Chapter 206

He did not pay attention to the students from Imperial Capital University and Xuanwu University who were present. In the previous round of confrontation, the outcome was obvious, especially at the moment when these teachers took action, the ending was actually set.

This time, I won.

For him, the outcome is not really important, what really matters is how he should experience the mystery of this skill in this short period of time.

And at the same time, how he should break the seal on the shrinking ground and the world king’s fist, and put this skill in his pocket, this is the most important thing.

If the game is not over after these two skills can be lifted, then Xu Hai has more opportunities to take away other skills.

However, it is a pity that he has already felt the skill of just shrinking into an inch. The seal contained in this is not the same as the seal of the previous skills. It can be said that even the Xu Hai combat power index has really reached the normal state. There is no chance at 15,000 to break the seal on it.

Perhaps, it was said that he could only unlock this skill until he was promoted to the rank of Marshal.

Therefore, at this moment, Xu Hai’s eyes also cast his attention to another high-level skill, which is the Realm King Fist he just used.

This realm king boxing is actually not a top-level skill in the eyes of other people. After all, his increased combat power index is only about 20% to 30%, and he can perform 40%. It shows that this person has a high degree of compatibility with Jiewang Quan.

But Xu Hai is different. Under Sharingan’s increase, he can even exert 100% of the effectiveness of the Realm King Boxing, and with the addition of One Tail Shouhe, the increase can even reach three times.

Moreover, Xu Hai is confident that after his future combat power index breaks through 10,000 points or even more than 100,000 points, the magical effect of this world king boxing will be even more.

After all, the Monkey King of the year could only double and triple the Realm King Boxing at first, but after he has practiced for a period of time, the Realm King Boxing can evolve to ten times or twenty times.

This kind of evolution has not been studied by the current human race, but Xu Hai clearly knows that it exists, but it needs to be explored.

At this moment, he has also lost the idea of ​​going to Xuanwu University and the Imperial Capital University to grab the trophy. There is only a little time left in the game. He must hurry up to crack the seal on the boxing and take away the world king boxing. , This is much more important than grabbing other skills.

“Teachers, can you come and help me protect the law?”

He looked at the teachers present and made this request to them.

After all, at this moment, in fact, all kinds of energies are relatively short for himself. If there is another player at the level of cranes, then Xu Hai may really need to deal with it a little bit hard.

What’s more, the next time he has to concentrate on cracking the skill seal, only Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue will not be able to protect him at all.

The teachers looked at Xu Hai and nodded. Then two teachers with relatively stronger strength came to Xu Hai’s side.

“If the two of us protect the law with you, do you think it’s okay?”

Xu Hai hummed, then closed his eyes and started sitting cross-legged.

In his hands, rays of light continued to merge into the scroll of the Realm King Fist.

At this moment, in the closed room next to the auditorium, the three elderly people sat quietly on their chairs and watched the situation on the screen, and their faces showed very satisfied expressions.

Just now they can be regarded as witnessing the battle between Xu Hai and Imperial College and Xuanwu University. It can be said that this is the result of the whole process of crushing.

Even these veteran marshals who are only one step away from the half-step saint, looking at them, feel that they can’t escape any problems.

To be honest, even if the opponent acquires the skill of shrinking into an inch, Xu Hai’s strength far exceeds them.

“Look, our military is the one who looks at people the most. When Xu Hai was just a warrior, we wanted to win him over. Now even if you want to win over him, it’s a step behind us.”

“This kid is really amazing. He can develop the world king boxing to this level. He even integrated the tattoo of One Tail Shouhe. A genius like this can now reach the general level of combat effectiveness. In time, etc. After he graduated, it is estimated that even if he meets a real marshal-level master, he will be able to fight back and forth with the opponent.”

“Why did I suddenly look forward to it. This kid’s talent is almost unprecedented. When he graduates, will Sun Qiang be no match for him?”

“I think it’s a bit overhanging. This Sun Qiang boy’s combat power index has reached more than 99,900 points, and the threshold for the rank of Marshal is just a step away.

And I have heard of his special inheritance. Once he breaks through to the rank of marshal, even if he only has a combat power index of one hundred thousand points, he should not have a combat power index of more than 150,000. what is the problem.

With this kind of strength and talent, Xu Hai shouldn’t be Sun Qiang’s opponent at all before at least graduating from college. ”

After discussing the strength of Xu Hai for a while, the old man from the Ministry of Education suddenly became straight. He coughed and said to the others: “I think this time we should be able to include Xu Hai as our candidate. It’s on the list, and his strength has been verified. ”

Previously, Xu Hai defeated Wang Xiuwei by himself, and now he easily crushed the two teams from Imperial Capital University and Xuanwu University. These achievements are enough to show that Xu Hai at this moment is definitely an unborn top genius.

The old man from the Administration Department who had not spoken also agreed with their view.

But it’s there. When they were just about to go over to do business, the old man from the Ministry of Education suddenly stood up, and his face was full of incredible expression.

“Isn’t it? This kid actually cracked the seal of Jiewangquan. How did this guy do it? It’s just that ordinary skills were cracked by him. The skill of Jiewangquan may not be so short even at the marshal level. Crack it in time.”

They suddenly raised their heads and stared at Xu Hai, who closed his eyes and meditation on the big screen, and thought of a somewhat unthinkable possibility.

“In other words, he was not resting and recovering just now, but thinking about cracking the seal on the skill. What kind of monster is he? He would actually do this kind of thing.”

In the audience at this time, all kinds of cheering voices had long overshadowed the host’s voice.

In fact, the game has officially ended. Even though it has not entered the finals, the championship is already clear.

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