Chapter 214

And Xu Hai, looking at Li Changsheng and Li Yunlong, didn’t know if he should go there for a while, or Li Changsheng patted him on the shoulder and said to Xu Hai: “Don’t worry, that person is Li Jiangchuan, the strongest man in China. One of them will not hurt you if he goes with him. If he really wanted to do anything to you, you would have died ten thousand times.”

After hearing this sentence, Xu Hai was relieved.

Without hesitation, I just kept up with Li Jiangchuan’s pace

“To be honest, for so many years, I haven’t really seen these schools fight for a student without losing their face. Xu Hai, you broke another record invisibly.”

He did not say that the last time this record was created by him, Xu Hai and Li Jiangchuan smiled at each other in the quiet room.

“Senior, didn’t you call me to tell me this?”

A top master like this semi-holy level came to him, logically speaking, it was definitely not for trivial matters.

Suddenly, Xu Hai didn’t know why he was looking for Xu Hai.

Can’t it be for him to transfer to Tedu University, which is the son school of the Ministry of Education, right?

While Li Jiangchuan looked at Xu Hai, but did not say about the topic of transfer, he changed his words: “If I didn’t guess wrong, you should have cracked the seal on Jie Wangquan.”

Xu Hai’s expression changed. He didn’t expect that he had just cracked the seal on a Realm King’s Fist and everyone knew it.

And Li Jiangchuan still smiled and said to him: “Don’t worry, it’s just a small realm king fist. We won’t pursue it. Besides, it’s your own skill to break the seal, and we hope that more students will be able to do it. Cracking the seal took away these skills.”

“But I’m still very curious. The skills above are the seals I personally placed. How can you be able to crack them at such a low level.”

He knows exactly how strong the seal is, let alone an extraordinary Xu Hai, even some marshal-level powerhouses who are not good at seals, it is estimated that it is impossible to untie it in such a short period of time.

He is confident that even if he randomly places a seal, it is enough for a warrior at the pinnacle of the general to spend a long time cracking it.

This Xu Hai’s strength is indeed very strong among freshmen, but it is absolutely impossible to have this kind of capital to break the seal.

After Xu Hai heard this, he fell silent immediately.

For a while, he didn’t know how to tell Li Jiangchuan.

“Relax, I really didn’t come to ask you for this skill, and I want to tell you that you did not succeed in extracting the Realm King Fist.”

“Although you broke the seal at the time, at the moment you left the game, Jie Wang Quan was actually detected by our detection system, but after he detected Jie Wang Quan, I suddenly shut down the system to help. You played a cover, otherwise you think you can take away this skill so easily?”

Hearing this, Xu Hai directly raised his head and looked at the old man in front of him with some surprise. He didn’t expect that the Jie Wangquan he was so proud of breaking the seal had only broken a surface seal.

Thinking of this, he immediately bowed to Li Jiangchuan.

“Thank you, senior, without you, I might have lost a skill that wasted so long to crack.”

He could see that this top powerhouse of unknown origin did not actually have any malicious intent towards him.

“Thank you, you don’t have to. You just need to tell me how you cracked the seal I placed at hand at such a low level.”

“There is a saying, even a general-level warrior, it will take a long time to crack this seal.”

After Xu Hai heard this, he said to Li Jiangchuan: “In fact, it is mainly because of my heritage, which is Sharingan.

After integrating the inheritance of Sharingan, I actually have a lot of restraint on seals. When I saw the seals on the skills, I have been using Sharingan to try to crack these seals.

It is precisely because of this that in these games, I often lie on the ground as a salted fish. Fortunately, I finally cracked the seal on the skill. ”

After hearing this, Li Jiangchuan took a deep look at Xu Hai.

“It’s interesting. Everyone said that the Konoha Village inheritance is rubbish inheritance, but you Xu Hai chose this inheritance arbitrarily.

And, in my memory, there has never been a document that records your Sharingan inheritance, Xu Hai, you really have more secrets than I thought. ”

After talking about this, Li Jiangchuan suddenly changed the subject

“No wonder you can survive in the golden map of the illusion copy.”

After hearing this sentence, Xu Hai’s heart suddenly flashed with thunder, but after thinking that even Xu Haodong could know this information, he was not too surprised by the information that the semi-holy master in front of him knew.

However, it seems that Li Jiangchuan did not further question the matter of the golden map of the illusion copy.

“Actually, I am not looking for you for these things. The purpose of looking for you is for you to do me a favor.”

“Do you a favor?”

Xu Hai was stunned at the time. He didn’t know where he could help Li Jiangchuan.

“The reason for looking for you this time is actually for a copy.

As for this copy, to be honest, even we ourselves are not very clear about the situation inside, so we need to find some people to explore, and after discussion on the candidate list for exploration, we decided to add you to explore together, are you willing? ”

Xu Hai is a little curious.

“A copy that hasn’t been developed, isn’t a copy like this the greatest treasure? Why is there such an idea to let me go.”

He is really curious. Although his strength is indeed at the crushing level among the freshmen, things like exploring dungeons are basically led by the marshal-level powerhouses, compared to the martial artists of that level. , His combat power index is really too low.

Even making up the numbers is not enough.

When Li Jiangchuan faced Xu Hai’s problem, his eyes revealed a hint of appreciation. He coughed and said to Xu Hai: “In fact, the reason is very simple. This copy will reject the strong, but if it exceeds the rank of the marshal, You are not eligible to enter this dungeon, now do you know why?”

“That’s why you came to find me?”

Li Jiangchuan nodded.

“Yes, we will look for all kinds of outstanding geniuses across the country, let them explore this copy, and it is precisely because this copy has not been investigated clearly, so you can find suitable rewards in this copy.”

As he spoke, he took a sip of tea.

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