Chapter 216

“After all, the people in the combat department also know what they are. If we casually send money to the scientific research department, they will definitely have a lot of criticism, and the school needs a combat department to help. We suppressed a lot, but now with Xu Hai, this kind of problem will never happen again.”

And behind them, Li Changsheng followed them silently, showing no signs of concern about these things.

As for Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue, how did they react after hearing these words.

At this moment, the two of them are still immersed in the honor of winning the championship.

“Xu Hai, you finally came out.”

It wasn’t until Xu Hai walked up to Hao Rong that she found Xu Hai approaching.

And just as they were about to speak, a voice suddenly rang not far away.

“Hao Rong.”

A female voice appeared next to Hao Rong. After hearing this voice, Hao Rong’s entire face changed. She looked for her reputation and found a very familiar figure appeared beside her.

“Mom, why are you here?”

Yes, it was Hao Rong’s mother who appeared in front of everyone.

After seeing Hao Rong’s mother appear, Hao Rong’s face was obviously a little unsightly.

After all, before they came out, she and her mother were a little unhappy about Xu Hai’s affairs, but at this moment, Hao Rong’s mother’s expression was unexpectedly surprised.

“Unexpectedly, Hao Rong, this time your results were so good that you won the overall championship of the National Freshman Budo Contest. You are really the pride of our family.”

In fact, she didn’t really come here to congratulate Hao Rong. The real reason she wanted to come was originally because she wanted to meet Xu Hai, and then told Xu Hai that Hao Rong was a woman he couldn’t afford.

But after coming here, she found that the situation seemed to have changed a little.

She wanted to come to see Xu Hai before the start of the National Freshman Budo Contest, but when she came in, she suddenly discovered that Xu Hai had somehow become the biggest favorite in the National Freshman Budo Contest, which made her suddenly overturned Xu Hai’s impression.

And when she saw Xu Hai defeating the students of Imperial College and Xuanwu University in the finals of the National Freshman Contest, Hao Rong’s mother suddenly realized what a wrong decision she had made before.

This Xu Hai is much better than she imagined.

Ever since, when the game was over and everyone was surrounded, Hao Rong’s mother also walked up.

However, this time her style of painting has also changed. She did not think of admonishing Xu Hai to stay away from her daughter as before. Instead, she wanted to build a bridge with Xu Hai to maintain the relationship between the two sides. .

Of course, what surprised her most was the reaction of the schools to Xu Hai. She herself was an important figure in a family that was not too small, so she naturally knew what each school meant to the human race.

At this moment, so many schools are desperately trying to fight for Xu Hai, and even Li Yunlong and Li Changsheng, who have reached the top marshal level, are standing here as Xu Hai platform. This clearly shows how high the value of Xu Hai is.

It’s the first time that Hao Rong’s mother has seen Hao Rong’s mother after living for so many years, to be honest.

“Hao Rong, everyone in our family has heard that your grades are all at home waiting to give you a celebration banquet.”

She stepped forward to try to hold Hao Rong’s hand, but Hao Rong didn’t really like her, because Hao Rong knew that if it weren’t for winning the National Freshman Budo Contest, her family would never come. .

She nodded coldly, and did not let her mother hold her hand in her hand, but seeing Hao Rong’s coldness, Hao Rong’s mother didn’t care at all.

“Hao Rong, my mother knows that the previous quarrel was her mother’s fault, but you have to believe that my mother will definitely give you appropriate compensation.”

She glanced at Hao Rong again, and then came to Xu Hai’s side, and Hao Rong looked at Xu Hai, and for a while, she didn’t know how to tell Xu Hai about her quarrel with her mother.

As for Hao Rong’s mother, seeing her daughter stay silent again, she didn’t say anything, and directly confronted Xu Hai and said, “Student Xu Hai, hello.”

However, Xu Hai did not pay attention to Hao Rong’s mother. He passed Hao Rong’s mother and walked towards Sun Qiang.

Hao Rong’s mother stood there, her face clear and pale, a little at a loss.

“Teacher, principal.”

“Xu Hai, why don’t you pay attention to Hao Rong’s mother?”

Xu Hai smiled and shook his head without speaking, but Li Yunlong didn’t care about it. He patted Xu Hai on the shoulder and said to him: “Xu Hai, this time you fought such a big deal for our Imperial Capital Martial Arts University. Light, we must give you a good reward.”

“Before, I have discussed with the school leaders of our school. You can use all the various training resources of the Imperial Capital Budo University at will, and it is free. If you want, even if you turn on the Chakra concentration in the Chakra closed room. It doesn’t matter to the highest level.

Even if the driver is not inside, just for the sake of being cool, that is all allowed, and. As long as you report to the school for any spiritual resources you see, the school will buy it for you. As long as we can buy it, then it will be a good deal. ”

His opening gave him the biggest reward that Xu Hai School can give him. It can be said that the current Xu Hai’s treatment at Imperial Capital Budo University is even higher than the treatment received by school leaders, but Xu Hai But still remained silent.

And this abnormal state made Sun Qiang a little puzzled. He didn’t understand why Xu Hai, who had always been a fan of money, suddenly stopped saying a word, but Li Changsheng, who had been watching him, seemed to see what it was, and said to Xu Hai: ” Why did Li Jiangchuan ask you to go out just now?”

After saying this, Li Yunlong, who was still talking about the school’s future plans for Xu Hai’s future, also closed his mouth. He looked at Xu Hai curiously, not knowing what Xu Hai was going to say.

After all, the person who was looking for Xu Hai just now was Li Jiangchuan who was among the best in the semi-sacred class.

Among the practitioners in China, almost no one dares to say that they are stronger than Li Jiangchuan. It is definitely not a trivial thing that a top expert like this came to find Xu Hai in person.

However, Xu Hai did not answer directly. He hesitated and said to Li Yunlong: “Principal, I want to set up a ring in the school and accept the challenge of various experts.”

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