Chapter 47

The old man laughed without saying a word, pointed in the opposite direction Xu Hai was going to go out, and then walked over. Xu Hai scratched his head and hesitated, then followed the old man to go forward.

After a while, the two people came to a small closed room.

When he entered the room, Xu Hai was dumbfounded. There was a combat power index tester in this room.

“Boy, old man, if I guess right, did you have a small problem with the instrument when you tested the combat power index?”

Hearing what the old man said, Xu Hai’s face changed instantly

“Yes, I feel that there is a problem with the combat power index tester, because my combat power index does not increase slowly, but directly reaches a certain value.”

“Well, actually there is something wrong with the combat power index tester, because I am doing something in it.”


Xu Hai was stunned for a moment, and did not respond to what the old man said.

The old man smiled happily and said, “I didn’t do anything foul, just took down a few chips and screwed a few screws.

It does not have much impact on the accuracy of the combat power index test. Even if there is an impact, it will not fluctuate more than ten points, of course, you are an exception. ”

He pointed to Xu Hai and said: “The chips I removed were actually test chips with a combat power index above 500 points. In other words, after I made some modifications, the The force index tester can accurately test only those below the master level, and it will be difficult to test further up.”

After speaking, the old man pointed to the combat power index tester in front of Xu Hai’s eyes and said: “Of course, I didn’t move any hands or feet with this one, and its test limit can reach tens of thousands of points, you kid. Go in and give it a try, let me see how much your real combat power index is.”

Although I don’t know why this old man wanted to use the combat power index tester, Xu Hai did not refuse his invitation, and he did not hesitate to stand on the combat power index tester.

In fact, it was in the square before. He didn’t report the problem to the teacher immediately after discovering the problem, and he also had his own concerns.

The first thing to bear is to not want to be overly concerned by too many people. After all, his current strength is too weak. If there are two or five in humans, he is too talented, and he is afraid that he will grow up in advance and want to be when he is still a newcomer. If you do something to him, then he really has nothing to say.

Second, and more importantly, he hopes to be able to hide some of his combat power index. If he encounters Zhou Hua’s sneak attack on him in the illusion dungeon before, he will be more comfortable.

Thinking of this, Xu Hai walked directly into the combat power index tester.

He took a deep breath and opened his Sharingan directly.

In an instant, the Sharingan of Lianggouyu burst out with tremendous power, and the numbers on the combat power index tester began to continuously jump from zero to the top.

The beating number soon exceeded five hundred, followed by six hundred seven hundred eight hundred.

When it exceeds nine hundred, the speed begins to slow down, until nine hundred and ninety-nine. The numbers stopped completely.

“Okay, good fellow.”

The uncle behind him looked at the number nine hundred and ninety-nine, and his eyes almost fell out.

He originally thought that although he had moved his hands and feet, Xu Hai’s combat power index should not exceed 800. He just wanted to measure the exact value.

But did not expect. Xu Hai’s combat power index actually directly reached nine hundred and ninety-nine.

You know, one thousand points means that you have entered the transcendent level, so there is a big gap between the number of nine hundred and ninety-nine and nine hundred and ninety-eight.

Nine hundred and ninety-nine represents that Xu Hai is only one opportunity away from the great realm of Transcendent, which is completely different from the martial artist.

The combat power index of this number, no matter who is in the eyes, will not simply put it from more than 900 points to a rank.

“It’s too pervert.”

He can almost guess that Xu Hai will be able to enter the extraordinary level before the end of this semester.

“Hey, you can enter a transcendent level student in the freshman year, so when he reaches the senior year, he won’t go straight to the general level.”

“Your kid is really a surprise to me. If you let the outside helpers know that you have already come to the realm of transcendence, you will probably go crazy right away.”

“It’s just good luck, uncle, my main thing is luck.”

Seeing that the old man was about to eat his expression, Xu Hai smiled awkwardly, but he was still a little dissatisfied in his heart.

“I thought it would be possible to measure more than a thousand points by re-testing the combat power index. It seems that Sharingan of the two-gou jade still has no way to match the extraordinary level, only to evolve to the three-gou jade.”

“If the Sharingan of Sangou Jade is an extraordinary level, then does Mangekyō Sharingan represent the general level? Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan is probably a half-step marshal.

Further up…

Going up may be to evolve to the level of Sasuke.

For me now, it’s still a bit far away, so I don’t have to think too much. ”

“However, this combat power index test does not seem to be so accurate.”

As we all know, the method of combat power index testing is to do its best to attack the tester, and then perform comprehensive calculations based on the characteristics of various inheritance in the big data.

But there is a problem with this model, that is, when faced with some relatively rare inheritance, most of the time, only simple judgments can be made.

The inheritance of Raikage, like Zhou Hua’s, is better. It was originally pure power, but Xu Hai’s Sharingan is actually very diverse in the use of power.

Among the functions of Sharingan, using Sharingan as a medium for mental shock is actually the lowest level method.

Similar to imitation, see through, and then to the more advanced Amaterasu Tsukuyomi, or the more advanced Susanoo, these are all advanced applications of pupil surgery, far more powerful than the current test methods.

So Xu Hai is confident that even if his combat power test is only nine hundred and ninety-nine points, but in actual combat, he will not fall behind even at the extraordinary level.

“Comfortable, today’s harvest is indeed good.”

Xu Hai stretched his waist and went out of the room where the strength index was tested.

“Xu Hai, wait a minute.”

“Huh? Uncle, do you have anything else to do?”

Xu Hai looked at the old man, a little curious

“What are you going to do?”

“Eating, I’ve been practicing for a day, and I’m starving to death.”


The old man then realized that Xu Hai stayed in the Chakra retreat for a long time before coming out.

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