Chapter 211

However, before Xu Hai could reply to the teacher at Langya Budo University, another figure also came to the podium.

The man directly stood in front of the teacher at Langya Budo University, and then said to Xu Hai: “Hello, Xu Hai, I am from Imperial University. Our campus is not very far away, maybe you have seen it before. And me.

Would you like to come to Teito University? If you want, Teito University will treat you in accordance with the highest standards. We will double all the resources that Teito Budo University can give you. You can even enter the copies that belong to Teito University at will. How about Sample. ”

This sentence directly detonated the entire scene, and no one thought that the Imperial Capital University would actually go up to grab people, and at the same time, another figure actually appeared on the award platform.

“Yeah, a defeated general in Imperial Capital University, how can you be ashamed to come up and invite people to kill Xu Hai of your three students?”

The nearby audience looked at the man in military uniform, and their faces became even more excited.

“People from the First Military Academy! This uniform is a teacher from the First Military Academy. I heard that the Imperial Capital University, the first military academy known as the military, is the most powerful school in the entire country. Imperial Capital University is not an opponent of the First Military Academy.”

“Oh my God, the first military academy is here. Xu Hai really has become a sweet potato. It looks like he should be even more reluctant to go to the Imperial Martial Arts University.”

The first military academy and the military mentioned by Xu Haodong are two different things. After all, there are many military academies in the military, and the military academy where Xu Haodong came from is actually not the top fifth military academy.

Although the Fifth Military Academy is much better than the Imperial Budo University, it really pales in comparison to the First Military Academy.

After the people from these three universities went up, for a while, the teachers from the major schools also gritted their teeth and walked onto the podium, and even the host was squeezed aside by them.

And just when all the teachers were busy setting conditions for them, a roar suddenly sounded under the stage not far away.

“Fuck Laozi.”

“TMD! It’s true that Laozi eats dry rice. Even if the president of Imperial Capital University came over today, Li Yunlong, it is absolutely impossible for him to snatch Xu Hai away!”

Looking at the teachers of the famous schools who were enthusiastically welcoming Xu Hai on the stage, Li Yunlong was really out of anger.

With a wave of his hand, the teachers on the entire podium couldn’t help taking a step back.

The few teachers at the marshal level barely managed to stand on the stage, but those at the general level fell directly to the stage, in a panic.

And those marshal-level teachers looked at Li Yunlong, and said with some discomfort: “Principal Li Yunlong, this is an awards ceremony. Can you not be so rude, and relying on your high cultivation level to bully us juniors?”

“Yes, Principal Li Yunlong, you are not the only warrior at the top of the Marshal. You haven’t seen other principals coming over to bully our juniors like this. Are you so disrespectful of you?”

Li Yunlong was stared with an angry beard blowing.

“Laozi is just for being old and disrespectful, what’s the matter? If you don’t agree, let your family get out and practice with me.”

After this sentence was said, the faces of the handsome teachers were not pretty. The teachers from Imperial Capital University and several other top universities still wanted to refute Li Yunlong, but the scene that appeared next made them Shut his mouth completely.

“I, Li Changsheng, haven’t died yet, why did you come over to grab the jobs of our Imperial Martial Arts University.”

I don’t know when, Li Changsheng suddenly stood in the center of the stage, and the teachers present looked at Li Changsheng, who was full of vicissitudes, and they shut their mouths together.

In the retreat room, the three old men looked at Li Changsheng who was on stage, with a little sorrow on their faces.

“Unexpectedly, Xu Hai has already paid attention to Mr. Li’s coming here in person. If Mr. Li hadn’t suffered that catastrophe at the time, I guess he is already a half-step saint-level master now.”

Wang Hao nodded.

“If Elder Li hadn’t suffered that catastrophe and was promoted to a half-step saint, then this time the Imperial Martial Arts University would not be turned into a second-rate school.

How many opportunities have been lost because of the lack of a half-step saint in the Imperial Martial Arts University. Now people have finally produced a super genius, but these schools are rushing to dig people’s corners. It is me and I can’t bear it.

If I were Li Changsheng, one of these teachers standing on the stage today counts as one. I have to clean up all of them and let them lie in bed for a few months before talking. ”

To be honest, Li Changsheng originally didn’t want to be on stage. After all, according to the rules, these teachers’ invitations to come on stage are indeed reasonable and legal. There is no rule that states that universities do not allow student exchanges or change schools.

And they also have a lot of confidence in Xu Hai.

When he was just a martial artist with a combat power index of dozens of points, Xu Haodong invited him. At that time, Xu Hai showed a deep attachment to the Department of Scientific Research of the Imperial Capital Budo University. This is also true. What makes Li Yunlong and Li Changsheng have confidence in him.

However, just when they were going to let Xu Hai handle it by themselves, there were more and more teachers on this stage, and even in the end, the whole stage was crowded. At this time, Li Yunlong couldn’t help but take the stage. Li Changsheng couldn’t help but come forward.

“Fuck Laozi!”

Li Changsheng stood under the stage, while Li Yunlong walked directly onto the stage and yelled at the marshal-level teachers.

Although those teachers were very upset by Li Yunlong’s reprimand, but seeing Li Changsheng in the audience and Li Yunlong who was already about to burst out fierce and anxious, they could only pinch their noses and walk off the podium.

“Xu Hai.”

He yelled and walked towards Xu Hai. At this time, those people in the audience saw Li Yunlong knocking down the other teachers in one go, and suddenly they began to wonder what Li Yunlong was like. identity

“Oh my God, this teacher who went up feels unusual. The momentum alone is a lot stronger than the other teachers. Could it be the principal of which school?”

“Yeah, you think he also walked directly towards Xu Hai after he went up, and the fierce expression on his face might just force Xu Hai to join their school.”

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