Chapter 22

When he opened his eyes again and regained consciousness, Xu Hai was no longer in the chair before.

He looked around and found that this seemed to be a huge military base.

In my impression, there is no such thing in the map that seems to eat chicken?

In front of him, all kinds of modern equipment were scattered, including various rifle snipers, body armor, helmets, and even a little further away, Xu Hai also saw a small laser cannon.

“Oh my god, a laser cannon that big can’t seem to be carried by one person.”

“There should be a power-type inheritor who can take it away. If you can take this thing, you can really easily wipe out those large alien beasts.”

Xu Hai looked at the people who were discussing the laser cannon, shook his head slightly, and took the laser cannon in this map. He didn’t think it was a very wise decision.

“Hello classmates, welcome to the first floor of the illusion, the island map.

You can take one of the following items and leave, but you can only take one, so I hope you choose carefully.

If you want to enter the next map, you need to find a portal. The portals are not fixed on the map and you need to find them yourself. Good luck. ”

It’s the voice of a man with Guozilian face.

Xu Hai frowned. He didn’t expect that the man with Guozilian had such great authority and could be responsible for things here.

“Look at this knife, I think it’s better than the previous guns.”

“Why choose a knife? Do you want to fight these strange beasts close?”

“Those who carry guns don’t look at how many bullets they can carry. What if they can carry one or two hundred rounds?

These people in the surroundings began to choose their own equipment one after another, and after the selection, they left in groups.

Xu Hai observed that among these people, the most equipped equipment is actually the automatic rifle that can be charged by solar energy.

This thing has battery life, has good lethality, and has low requirements. It is indeed very suitable for use in the map.

In addition, some people chose some special equipment based on their inheritance, such as shields, bows and arrows, and shoes. All kinds of choices are also various Eight Gate.

After everyone was almost gone, Xu Hai closed his eyes, and then silently turned on Sharingan.

The surrounding space was slightly distorted after Sharingan was opened, but it was quickly calmed down. Outside of the copy, a middle-aged man looked at Xu Hai whose eyes had turned blood red under his nose with little interest, and touched it. Touch your chin.

He said to the people around him: “This kid sent me the information. It’s interesting. It seems that it has reached a special inheritance. This pupil technique can actually affect the illusion.”

The man with the Chinese character face next to the man looked at Xu Hai, and he was shocked for a while. He never thought that the expert who had reached the rank of the marshal next to him would be interested in Xu Hai.

What I didn’t expect was that Xu Hai who accepted the Konoha Village inheritance could have an impact on this level of copy.

You know, even a master of his level, facing the illusion copy may not be able to do this.

“It really didn’t take much effort. I didn’t expect this thing to be here.”

Xu Hai walked to a corner of the military base and picked up a red gem from a pile of debris. He had seen it with Sharingan just now. There are very special fluctuations on it. If not unexpected, it should be an illusion gem.


In a special space, with broken walls everywhere, Xu Hai stood in mid-air, looking at the ruins below, with a burst of doubt in his heart.

“No, I’m not, I’m not in the military base in the fantasy world? Why did I suddenly come to this place?”

“Hey, there seems to be a group of alien beasts in front. Could it be said that the alien beasts in the fantasy realm attacked the city?”

“No, this illusion should be a map for eating chickens. How can there be a city? Huh? Why are there some ordinary people running below.”

While Xu Hai was puzzled, the pictures around him began to speed up, followed by the collapse of the human race and the beasts attacking the city, flattening the entire city into ruins.

And in his mind, at the same time, he also remembered whose voice he didn’t know.

“Humans are about to perish, and we are not the opponents of these different dimensions and different beasts at all.”

“Those people thought that they could resist the alien beasts of different dimensions, but they didn’t know that this was just an illusion performed on them by the masters among the alien beasts.”

“This is the real world, have you seen it?”

This kind of voice kept in Xu Hai’s mind, and for a while, he even couldn’t tell if this was the real world.

It wasn’t until he turned on Sharingan that this state was better.

At the same time, the red gem in his hand suddenly turned black, and then a message reached his mind.

“This is an illusion. I am in a illusion. Is it because of the illusion gem?”

At this point in mind, all the pictures Xu Hai had seen before began to become blurred and abstract. After a while, he returned to the previous military base.

“It’s terrible, it turns out this is an illusion.”

“Even with Sharingan’s help, I didn’t find out at the first time. I didn’t expect this place to have such a big impact on the human brain.”

Looking at the half-black and half-red fantasy gems in his hand, Xu Hai’s heart also flashed with fear.

Even oneself will encounter this kind of situation, it is estimated that other classmates should be very difficult at the moment.

“It’s all fake, it’s all fake, everything we see is fake.”

There was a scream not far away. Xu Hai walked over to follow the sound and found that several classmates were screaming on the ground, while several others looked at the screaming classmate obviously. Some are anxious.

“What’s wrong with you? Didn’t we just come to the illusion? Why are you yelling suddenly?”

“Didn’t you see? Didn’t you see? Our human civilization has been destroyed by those invaders from other dimensions!”

As he said, he looked at his classmate who looked like a fool in front of him, suddenly took out the pistol in his hand, and fired a shot at his head with a bang.

On the spot, his head became a puddle of mud under the huge power of the pistol.

“My God, why did he commit suicide.”

Even if they knew that this was in a fantasy world, suicide would not have much impact on this person, the classmates were still stunned.

Xu Hai watched this scene and narrowed his eyes slightly.

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