Chapter 28

Behind the crowd, the teacher with a small screen in his hand smiled extremely strangely.

“Xu Hai from the Department of Scientific Research, is this intranet mistaken? Didn’t that person accept the Konoha inheritance? It’s impossible…”

“What is impossible, our Department of Scientific Research is best at creating miracles.”

Beside the teacher, Sun Qiang, who had already caught a glimpse of the contents, had a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Originally, Xu Hai refused the Guozilian man to apply for the second talent test and General Sun Jiancheng’s invitation. He knew that this kid was extraordinary, but he did not expect that this kid could achieve this level.

Five or six times the performance of second place, and the gap in this level is still widening.

Reminiscent of the sudden appearance of a high-level military officer who controlled the illusion before, Sun Qiang is almost certain that this kid definitely did something extraordinary in the illusion.

“If this goes on, it shouldn’t be an accident. The Department of Scientific Research should be firmly ranked first. This kid really surprised me a bit.”


on the square.

“Students in the combat department have always been our pillars, including now, most of the students have come out, but the combat department is still insisting.

I hope you can learn from them. Of course, you have done a good job. It is beyond my expectation that you can persist until now, but it is still far behind the combat students…”

A teacher is preaching to the students in the other departments below, and in front of him, the faces of those students have become more and more strange.

The teacher also realized this. He looked at the student with a weird face and wondered: “What’s the matter, what’s the problem with what I said?”

The students nodded together, and then pointed behind the teacher. One of the students said, “Teacher, would you like to look back again?”


The teacher couldn’t help but report a foul language, and his face flushed directly.

Behind him is no one else, but the group of combat students who have just been eliminated.

“Uh… classmates, how about we withdraw…”

The teacher was full of embarrassment, and not far away, a group of teachers ran over in shock, and shouted as they ran: “Go and see who else hasn’t been eliminated!”

Desert map.

Hao Rong stood not far from the battlefield, holding a small screen in his hand.

Although she left the battlefield, as a tech player, she still left some monitoring equipment to see if Xu Hai and the others escaped.

Because of the rush of time, the surveillance only captured the scenes of Xu Hai fighting, and did not take into account his classmates. However, Hao Rong didn’t care very much. She still knew how many jins of her classmates were. She hadn’t shown up in such a long time. , 80% of them received a box lunch.

And not far from her, a bloody figure was slowly walking towards Hao Rong.

It’s Xu Hai.

“You escaped!”

Even if he knew that Xu Hai killed all the zombies, Hao Rong still pretended not to know anything.

“Well, get rid of that group of monsters, there is no need to worry about it.”

Hao Rong pretended to be surprised: “Ah, that’s great, but Xu Hai, what about our classmates?”

Xu Hai shook his head: “There is no time to save them.”

Hao Rong said, she didn’t care about it anyway.

However, in his heart, Hao Rong was still slowly shocked.

Xu Hai was too pervert. Those monsters killed his fellow students in the combat department, but he was killed by himself?

Even if Konoha inheritance really has a secret, it’s not so powerful, right?

Originally, she was thinking about giving Xu Hai a support. It seemed that people didn’t need herself here at all, so if she could not buff him next to him, it would disturb Xu Hai.

“Can you come with me?”

Although, she still asked this sentence.

Xu Hai was a little surprised. Although it was said that the students of the combat department weren’t killed by himself, he should be investigated carefully. At least Xu Hai killed Zhou Hua by himself. Hao Rong’s companion was actually willing to come with him after being messed up by him. He didn’t expect it.

“Actually, I don’t really recommend you to be with me.”

Hao Rong heard the words and said immediately: “I will not be dragged down. Although my current combat level is not very high compared to the auxiliary skills, I can still rank in the top few in the combat system.

As for my level of support, what you see is very rare. ”

This sentence is still reasonable. In the area of ​​support, Hao Rong, who has almost taken Orochimaru’s technological route, is one of the best among his peers.

Hearing this, Xu Hai recalled Hao Rong’s previous performances and the snake he trampled to death. After thinking about it slightly, he said, “You really want to be with me, it’s not impossible, but you have to think about it. Well, after all, the place I am going is not limited to this.”

Hao Rong blinked his big eyes and asked curiously: “Are you going to the third map?”

“No, I’m going to the fourth map.”


Is this guy crazy?

The fourth map, the valley map, is a place that only a few masters of the senior three and four dare to dabble, Xu Hai is a freshman, where can the confidence go there?

A desert map almost completely wiped out the combat element, Hao Rong really couldn’t imagine what would exist in the valley map.

However, the thighs are right in front of you, and there is no reason to ignore it.

“Then, then I will go and have a look with you first. I don’t mean anything here anyway. If it doesn’t work, I will just find a place to hide and increase my mental strength.”

Xu Hai nodded. Anyway, Hao Rong just don’t make trouble for himself. The rest is not very so-called.


The top of the abandoned building on the desert map.

“Not bad, young man, I can find it here.”

Looking at the thousands of zombies below, the black-robed man grinned at Xu Hai and Hao Rong.

The original desert map portal was actually not here, but when the gatekeeper was changing his shift, he received an instruction to change the place, so he chose this place again.

Originally, he was still thinking that no one should be able to find the portal after it moved to the zombie center, but he never expected that this man and woman would be so sturdy and brutally killed in so many zombies. .

Of course, appreciation belongs to appreciation, he still hasn’t forgotten his job.

“I am the gatekeeper on this level. Are you planning to go to the rainforest map now?”

Xu Hai nodded.

“Tell you in advance that the zombies in the rainforest are much stronger than the desert map, and the pressure is completely different from here, of course…”

He took a deep look at Xu Hai and said, “It shouldn’t be a big problem if you can come here and want to pass the rainforest map.”

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