Chapter 35

And at the moment when everyone came back to their senses, suddenly, another figure slowly walked out in the tunnel of the dungeon.

It’s Xu Hai.

In an instant, the big square, which had started to recover a bit of anger, fell into silence again.

At the same time, in an office building of the illusion copy, a quasi-marshal master who had been sleeping in the illusion copy for a whole day was anxiously flying inside.

As soon as he entered the office building, he used a special method to expand and said to everyone: “All warriors above the general level, come to the topmost conference room immediately. I have important things to tell you.”

After speaking, he immediately came to the conference room.

In less than a minute, the meeting room was full of martial arts experts from the military.

At the front of the conference room, Sun Jiancheng thoughtfully looked at the young man who had summoned everyone here. By his side, it was the man with the Chinese character face who had always paid close attention to Xu Hai.

“Xu Haodong, why are you so anxious to call us all over? Did you find any emergency in the dungeon?”

“In this freshman experience, there is a student who should be the first student, do you know?”

Everyone at the scene nodded. As the leaders of the military, they naturally knew that Xu Hai won the first place with a big score.

“We all know about this student, and his information and his files have been taken by the military. We are planning to focus on, Haodong, this is not what you want to say. ”

Xu Haodong shook his head heavily, looked at everyone present, and slowly said, “He has gone to the golden map.”


Sun Jiancheng stood up on the spot, his eyes widening.

The other military masters present also fell into silence.

After a long time, someone said, “Xu Haodong, can you be responsible for what you said?”

Xu Haodong nodded and said, “I watched him enter the portal of the golden map with my own eyes.”

He did not organize people to rescue Xu Hai, because in the illusion copy, unless rescued from the inside, there is no way to forcibly wake up the students outside.

If you wake up forcibly, the best result is dementia, and if the situation is a little bit close, it may directly lead to brain death.

And when everyone was silent, Xu Haodong said another sentence, which completely detonated everyone’s nerves.

“I just got news that the student has come out.”


These military bosses were busy with the maintenance of the copy, so they didn’t get the news right away, and after knowing that Xu Hai entered the golden map and came out safe and sound, they all fell into a deep and unbelievable state.

“Apart from you, who else knows about this.”

Xu Haodong said: “In addition to me, there are some medical staff who are in charge of physical examinations.”

“When I woke up, I asked them to observe Xu Hai’s physical state carefully, and if necessary, to interrupt Xu Hai’s sleep forcibly. Apart from them, no one else knew that Xu Hai had entered the golden map.”

Sun Jiancheng nodded, and then said very solemnly: “This matter will be included in the confidential files. You will remember to sign a confidentiality agreement later, and all the staff will come over to sign the confidentiality agreement. Let this matter flow into the student community.”

Everyone present immediately shouted: “Yes!”

After speaking, Sun Jiancheng left the meeting room with a man with a Chinese character face.

The remaining military masters also looked at each other at this moment.

“It’s not that after losing control of the golden map, even a marshal-level master might not be able to get out, why is such a freshman able to get out?”

“Could it be that the existence inside didn’t find him.”

“Impossible. Judging from the information returned by the previous comrades who risked their lives, if you want to go out, you must pass through the palace that exists inside.”

“Then this matter is a bit interesting. Could it be that the existence fancy something special about this student, so he didn’t act on him?”

Outside the copy, Xu Hai walked out the door, and in his mind, everything he saw in the previous palace was still flashing.

“What the hell is in that palace? Why does that horrible existence open up to me? That kind of aura is really scary. If it weren’t for him inexplicably didn’t do anything to me, then I would really hang on this time.”

“Based on what I have experienced before, it is inferred that the reason why those people entered the golden map and couldn’t come back, should be because the exit was occupied by that powerful existence, but why did he let me come back?”

In the center of the square. When all the teachers and students watched Xu Hai, they were boiling, especially those students in the science department. When they saw Xu Hai coming out, tears of excitement would shed.

“My goodness, Xu Hai, I heard that you ran into the valley, how did you do it?”

“Xu Hai, do you know? Your score is more than twenty times higher than the second place. Since the appearance of the fantasy copy, no one can achieve such a high score.”

“Are you really the inheritance of Konoha that you accepted? It’s not the hidden inheritance of a copy of Ninja Village.”

Looking at the boiling teachers and students in front of him, a daze flashed across Xu Hai’s face.

“Why are there so many people here?”

Seeing Xu Hai’s face, the people present were also stunned.

Among the crowd, Zhou Hua, who had a gloomy face and was able to drip water, suddenly smiled when he saw Xu Hai’s appearance, and then said in a strange way: “Oh, Xu Hai, did you feel any stimulation in the illusion? Became stupid.”

“Didn’t you say that before, don’t run to the map behind you without the ability, you see, make yourself a juvenile dementia.”

The people nearby looked at Zhou Hua who was almost crazy. Although they didn’t speak, they all showed a look of contempt.

If it really hurts his head because of the pressure of the valley map, how could Xu Hai kill so many intelligent zombies in such a short period of time?

However, Zhou Hua ignored these eyes cast at him and continued the yin and yang strange air said: “Waste is waste. I have been doing sensationalism all day long, and I have been punished now. It deserves it.”

Without waiting for Zhou Hua to continue speaking, a burst of energy erupted from not far away, and suddenly,

Everyone present felt a burst of unprecedented pressure.

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