Chapter 54 Freedom

At this moment, a secretary-like person suddenly ran up not far away. The school leader present also looked at him curiously and said, “Aren’t you going to receive someone from the military? Why did you suddenly come over? Is there something urgent?”

The secretary looked a little anxious. He looked at the principal and said, “Principal, it’s not good, those military people have left.”


“No, they left without seeing Xu Hai. Could it be that they received some urgent task?”

“Actually, Xu Haodong has come to meet Xu Hai just now.”

The principal looked at the people present and said, “I was at the door of the Chakra retreat room before and wanted to see when Xu Hai would come out, but Xu Haodong could not wait at that time, even if I knew I was at the door. Quietly ran into the Chakra retreat room. Talked to Xu Hai.”

“What about Xu Hai, what does Xu Hai think?”

“Xu Hai probably didn’t agree, otherwise the military would not leave directly.”

The principal nodded and said: “Yes, Xu Hai did not agree, and the reason for rejection is very interesting. He said there is no freedom in the army.”

“Freedom… what does he want to do?”

“Whatever you want to do has nothing to do with you, but from this matter, I want to tell you one thing.

I know that everyone here is very optimistic about Xu Hai. In the days to come, Xu Hai estimates that your guidance will be indispensable. However, guidance is fine, and you must not restrict his right to choose. ”

“The right to choose…”

Everyone present was thoughtful, and the principal looked at them secretly: “Think about it carefully, which decision Xu Hai made in these days is normal…”

Everyone was stunned.

“What did Li Changsheng say?”

“Just talk like that. After all, he has retired in name. It doesn’t matter to us anyway, we just need to do what we should do well.

Xu Hai is an extraordinary student, so I don’t want everyone to treat him in a fixed way, just let him develop freely. ”

The principal let out a deep sigh of relief. In fact, he still had a headache how to deal with Xu Haodong, but the current situation made him a lot easier.

“Okay, why should I go, Xu Haodong probably won’t come back again”

After talking about this, the principal turned back to the vicinity of the Chakra retreat room.

In a small room nearby, the old man was still playing the game cursingly. The principal looked at the chakra retreat room where there was no one, and curiously said, “Is Xu Hai gone?”

The old man nodded, and said absently: “To be honest, the people in these troops are too anxious. They are so anxious when they meet geniuses. I just heard you say that Xu Haodong left without seeing you?”

“Maybe they have to go back in a hurry. After all, the question they asked really surprised me.”

In the Chakra retreat, Xu Haodong did not deliberately hide what he and Xu Hai said, because with the two old guys outside, even if he used all his strength to create a shielded magnetic field, he probably couldn’t help it. These two downwind ears.

Rather than being sneaky, it’s better to ask Xu Hai these questions openly.

As for Xu Hai entering the golden map and coming back alive, he believed that neither the principal nor Li Changsheng would say it.

After all, once this matter is exposed, the real loss is the Imperial Capital Budo University.

“I remember, did the Dao Sect Academy in Longhushan also produced a top genius back then?

Although that guy is not a battle material, he has profound knowledge in scientific research. It seems that entering the dungeon also helped his instructor obtain a saint-level top-level material, but he was amazed by those old things.

In the end, they joined the military. Was it also Sun Jiancheng who led people to quietly dig him away? ”

The principal smiled and shook his head again: “Yes, that’s what happened. At that time, Longhushan had to train this person as a successor. As a result, the kid hadn’t been in Longhushan for two months. , Was taken away by the big pie painted by Sun Jiancheng.”

“Fortunately, Xu Hai is more determined and still stays in our Imperial Capital Martial Arts University.”

This Dragon Tiger Mountain is really a bit different from the Dragon Tiger Mountain where Xu Hai originally lived in the world.

Although they are all engaged in the inheritance of Taoism, this Longhushan has taken a slanting front, and has embarked on the road of combining scientific research and Taoism decades ago.

Moreover, strictly speaking, Longhushan’s Academy of Sciences can rank among the top three in the country.

But even if it is such a top college, it is still not Sun Jiancheng’s opponent in terms of digging the wall.

“To be honest, I am very grateful to Xu Hai. At such a young age, he can stay in the face of such a big temptation. Even for his own reasons, it is still worthy of our Imperial Capital Budo University to treat him as a treasure. .”

“In fact, what surprised me the most was that a student of his science department would actually spend so much money in the Chakra retreat every day and night. Originally, I thought he would go for a chic after taking the money. Living the life of a rich man, I didn’t expect that the money would have been spent a million with you.”

“In a while, the third dungeon experience will begin. This time I don’t plan to go the usual route. I plan to find a better dungeon for Xu Hai to let him in.”

The old man glanced at the principal and said leisurely: “You don’t want to kill anyone.”

The principal flipped through Byakugan: “If you are worried, go and serve him as an escort, so you can save yourself from relying on me when you have trouble.”

The old man chuckled and continued to play the game.

The principal smiled slightly. This Li Changsheng looked absent-minded, but his erratic eyes had already betrayed him. Obviously, he had listened to what he had just said.

On the other side, Xu Hai, who had just walked out of the Chakra retreat room for a short time, ran directly to the office.

He wanted to find a teacher in the scientific research department, and then develop more useful skills to increase his actual combat ability.

While walking on the road, he clearly felt something different.

The students nearby seemed to recognize him.

No, it’s not just recognizing it. After seeing him, many people stopped, staring at Xu Hai, and pointed.

“Is this the Xu Hai in the legend? I heard that this guy’s combat power index test has seven hundred points, my goodness, he can just graduate.”

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