Chapter 203 Xu Hai Hits Six

However, Xianhe and Zhang San didn’t seem to pick up Xu Hai’s words. Both of them looked at Xu Hai very fiercely and said to him: “While going, don’t get involved in the battle with us, and don’t think about robbing the airdrop here. You are already late, and you are at your own risk if you come in again. Don’t forget, although we have consumed a lot of energy, our teammates are fine.”

He watched Xu Hai and his group beside the airdrop, and his anger immediately filled his chest.

If you can’t get this box, it definitely affects the situation of the game. If Xu Hai gets it, then this championship may really not belong to Imperial University or Xuewu University.

At this moment, Yun Tianhe also looked at Xu Hai very seriously and said, “Xu Hai, if you dare to move the box now, then the six of us will attack you at the same time and advise you to leave here quickly.”

Xu Hai smiled slightly when he heard their threats.

“Scare who, I won’t leave, what can you do to me?”

He put his hand on the box of the airdrop and directly opened the lid of the airdrop.

As soon as the lid was opened, a skill scroll bursting with golden light appeared in everyone’s eyes.

“Wow, this is the legendary skill that shrinks the ground. I heard that this skill is very strong.”

Hao Rong looked at the scroll in the box very curiously. She was actually very yearning for this skill.

Of course, Hao Rong knew that this thing shouldn’t have much to do with her. With her strength, trying to snatch this scroll is basically looking for death.

But with Xu Hai next to her, you can see what the scroll looks like, that’s a pretty good thing.

“Xu Hai, are you crazy, do you want to die!”

When the crane in the air saw Xu Hai not only not following Yun Tianhe’s advice, but also opening the box more vigorously, an expression of anger surged directly.

Soon, in his hand, a huge ball of light condensed out.

Before Hao Rong and the others could react, the ball of light rushed towards Xu Hai.

If you dare to touch his crane’s things, it’s basically looking for death!

And not far from Zhangshan, a huge storm with sand was congealing. For a moment, the storm struck Xu Hai. The two men’s tricks were meant to be released against each other, but At this moment, Xu Hai’s somehow angered them.

Naturally, the two people’s full blows were all concentrated on Xu Hai’s body.

All of a sudden, the sky seemed to become a lot darker, and Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue looked at Xu Hai with some worry, wondering if Xu Hai had any confidence in this skill.

“Just that I thought how powerful your big move is.”

In the face of two attacks, Xu Hai smiled slightly, grabbed the airdrop box and shrunk to an inch, and then continued to condense the Chakra in his body.

At the same time, his whole body was shining with red light.

Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue looked at the red light on Xu Hai’s body a little dazed.

“What kind of skill are you? Why do I feel a little familiar, but I haven’t seen it much?”

And not far away, Yun Tian River looked at the red light on Xu Hai’s body, and his complexion immediately changed.

“Not good! What Xu Hai displays is a skill that can increase the combat power index. You two must be careful.”

However, it was too late. At this moment, after Xu Hai opened the Jie Wangquan, he immediately felt the surging increase of the combat power index in his body.

Three thousand points, four thousand points, five thousand points.

After breaking through the limit of 5,000 points, it continued to rise to 8,000 points.

By this time, Jie Wang Quan had almost reached its limit.

But Xu Hai was not ready to start the fight, because he keenly discovered that when his combat power index reached 8,000 points, the imprisonment on him in the arena had disappeared miraculously.

“Unexpectedly, as long as the combat power index reaches 8,000 points, it can resist the imprisonment of various skills in this arena.”

In fact, Xu Hai still thinks too much.

After all, the formation on this arena is arranged by semi-holy level masters, so even with a combat power index of 8,000 points, there is no way to escape the imprisonment, but in order for these teachers to perform their tasks better, they Only set a threshold of eight thousand points.

With this threshold, there is no need to add any additional restrictions or equipment to these teachers. After all, students with a combat power index of 8,000 points have never had it since ancient times, and they have never thought of having a student union. Raise the combat power index to this level through other means.

“If that’s the case, don’t blame me for being cruel when I shot it.”

Xu Hai’s heart kept stunning, and the tattoo on his hand began to glow slightly because of the handcuffs, and soon he appeared next to him because of Shouhe.

“I feel that after the combat power index reaches 8,000 points, it seems that my control of One Tail Shouhe is easier.”

He looked at One Tail Shouhe and said to One Tail Shouhe: “Now let you blend into my body, can you do it?”

Shou He was a little ignorant, but looking at Xu Hai’s appearance, he still barely understood what Xu Hai meant.

He nodded immediately, and then began to hug Xu Hai’s thigh. Then, Xu Hai’s body was covered with Chakra from One Tail Shouhe.

And at this moment, his combat power index, which stopped increasing at eight thousand points, began to slowly increase again, eight thousand three hundred points, eight thousand five hundred points, eight thousand nine hundred points…

Nine thousand three hundred o’clock… Nine thousand nine hundred o’clock… 10,000 o’clock…

In an instant, the light of the Realm King’s Fist on his body changed from red to gold mixed with red, and Xu Hai, who had gained nearly two or three times the exponential increase in combat power, felt a tremor all over his body at this moment.

“Good guys, would a 10,000-point combat power index actually have such a surging power? That being the case, you two, I’m sorry.”

In the face of these two flying attacks, Xu Hai didn’t even use Raikiri or Atomic Breath, and with a wave of his hand, he directly broke up the tricks from the crane.

As for Zhang San’s sand, with One Tail guarding the crane, how can a Gaara heritage have the opportunity to be a demon?

Just a glance, the sand immediately dissipated on its own.

Suddenly, the flying sand in the air slowly returned to the ground, and the two energy balls shot by the crane had also flown out of nowhere.

At this moment, Yun Tian River not far away looked at this situation, his complexion changed immediately.

“Be careful! We can’t see where the high point is in his combat power index!”

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