Chapter 40 Training Methods

As soon as this sentence was said, the faces of several teachers present blushed.

They knew the attitude of some students in the combat department towards Xu Hai, but these were all trivialities in their eyes, and they didn’t stop it.

When the principal saw Sun Qiang’s words, after thinking about it, he said, “Sun Qiang’s words are reasonable. So, since you put it forward, then you can work hard, and temporarily do it for the scientific research department. What do you think of the combat course?”

“Yes! Principal, I will definitely not disappoint your expectations.”

Just after they had just finished talking about this, the principal’s secretary who had been waiting outside the door suddenly walked in and whispered a few words to the principal.

After speaking, the face of the originally very happy principal suddenly became a little weird. When Sun Qiang on the side saw this scene, he asked a little curiously: “Principal, is this what happened?”

The principal nodded and said, “That’s it, because the record set by Xu Hai is too heaven-defying, and many military personnel are beginning to pay attention to Xu Hai.”

“Didn’t it mean that Xu Hai has already rejected the request for joint training of troops and other forces in the illusion instance? How come they will come back?”

“It doesn’t seem to be the same this time, because this time, it was Xu Haodong who came here, and it is said that he came with the intention of General Sun Jiancheng.”

“Is Xu Haodong come here in person?”

Sun Qiang’s eyes narrowed. Both he and Xu Haodong are considered to be the top powerhouses among the younger generation, and they naturally overlap.

Hearing that Xu Haodong was willing to come and meet Xu Hai in person, he couldn’t help but feel a little shocked in his heart.

Thinking of this, the principal hesitated slightly, and then said: “Next, I will issue a notice that all the benefits of Xu Hai will be doubled directly, and his tuition and living expenses will be fully responsible by the school.

In addition, all kinds of databases that require only three or four seniors to gain access are also fully open to Xu Hai. As long as Xu Hai is willing to stay, whatever conditions are within our capabilities. He drives. ”

While the leaders of these schools were still discussing how to keep Xu Hai, our hero Xu Hai was caught in a dilemma.

“Xu Hai, I heard that you actually entered the valley map and killed some intelligent zombies. Is this true?”

“Xu Hai, are these intelligent zombies really as strong as our teacher as they said?”

“If you can really solve so many wise zombies, does it mean that your strength can already be compared with those of our teachers?”

The people around were all chatting and talking various things, and Xu Hai saw this scene and said with some headaches: “Uh, can you give it all? I actually suffered a lot in the fantasy world. Mental trauma, I don’t feel very well now. If I have something to do, I’ll talk to you after I’ve rested, okay?”

He is actually a little indifferent to these things, even a little disgusted.

After all, many of the classmates have ridiculed themselves in the past.

After entering the Ninja Village dungeon, the people who have really treated him well all the time are just the classmates of the scientific research department.

After finally getting rid of the surrounding of these students, Xu Hai finally breathed a deep sigh of relief, but instead of going back to rest, he went directly to the retreat room.

He said that he was traumatized is actually just an excuse. In fact, Xu Hai is now much better than before.

The retreat room seemed a little different from usual. At the door, the guardian did not play games on the chair.

Xu Hai was a little puzzled, but he didn’t find a trace of the uncle after looking around.

In desperation, he could only use his campus card to open the door of the closed room.

After training for a while, he murmured to himself: “Unexpectedly, after coming out of the illusion instance, the previous training would not work for me. It seems that I need to prepare a new training plan.”

At this moment, he was shocked by the growing spiritual power on his wristband.

I originally thought that it would be great to grow to seventy o’clock, but I didn’t expect that within a few hours after I came back, my mental strength would automatically grow to nearly ninety o’clock.

But this increase has nothing to do with the training he did, because here, the training he does is basically physical training, and even if these trainings are done with a very large amount of training, his body The quality has only increased by two points.

Even, under Sharingan’s powerful regulation function, he didn’t even feel tired.

“It seems that those ordinary training really doesn’t make sense anymore.”

“I don’t know if I am qualified to go to that Chakra retreat after I got such a high score this time. It would be great if I could get in.”

In fact, he considered the Chakra retreat at the beginning, but he was helpless with the opening conditions of the retreat and the high cost. At that time, he still chose to give up.

But now, after getting a score close to thirty times the second place, Xu Hai once again started the idea of ​​the Chakra retreat.

If this score is converted into a bonus, at least several million, even if the school is more generous, tens of millions is not impossible.

With this funding, he should be able to train in the Chakra retreat room for a short period of time.

“No, I have to go to the school leader to convert the scores of this illusion copy into rewards, and see if they can let them take me into the Chakra retreat room.”

Thinking of this, he first took a shower in the shower room of the retreat, and then walked out of the retreat.

As soon as he walked out of the closed room, a familiar voice came from his ear:

“Xu Hai, why are you here?”

Xu Hai looked intently, and it turned out to be Hao Rong.

“Xu Hai, I have just planned to apply to the teacher of the combat department to enter the scientific research department. I think I can help you by your side in the future.”

“Um, I was in the dungeon of the fantasy world before. Don’t worry about the things we two had before we parted. I’m also feeling up a little bit.”

“Then you train first, I’m leaving first.”

After speaking, Hao Rong ran away quickly without waiting for Xu Hai to reply.

And Xu Hai showed a strange look on his face. Obviously, those words of Hao Rong reminded him of the ambiguous behavior between the two people in the rainforest map.

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