually dare to say anything.

But later, because these eldest brothers were not convinced, they sneaked into the Doomsday Organization. As a result, by mistake, the controller was taken away by them.

The most ridiculous thing is that this group of idiots didn’t know that this was a controller, and only treated it as a toy. As a result, they randomly operated in the virgin forest, causing a huge explosion of alien animals. ”

The expressions of the students present also became a little strange. Obviously, they didn’t expect the plot to develop in this direction.

“You said that after the Doomsday Organization knows the whole story, will it throw the boss directly into the forest to feed King Kong?”

“If I were the boss, I would commit suicide on the spot, which would be too shameful.”

“What’s so embarrassing about this. The real shame should be the boss of the Doomsday Organization. What kind of stuff is actually robbed by a group of second-rate mercenaries.”

“It’s awesome, this is a comedy…”

At the rear, Xu Hai, who was told by Sun Qiang, also felt amused.

The villain this time is really pulling his hips a little bit.

“Well, the general story of this dungeon looks like this, and the next process is to tell everyone about some monsters that need to be paid attention to in this dungeon.”

“The first thing I want to introduce is a species of great apes, the three-eared apes, which is said to be a relative race of the six-eared macaques in a mysterious copy.

This alien beast is very big and can reach a giant of a hundred meters, but it doesn’t hurt humans very much, and in many cases, if the relationship is good, the three-eared apes will even help humans. ”

“This is excellent, if only I had a three-eared ape too.”

“Yes, this thing sounds more reliable than other alien beasts, I don’t know if I can catch it.”

“What do you think? If it were so easy to catch, this thing should have spread throughout the entire human race. As a result, have you seen it now.”

After introducing the three-eared apes, Sun Qiang began to introduce all kinds of exotic animals in the virgin forest. Xu Hai looked at these monsters, but he didn’t feel much in his heart.

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