Chapter 42

“Of course, there is one thing to say. I want to tell you that the school has the advantage of the school, but after all, the troops fight on the front line all the year round, so their experience in combat is much better than that of the school.

You can indeed get better training resources and expert guidance there. In this respect, entering the army will even have more benefits than you can get in the combat system. ”

After listening to the principal’s endless talk about the advantages and disadvantages of both sides, Xu Hai said without hesitation: “Principal, rest assured, I never planned to join the military. I have already followed them.”

Not to mention that the president of the Imperial Capital Budo University came to keep him personally, even if there is no one to keep him, he does not intend to leave the school.

Only in the school can he find all kinds of information and have more opportunities to contact these hidden inheritances that have not been unearthed by human beings.

Although there are more opportunities to enter the dungeon on the side of the troops, they are still performing tasks more often.

And Xu Hai knows that most of the battles the military participates in are cleaning up the periphery of the dungeon, and the time to be able to contact the inheritance will be less.

The most important thing is that the military’s order is to obey the vocation. If he chooses some unpopular but actually extremely powerful inheritance in the dungeon, he is likely to be forced to change by some military leaders.

At that time, I can’t tell if I really suffer.

But the school is different. As long as he is willing, even if he chooses a few recognized junk inheritances, out of the promise to him, the principals will pinch their noses and recognize them.

Hearing Xu Hai say this, the Kakuzu of these school leaders almost reached their eyebrows.

At the moment, a leader stood up and said to him: “Xu Hai, don’t worry, our scientific research department will definitely not be less than yours in terms of resources. The military can give you what the scientific research department can give you. Not a lot at all.”

“And we all know that you accepted the Konoha Village inheritance. Originally we thought it was a less powerful inheritance, but it seems that you got a hidden inheritance by mistake.

If you want, these teachers in the scientific research department can work with you to study the inheritance you have obtained, and find ways to develop it to the perfect point. If you can develop it, not only for you, but for us and the entire human race, then It’s all a great accomplishment. ”

If the inheritance of Konoha Village is really so powerful, then in the future, the Department of Scientific Research will have a very important research topic, which may subvert the human perception of the ninja village copy.

“Xu Hai, wait a minute, don’t go to the retreat room, because we organized a freshman assessment.

Once you train in the retreat room to be more selfless and ignore the assessment of the freshman this time, it is really a pity.

This time the freshman assessment is not just a simple assessment, but also some explanations about different dimensions and some basic combat knowledge. It is good for you to listen to it. ”

Xu Hai was a little curious when he heard this.

Most of the territories in this world have actually been occupied by alien beasts from different dimensions. Most people don’t know what the world looks like on the other side of the dimensional crack.

Even though the Dimensional War has started for so many years, due to resource issues, if a person of Xu Hai’s age does not have the opportunity to be admitted to Budo University, there is a high probability that he will be an ordinary person in his lifetime.

And these ordinary people, for the truth of the world, I am afraid it is difficult to have any chance to dig out.

Strictly speaking, before entering the Imperial Capital Martial Arts University, Xu Hai had the same fate as them.

Therefore, he is really looking forward to all kinds of knowledge about different dimensions.

And while they were discussing this matter, in the square not far away, many students were also walking and discussing the matter of this gathering.

“Didn’t we just finished the experience in the illusion copy? Isn’t this time to come here for a summary meeting?”

“No, no, no, I already asked my boyfriend. This time I came here to test the strength of the new student. The summary of the illusion copy is just an incidental.”

“A strength test for freshmen? What does this mean? Haven’t we already had a test?”

“The previous test can be regarded as an entrance test, but this test is actually to see how far you are from before you enrolled. It is commonly known to see how big your potential and talent are.”

“It is said that if the strength is growing rapidly or the performance is very good, then it is very likely to be elected to the student committee.”

This student committee can be regarded as a very organized organization among students. They do not directly accept the management of the school, but they will receive a lot of funding from the school.

The members of the student council are all outstanding students in the school.

“I heard that after this time the combat power index test, the higher-ranking students will be selected as candidates for the National Freshman Competition.”

“The National Freshman Competition, what is that?”

“You don’t know the name when you look at it. This is a competition where freshmen compare their strengths with each other. Of course, the contestants are all elites from major universities.

Don’t underestimate this competition. The higher the ranking freshmen get in this competition, the more resources the school can get. It looks like a competition, but it’s actually a test of how the newest student source of a school is.”

On the square, more and more students gather, and the discussion is getting louder.

“You said, who will get the first place in this test?”

“I think it should be the Xu Hai who won the first place with a strong score in the fantasy dungeon.”

“Although he is really a bit heaven-defying this time, I am not optimistic about him. I have heard some people say that he is only outstanding in terms of mental power. Outstanding mental power does not mean that he will become better in actual combat. Strong.”

“Yes, I think so too. After all, what he fits is just a heritage of Konoha Village. There should still be a certain gap compared with the top students of the combat system. Of course, even if there is a gap, I feel that the gap will not be too big. .”

“Actually, I feel a pity. Didn’t he have the second chance to choose inheritance? The leader of the unit made an exception for him, but he didn’t go to the talent test again, so he signed a Konoha Village. inherited.”

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